"", '1' => "", '2' => "", '3' => "", '4' => "", '5' => "" ]; /** * Default core administration pages * * @var array */ public $admin_page_icons = [ 'C' => "", // Comments 'CP' => "", // Custom page 'IM' => "", // Images 'PM' => "", // private message 'APWR' => "", // Admin Password Reset 'AD' => "", // Administrator 'B' => "", // Blacklist 'M' => "", // Members 'MI' => "", // Migration tool 'SU' => "", // User Submissions 'UF' => "", // User Fields 'UG' => "", // user groups 'UL' => "", // user logs 'SB' => "", // Banners 'BB' => "", // Bbcode 'DB' => "", // database backup 'MAIL' => "", // Email templates 'ERRO' => "", // Error Logs 'I' => "", // Infusions 'P' => "", // Panels 'PL' => "", // Permalink 'PI' => "", // php Info 'ROB' => "", // robots.txt 'SL' => "", // Site Links 'SM' => "", // Smileys 'TS' => "", // Theme 'U' => "", // Upgrade 'LANG' => "", // Language Settings 'S1' => "", // Main Settings 'S2' => "", // Time and Date 'S3' => "", // Theme Settings 'S4' => "", // Registration Settings 'S6' => "", // Miscellaneous Settings 'S7' => "", // PM Settings 'S9' => "", // User Management 'S10' => "", // Items Per Page 'S12' => "", // Security Settings 'FM' => "", // Fusion File Manager ]; /** * @var array */ private $admin_sections = [1 => FALSE, 2 => FALSE, 3 => FALSE, 4 => FALSE, 5 => FALSE]; /** * @var array */ private $admin_page_link = []; /** * Constructor class. No Params */ private $current_page = ''; private $comment_type = []; private $submit_type = []; private $submit_link = []; private $link_type = []; private $submit_data = []; private $folder_permissions = []; public function __construct() { self::$locale = self::getAdminLocale(); } public static function getAdminLocale() { if (empty(self::$locale)) { self::$locale = fusion_get_locale('', LOCALE.LOCALESET.'admin/main.php'); } return self::$locale; } /** * Add instance * * @return static */ public static function getInstance() { if (empty(self::$instance)) { self::$instance = new static(); } return self::$instance; } /** * Cache the Current Field Inputs within Login session. * * @param $form_id * @param $form_type * @param $item_id * @param array $callback_fields * @param int $cache_time * * @return string */ public function requestCache($form_id, $form_type, $item_id, array $callback_fields = [], $cache_time = 30000) { /* add_to_footer(""); add_to_head(""); add_to_jquery(" var input_fields = $('#$form_id').serialize(); $.confirm({ title: 'Restore Editing Session', content: 'There is a draft found for your previous editing session. Do you wish to restore?', buttons: { confirm: function () { $.ajax({ url: '$remote', type: 'post', data: { 'fusion_token': '$token', 'aidlink': '".fusion_get_aidlink()."', 'fields': input_fields, 'form_id' : '$form_id', 'item_id':'$item_id', 'form_type':'$form_type', 'callback':'read_cache' }, dataType: 'json', success: function (e) { if (e.response == 200) { $.each(e.data, function(key, value) { $('#'+key).val( value ); }); setTimeout(function(e) { //$.alert('Your editing session has been restored'); setTimeout( function(e) {UpdateAdminCache() }, $cache_time); }, 100); } }, error: function(e) { } }); }, cancel: function () { //$.alert('Canceled!'); } /*somethingElse: { text: 'Something else', btnClass: 'btn-blue', keys: ['enter', 'shift'], action: function(){ $.alert('Something else?'); } } } }); ");*/ $remote = fusion_get_settings('site_path')."administration/includes/cache_update.php"; $token = fusion_get_token($form_id, 5); add_to_jquery(" function timedCacheRequest(timeout) { setTimeout(UpdateAdminCache, timeout); } function UpdateAdminCache(poll) { var input_fields = $('#$form_id').serialize(); var ttl = '$cache_time'; $.ajax({ url: '$remote', type: 'post', dataType: 'html', data: { 'fusion_token': '$token', 'aidlink': '".fusion_get_aidlink()."', 'fields': input_fields, 'form_id' : '$form_id', 'form_type':'$form_type', 'item_id': '$item_id', 'callback':'set_cache', }, dataType: 'json', success: function (e) { console.log(e); console.log(poll); if (typeof poll === 'undefined') { //console.log('we are starting a long poll now'); timedCacheRequest(ttl); } } }); } // add abort long poll once we change fields. $('#".$form_id." :input').blur(function(e) { UpdateAdminCache(1); }); "); if (!isset($_GET['autosave'])) { // not to pass prefix xhr for security reason. add_to_jquery("setTimeout( function(e) { UpdateAdminCache() }, $cache_time);"); } $html = ""; if (!empty($_SESSION['form_cache'][$form_id][$form_type][$item_id])) { $html .= ""; if (isset($_GET['autosave']) && $_GET['autosave'] == 'view') { $html .= "
\n"; $html .= fusion_get_function('openside', "


"); $session = html_entity_decode($_SESSION['form_cache'][$form_id][$form_type][$item_id]); parse_str($session, $data); unset($data['form_id']); unset($data['fusion_token']); $html .= "
\n"; $fill_js = ""; foreach ($data as $field_name => $value) { if (isset($callback_fields[$field_name])) { $html .= "
\n"; $html .= "
".nl2br(html_entity_decode($value))."".form_hidden('s_'.$field_name, '', $value)."
\n"; $fill_js .= " var c = $('#s_$field_name').val(); $('#".$field_name."').val(c); "; } } $html .= "
\n"; $html .= "
\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "
\n"; $html .= fusion_get_function('closeside'); $html .= "
\n"; add_to_jquery(" $('button[name^=\"fill_session\"]').bind('click', function(e) { $fill_js $('#rev-window').hide(); UpdateAdminCache(); }); $('button[name^=\"cancel_session\"]').bind('click', function(e) { $('#rev-window').hide(); UpdateAdminCache(); }); "); } } return $html; } public function setAdmin() { if (!defined('IN_SETUP')) { self::$admin_pages = $this->getAdminPages(); $this->admin_sections = array_filter(array_merge([ 0 => self::$locale['ac00'], 1 => self::$locale['ac01'], 2 => self::$locale['ac02'], 3 => self::$locale['ac03'], 4 => self::$locale['ac04'], 5 => self::$locale['ac05'], ], $this->admin_sections)); $this->admin_sections = array_values($this->admin_sections); $this->current_page = $this->_currentPage(); } } /** * @return array */ public function getAdminPages() { self::$admin_pages = array_filter(self::$admin_pages); if (empty(self::$admin_pages)) { $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_ADMIN." WHERE admin_language='".LANGUAGE."' ORDER BY admin_page DESC, admin_id ASC, admin_title ASC"); $rows = dbrows($result); if ($rows) { while ($data = dbarray($result)) { if (file_exists(ADMIN.$data['admin_link']) || file_exists(INFUSIONS.$data['admin_link'])) { if (checkrights($data['admin_rights']) && $data['admin_link'] != "reserved") { $data['admin_title'] = preg_replace("/&(?!(#\d+|\w+);)/", "&", $data['admin_title']); self::$admin_pages[$data['admin_page']][] = $data; } } } } } return self::$admin_pages; } /** * Build a return that always synchronize with the DB_ADMIN url. */ public function _currentPage() { $path = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; if (defined('START_PAGE')) { $path_info = pathinfo(START_PAGE); if (stristr(FUSION_REQUEST, '/administration/')) { $path = $path_info['filename'].'.php'; } else { $path = '../'.$path_info['dirname'].'/'.$path_info['filename'].'.php'; } } return $path; } /** * @param $page - 0-5 is core section pages. 6 and above are free to use. * @param $section_title - Section title * @param $icons - Section Icons */ public function addAdminSection($page, $section_title, $icons) { $this->admin_sections[$page] = $section_title; $this->admin_section_icons[$page] = $icons; self::$admin_pages[$page] = []; } public function setAdminBreadcrumbs() { BreadCrumbs::getInstance()->addBreadCrumb([ 'link' => ADMIN.'index.php'.fusion_get_aidlink().'&pagenum=0', 'title' => self::$locale['ac10'] ]); $acTab = (isset($_GET['pagenum']) && isnum($_GET['pagenum'])) ? $_GET['pagenum'] : $this->_isActive(); if ($acTab != 0 && $acTab <= 5) { BreadCrumbs::getInstance()->addBreadCrumb([ 'link' => ADMIN.fusion_get_aidlink()."&pagenum=".$acTab, 'title' => self::$locale['ac0'.$acTab] ]); } } /** * Determine which section is currently active. * * @return int|string */ public function _isActive() { $active_key = 0; self::$admin_pages = $this->getAdminPages(); if (empty($active_key) && !empty(self::$admin_pages)) { foreach (self::$admin_pages as $key => $data) { $link = []; foreach ($data as $arr => $admin_data) { $link[] = $admin_data['admin_link']; } $data_link = array_flip($link); if (isset($data_link[$this->_currentPage()])) { return $key; } } } return '0'; } /** * @return array */ public function getAdminPageIcons() { return $this->admin_page_icons; } /** * @param $rights * @param $icons */ public function setAdminPageIcons($rights, $icons) { $this->admin_page_icons[$rights] = $icons; } public function getLinkType($type = NULL) { return ($type !== NULL ? (isset($this->link_type[$type]) ? $this->link_type[$type] : NULL) : $this->link_type); } /** * @param $type - link prefix * @param $link - link url */ public function setLinkType($type, $link) { $this->link_type[$type] = $link; } /** * Get Submit Type * * @param null $type submit stype prefix * * @return array|mixed|null */ public function getSubmitType($type = NULL) { return ($type !== NULL ? (isset($this->submit_type[$type]) ? $this->submit_type[$type] : NULL) : $this->submit_type); } /** * @param $type - submissions prefix * @param $title - title */ public function setSubmitType($type, $title) { $this->submit_type[$type] = $title; } public function getSubmitData($type = NULL) { return ($type !== NULL ? (isset($this->submit_data[$type]) ? $this->submit_data[$type] : NULL) : $this->submit_data); } /** * @param $type - submissions prefix * @param $options - array(infusion_name, link, submit_link, submit_locale, title,admin_link) */ public function setSubmitData($type, array $options = []) { defined(strtoupper($options['infusion_name']).'_EXIST') ? $this->submit_data[$type] = $options : NULL; } public function getSubmitLink($type = NULL) { return ($type !== NULL ? (isset($this->submit_link[$type]) ? $this->submit_link[$type] : NULL) : $this->submit_link); } /** * @param string $link Admin submission url * @param string $type Submissions stype prefix */ public function setSubmitLink($type, $link) { $this->submit_link[$type] = $link; } public function getCommentType($type = NULL) { return ($type !== NULL ? (isset($this->comment_type[$type]) ? $this->comment_type[$type] : NULL) : $this->comment_type); } /** * @param $type - comment prefix * @param $title - title */ public function setCommentType($type, $title) { $this->comment_type[$type] = $title; } /** * @param $type - infusion_name */ public function getFolderPermissions($type = NULL) { return ($type !== NULL ? (isset($this->folder_permissions[$type]) ? $this->folder_permissions[$type] : NULL) : $this->folder_permissions); } /** * @param $type - infusion_name * @param $options - array(image_folder => TRUE or FALSE) */ public function setFolderPermissions($type, array $options = []) { defined(strtoupper($type).'_EXIST') ? $this->folder_permissions[$type] = $options : NULL; } /** * @return array */ public function getAdminPageLink() { return $this->admin_page_link; } /** * @return mixed */ public function getCurrentPage() { return $this->current_page; } /** * Displays vertical collapsible administration navigation * * @param bool|FALSE $image_icon * * @return string */ public function vertical_admin_nav($image_icon = FALSE) { $aidlink = fusion_get_aidlink(); $admin_sections = self::getAdminSections(); $admin_pages = self::getAdminPages(); add_to_jquery('$("[data-toggle=collapse]").click(function () {$(this).find(".adl-drop i").toggleClass("fa-angle-left fa-angle-down");});'); $html = "\n"; return $html; } /** * @return array */ public function getAdminSections() { return $this->admin_sections; } /** * @param $page_number * * @return string */ public function get_admin_section_icons($page_number) { if (!empty($this->admin_section_icons[$page_number]) && $this->admin_section_icons[$page_number]) { return $this->admin_section_icons[$page_number]; } return FALSE; } /** * Replace admin page icons * * @param $page * @param $icons */ public function setAdminSectionIcons($page, $icons) { if (isset($this->admin_section_icons[$page])) { $this->admin_section_icons[$page] = $icons; } } /** * Get the administration page icons * * @param $admin_rights * * @return bool */ public function get_admin_icons($admin_rights) { // admin rights might not yield an icon & admin_icons override might not have the key. if (isset($this->admin_page_icons[$admin_rights]) && $this->admin_page_icons[$admin_rights]) { return $this->admin_page_icons[$admin_rights]; } return FALSE; } /** * Displays horizontal administration navigation * * @param bool $icon_only * * @return string */ public function horizontal_admin_nav($icon_only = FALSE) { $aidlink = fusion_get_aidlink(); $html = "\n"; return $html; } }