0, 'theme_title' => '', 'sans_serif_fonts' => 'Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif', 'serif_fonts' => 'Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif', 'monospace_fonts' => 'Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, Courier New, monospace', 'base_font' => 0, 'base_font_size' => 14, 'base_font_height' => 1.428571429, 'base_font_color' => '#333333', 'base_font_size_l' => 18, 'base_font_size_s' => 11, //h1 'font_size_h1' => 36, 'font_height_h1' => 1.1, 'font_color_h1' => '#333333', 'font_decoration_h1' => 0, //h2 'font_size_h2' => 30, 'font_height_h2' => 1.1, 'font_color_h2' => '#333333', 'font_decoration_h2' => 0, //h3 'font_size_h3' => 24, 'font_height_h3' => 1.1, 'font_color_h3' => '#333333', 'font_decoration_h3' => 0, // h4 'font_size_h4' => 18, 'font_height_h4' => 1.1, 'font_color_h4' => '#333333', 'font_decoration_h4' => 0, // h5 'font_size_h5' => 14, 'font_height_h5' => 1.1, 'font_color_h5' => '#333333', 'font_decoration_h5' => 0, // h6 'font_size_h6' => 12, 'font_height_h6' => 1.1, 'font_color_h6' => '#333333', 'font_decoration_h6' => 0, // link 'link_color' => '#428bca', 'link_hover_color' => '#428bca', 'link_decoration' => 0, 'link_hover_decoration' => 0, // code 'code_color' => '#c7254e', 'code_bgcolor' => '#f9f2f4', //f9f2f4 // quote 'quote_size' => 14, 'quote_height' => 1.1, 'quote_color' => '#000000', 'quote_decoration' => 5, // components 'container_sm' => 720, 'container_md' => 940, 'container_lg' => 1140, 'btn_fill' => 0, 'btn_border' => 1, // 'btn_radius' => 4, // // colors 'primary_color' => '#428bca', 'warning_color' => '#f0ad4e', 'success_color' => '#5cb85c', 'danger_color' => '#d9534f', 'info_color' => '#5bc0de', // btn-primary 'btn_primary' => '#428bca', 'btn_primary_color' => '#ffffff', 'btn_primary_hover' => '#3276b1', 'btn_primary_color_hover' => '#ffffff', 'btn_primary_active' => '#3276b1', 'btn_primary_color_active' => '#ffffff', // btn-info 'btn_info' => '#5bc0de', 'btn_info_color' => '#ffffff', 'btn_info_hover' => '#39b3d7', 'btn_info_color_hover' => '#ffffff', 'btn_info_active' => '#39b3d7', 'btn_info_color_active' => '#ffffff', // btn-success 'btn_success' => '#5cb85c', 'btn_success_color' => '#ffffff', 'btn_success_hover' => '#47a447', 'btn_success_color_hover' => '#ffffff', 'btn_success_active' => '#47a447', 'btn_success_color_active' => '#ffffff', // btn-warning 'btn_warning' => '#f0ad4e', 'btn_warning_color' => '#ffffff', 'btn_warning_hover' => '#ed9c28', 'btn_warning_color_hover' => '#ffffff', 'btn_warning_active' => '#ed9c28', 'btn_warning_color_active' => '#ffffff', // btn-danger 'btn_danger' => '#d9534f', 'btn_danger_color' => '#ffffff', 'btn_danger_hover' => '#d2322d', 'btn_danger_color_hover' => '#ffffff', 'btn_danger_active' => '#d2322d', 'btn_danger_color_active' => '#ffffff', // global navbars 'navbar_height' => 50, 'navbar_border' => 1, 'navbar_radius' => 4, // navbar 1 'navbar_fill' => 0, 'navbar_bg' => '#f8f8f8', 'navbar_bg_hover' => '#f8f8f8', // need this 'navbar_bg_active' => '#e7e7e7', // need this 'navbar_link_border' => 0, 'navbar_link_radius' => 0, 'navbar_link_border_color' => '#f8f8f8', 'navbar_brand_color' => '#777', 'navbar_font_color' => '#777', 'navbar_brand_decoration' => 0, 'navbar_font_decoration' => 0, 'navbar_link_color' => '#777', 'navbar_link_decoration' => 0, 'navbar_link_color_hover' => '#333', 'navbar_link_decoration_hover' => 0, 'navbar_link_color_active' => '#555', 'navbar_link_decoration_active' => 0, ]; private $less_var = []; private $theme_data = []; public function infuse_theme() { if (!empty($this->theme_data)) { add_to_head("\n"); } else { add_to_head("\n"); } } /** * Theme Overview Page */ public function display_theme_overview() { $locale = fusion_get_locale(); $data = [ "theme_name" => $this->theme_name, "theme_screenshot" => "", "theme_author" => "", "theme_web" => "", "theme_license" => 'AGPL3', "theme_version" => "", "theme_description" => "", ]; $theme_dbfile = '/theme_db.php'; $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_THEME." WHERE theme_name=:theme_name ORDER BY theme_datestamp DESC", [ ':theme_name' => $this->theme_name, ]); if (file_exists(THEMES.$this->theme_name.$theme_dbfile)) { // new 9.00 include THEMES.$this->theme_name.$theme_dbfile; $data = [ 'theme_name' => !empty($theme_title) ? $theme_title : $data['theme_name'], 'theme_screenshot' => isset($theme_screenshot) && file_exists(THEMES.$this->theme_name."/".$theme_screenshot) ? THEMES.$this->theme_name."/".$theme_screenshot : IMAGES.'imagenotfound.jpg', 'theme_author' => !empty($theme_author) ? $theme_author : $data['theme_author'], 'theme_web' => !empty($theme_web) ? $theme_web : $data['theme_web'], 'theme_license' => !empty($theme_license) ? $theme_license : $data['theme_license'], 'theme_version' => !empty($theme_version) ? $theme_version : $data['theme_version'], 'theme_description' => !empty($theme_description) ? $theme_description : $data['theme_description'], 'theme_widgets' => file_exists(THEMES.$this->theme_name.'/widget.php') ? TRUE : FALSE ]; } echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "".$locale['theme_1001']." ".$data['theme_name']."
"; if ($data['theme_description']) { echo "".$locale['theme_1025']." ".$data['theme_description']."
"; } if (isset($data['theme_widgets'])) { echo "".$locale['theme_1027']." ".($data['theme_widgets'] ? $locale['yes'] : $locale['no'])."
"; } echo "
\n"; if ($data['theme_author']) { echo "".$locale['theme_1026']." ".$data['theme_author']."
"; } if ($data['theme_web']) { echo "".$locale['theme_1015'].": Link
"; } if ($data['theme_version']) { echo "".$locale['theme_1014'].": ".$data['theme_version']."
"; } if ($data['theme_license']) { echo "".$locale['theme_1013']." ".$data['theme_license']."
"; } echo "".$locale['theme_1028']." ".dbrows($result)."
"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; if (dbrows($result) > 0) { echo "
\n"; echo openform('preset-form', 'post', FUSION_REQUEST, ['notice' => 0, 'max_tokens' => 1]); while ($preset = dbarray($result)) { // @to fix: set as active, edit, delete options. echo "
\n".thumbnail($data['theme_screenshot'], '150px')."
".trimlink($preset['theme_title'], 30)."
"; echo "
\n"; if ($preset['theme_active'] == 1) { echo form_button('active', $locale['theme_1003'], 'active', [ 'class' => 'btn-sm btn-default active', 'deactivate' => 1 ]); } else { echo form_button('load_preset', $locale['theme_1004'], $preset['theme_id'], [ 'class' => 'btn-sm btn-default', 'icon' => 'fa fa-upload' ]); } // dropdown echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo form_hidden('theme', '', $preset['theme_name']); echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; } echo closeform(); echo "
\n"; } else { echo "
\n"; } } /** * Theme Widget Page */ public function display_theme_widgets() { $locale = fusion_get_locale(); if (Admin::theme_widget_exists($this->theme_name)) { echo "
\n"; require_once THEMES.$this->theme_name."/theme_db.php"; /** * Infuse Widget Action */ if (isset($_POST['infuse_widget']) && fusion_get_settings('theme') == $_POST['infuse_widget'] && !dbcount("(settings_name)", DB_SETTINGS_THEME, "settings_theme='".$this->theme_name."'") ) { if (isset($theme_newtable) && is_array($theme_newtable)) { foreach ($theme_newtable as $item) { $result = dbquery("CREATE TABLE ".$item); if (!$result) { \defender::stop(); } } } // insertion ok if (isset($theme_insertdbrow) && is_array($theme_insertdbrow)) { foreach ($theme_insertdbrow as $item) { $result = dbquery("INSERT INTO ".$item); if (!$result) { \defender::stop(); } } } $widgetData = [ "settings_theme" => $this->theme_name, "settings_name" => $this->theme_name, "settings_value" => 1 ]; dbquery_insert(DB_SETTINGS_THEME, $widgetData, "save"); addNotice('success', sprintf($locale['theme_1019'], ucwords($this->theme_name))); redirect(FUSION_REQUEST); } /** * Defuse Widget Action */ if (isset($_POST['defuse_widget']) && fusion_get_settings('theme') == $_POST['defuse_widget'] && dbcount("(settings_name)", DB_SETTINGS_THEME, "settings_theme='".$this->theme_name."'") ) { if (isset($theme_droptable) && is_array($theme_droptable)) { foreach ($theme_droptable as $item) { $result = dbquery("DROP TABLE ".$item); if (!$result) { \defender::stop(); } } } // row deletion ok if (isset($theme_deldbrow) && is_array($theme_deldbrow)) { foreach ($theme_deldbrow as $item) { $result = dbquery("DELETE FROM ".$item); if (!$result) { \defender::stop(); } } } addNotice('success', sprintf($locale['theme_1019b'], ucwords($this->theme_name))); redirect(FUSION_REQUEST); } if ((isset($theme_newtable) || isset($theme_insertdbrow)) && !dbcount("(settings_name)", DB_SETTINGS_THEME, "settings_theme='".$this->theme_name."'")) { echo openform("widget_infuse", "post", FUSION_REQUEST); echo "
"; echo form_button("infuse_widget", $locale['theme_1016'], $this->theme_name, ["class" => "btn-primary m-t-10"]); echo closeform(); } else { $html = openform("widget_defuse", "post", FUSION_REQUEST, ["class" => "text-right"]); $html .= form_button("defuse_widget", $locale['theme_1017'], $this->theme_name, ["class" => "btn-danger"]); $html .= closeform(); $html .= "
\n"; add_to_jquery(" $('#defuse_widget').bind('click', function(e) { var val = confirm('".$locale['theme_1033']."'); if (val == false) { e.preventDefault(); } }); "); echo $html; echo "\n"; include THEMES.$this->theme_name."/widget.php"; echo "\n"; } echo "
\n"; } else { echo "
\n"; } } /* Write CSS file - get bootstrap, fill in values, add to atom.min.css */ /** * Theme Styler Page * Edit done, save done. Now load. */ public function theme_editor() { $locale = fusion_get_locale(); if (isset($_GET['e_action']) && ($_GET['e_action'] == "edit") && isset($_GET['preset']) && isnum($_GET['preset'])) { $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_THEME." WHERE theme_name='".$this->theme_name."' AND theme_id='".intval($_GET['preset'])."'"); if (dbrows($result) > 0) { $this->data = dbarray($result); if ($this->data['theme_config']) { $this->data += unserialize(stripslashes($this->data['theme_config'])); } } } self::save_theme(); $this->font_decoration_options = [ $locale['theme_5000'], $locale['theme_5001'], $locale['theme_5002'], $locale['theme_5003'], $locale['theme_5004'], $locale['theme_5005'], $locale['theme_5006'], $locale['theme_5007'], ]; $this->fills = [ $locale['theme_5008'], $locale['theme_5009'], $locale['theme_5010'], $locale['theme_5011'], $locale['theme_5012'], ]; $tab_title['title'][] = $locale['theme_2001']; $tab_title['id'][] = 'font'; $tab_title['icon'][] = 'fa fa-text-width m-r-10'; $tab_title['title'][] = $locale['theme_2002']; $tab_title['id'][] = 'grid'; $tab_title['icon'][] = 'fa fa-magic m-r-10'; $tab_title['title'][] = $locale['theme_2003']; $tab_title['id'][] = 'nav'; $tab_title['icon'][] = 'fa fa-navicon m-r-10'; $tab_active = tab_active($tab_title, 0); if ($this->debug) { print_p($_POST); } // how come my multiple preset missing now? echo openform('theme_edit', 'post', FUSION_REQUEST, ["class" => "m-t-20"]); echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo form_button('save_theme', $locale['theme_5013'], 'save_theme', ['class' => 'btn-primary m-r-10']); echo form_button('close_theme', $locale['close'], 'close_theme', ['class' => 'btn-default']); echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo form_hidden('theme_id', '', $this->data['theme_id']); echo form_hidden("theme_datestamp", '', time()); echo form_text('theme_title', $locale['theme_2007'], $this->data['theme_title'], [ 'inline' => 1, 'required' => TRUE ]); echo form_hidden('theme_name', $locale['theme_2008'], $this->theme_name, [ 'inline' => 1, 'deactivate' => 1 ]); echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo opentab($tab_title, $tab_active, 'atom'); echo opentabbody($tab_title['title'][0], $tab_title['id'][0], $tab_active); echo "
\n"; $this->font_admin(); echo "
\n"; echo closetabbody(); echo opentabbody($tab_title['title'][1], $tab_title['id'][1], $tab_active); echo "
\n"; $this->layout_admin(); echo "
\n"; echo closetabbody(); echo opentabbody($tab_title['title'][2], $tab_title['id'][2], $tab_active); echo "
\n"; $this->nav_admin(); echo "
\n"; echo closetabbody(); echo closetab(); echo closeform(); } public function save_theme() { $locale = fusion_get_locale(); $userdata = fusion_get_userdata(); if (isset($_POST['save_theme'])) { /*$modal = openmodal('dbi', sprintf($locale['theme_2005'], ucwords($this->theme_name)), [ 'class' => 'zindex-boost modal-center', 'button_id' => 'save_theme', 'static' => 1 ]); $modal .= "
\n"; $modal .= closemodal(); add_to_footer($modal);*/ $fieldArrays = $this->data; foreach ($fieldArrays as $fieldNames => $fieldDefaults) { $this->data[$fieldNames] = isset($_POST[$fieldNames]) ? form_sanitizer($_POST[$fieldNames], $fieldDefaults, $fieldNames) : ""; } $old_file = !empty($this->data['theme_file']) ? $this->data['theme_file'] : ''; if (isset($this->data['theme_config'])) { unset($this->data['theme_config']); } // will need to rebuild. unset it. if (isset($this->data['theme_file'])) { unset($this->data['theme_file']); } // important to unset. // rebuild entire structure $data = [ "theme_name" => $this->theme_name, "theme_title" => form_sanitizer($_POST['theme_title'], '', 'theme_title'), "theme_id" => form_sanitizer($_POST['theme_id'], '0', 'theme_id'), "theme_user" => $userdata['user_id'], "theme_datestamp" => time() ]; if (\defender::safe()) { $data['theme_file'] = $this->buildCss(); if (dbcount("(theme_id)", DB_THEME, "theme_name='".$data['theme_name']."' AND theme_id='".intval($data['theme_id'])."'")) { if (!empty($data['theme_file'])) { $data['theme_active'] = 1; $data['theme_config'] = addslashes(serialize($this->data)); if (!$this->debug && $data['theme_file']) { if (file_exists(THEMES.$old_file) && !is_dir(THEMES.$old_file)) { unlink(THEMES.$old_file); } dbquery_insert(DB_THEME, $data, 'update'); if (\defender::safe()) { addNotice('success', $locale['theme_success_003']); redirect(clean_request("", ["aid", "action", "theme"], TRUE)); } } else { // debug messages print_p('Update Mode'); print_p($data); } } } else { if (!$this->debug && !empty($data['theme_file'])) { $rows = dbcount("(theme_id)", DB_THEME, "theme_name='".$data['theme_name']."'"); $data['theme_active'] = $rows < 1 ? 1 : 0; $data['theme_config'] = addslashes(serialize($this->data)); dbquery_insert(DB_THEME, $data, 'save'); if (\defender::safe()) { addNotice('success', $locale['theme_success_004']); redirect(clean_request("", ["aid", "action", "theme"], TRUE)); } } else { // debug messages $rows = dbcount("(theme_id)", DB_THEME, "theme_name='".$data['theme_name']."'"); $data['theme_active'] = $rows < 1 ? 1 : 0; $data['theme_config'] = addslashes(serialize($this->data)); print_p($data); } } } } } /* Handling Posts and Feedback. Watch out for Unsets */ protected function buildCss() { $this->debug = FALSE; $locale = fusion_get_locale(); $inputFile = CLASSES."PHPFusion/Atom/less/atom.less"; $outputFolder = THEMES.$this->target_folder."/"; $outputFile = THEMES.$this->target_folder."/fusion_".$this->target_folder."_".time().".css"; $returnFile = str_replace(THEMES, '', $outputFile); $options = ['output' => $outputFile, 'compress' => $this->compress,]; $this->set_less_variables(); if (!empty($this->less_var) && \defender::safe() && $this->Compiler) { if ($this->debug) { print_p("current less var"); print_p($this->less_var); print_p($inputFile); print_p($outputFile); } try { require_once "lessc.inc.php"; $parser = new \Less_Parser($options); //$parser->SetImportDirs($directories); $parser->parseFile($inputFile, $outputFolder); $parser->ModifyVars($this->less_var); $css = $parser->getCss(); if (!$this->debug) { $css_file = fopen($outputFile, "w"); if (fwrite($css_file, $css)) { fclose($css_file); } if ($css_file) { return (string)$returnFile; } } else { print_p($outputFile); print_p($css); // this is your css } } catch (\Exception $e) { $error_message = $e->getMessage(); \defender::stop(); addNotice('danger', $error_message); } } else { if (!$this->Compiler) { \defender::stop(); addNotice('danger', $locale['theme_error_008']); } else { \defender::stop(); addNotice('danger', $locale['theme_error_007']); } } return NULL; } private function set_less_variables() { $this->less_var = $this->data; // css which requires atom's custom parse rules. // base foot parsing. $this->less_var['sans_serif_fonts'] = $this->parse_fonts($this->data['sans_serif_fonts']); $this->less_var['serif_fonts'] = $this->parse_fonts($this->data['serif_fonts']); $this->less_var['monospace_fonts'] = $this->parse_fonts($this->data['monospace_fonts']); $this->less_var['base_font'] = $this->parse_font_set($this->data['base_font']); $this->less_var['base_font_size'] = $this->parse_size($this->data['base_font_size']); $this->less_var['base_font_size_l'] = $this->parse_size($this->data['base_font_size_l']); $this->less_var['base_font_size_s'] = $this->parse_size($this->data['base_font_size_s']); //h1 $this->less_var['font_size_h1'] = $this->parse_size($this->data['font_size_h1']); $this->less_var['font_weight_h1'] = $this->parse_font_weight($this->data['font_decoration_h1']); $this->less_var['font_style_h1'] = $this->parse_font_style($this->data['font_decoration_h1']); $this->less_var['font_decoration_h1'] = $this->parse_font_decoration($this->data['font_decoration_h1']); //h2 $this->less_var['font_size_h2'] = $this->parse_size($this->data['font_size_h2']); $this->less_var['font_weight_h2'] = $this->parse_font_weight($this->data['font_decoration_h2']); $this->less_var['font_style_h2'] = $this->parse_font_style($this->data['font_decoration_h2']); $this->less_var['font_decoration_h2'] = $this->parse_font_decoration($this->data['font_decoration_h2']); //h3 $this->less_var['font_size_h3'] = $this->parse_size($this->data['font_size_h3']); $this->less_var['font_weight_h3'] = $this->parse_font_weight($this->data['font_decoration_h3']); $this->less_var['font_style_h3'] = $this->parse_font_style($this->data['font_decoration_h3']); $this->less_var['font_decoration_h3'] = $this->parse_font_decoration($this->data['font_decoration_h3']); //h4 $this->less_var['font_size_h4'] = $this->parse_size($this->data['font_size_h4']); $this->less_var['font_weight_h4'] = $this->parse_font_weight($this->data['font_decoration_h4']); $this->less_var['font_style_h4'] = $this->parse_font_style($this->data['font_decoration_h4']); $this->less_var['font_decoration_h4'] = $this->parse_font_decoration($this->data['font_decoration_h4']); //h5 $this->less_var['font_size_h5'] = $this->parse_size($this->data['font_size_h5']); $this->less_var['font_weight_h5'] = $this->parse_font_weight($this->data['font_decoration_h5']); $this->less_var['font_style_h5'] = $this->parse_font_style($this->data['font_decoration_h5']); $this->less_var['font_decoration_h5'] = $this->parse_font_decoration($this->data['font_decoration_h5']); //h6 $this->less_var['font_size_h6'] = $this->parse_size($this->data['font_size_h6']); $this->less_var['font_weight_h6'] = $this->parse_font_weight($this->data['font_decoration_h6']); $this->less_var['font_style_h6'] = $this->parse_font_style($this->data['font_decoration_h6']); $this->less_var['font_decoration_h6'] = $this->parse_font_decoration($this->data['font_decoration_h6']); // link $this->less_var['link_weight'] = $this->parse_font_weight($this->data['link_decoration']); $this->less_var['link_style'] = $this->parse_font_style($this->data['link_decoration']); $this->less_var['link_decoration'] = $this->parse_font_decoration($this->data['link_decoration']); $this->less_var['link_hover_weight'] = $this->parse_font_weight($this->data['link_decoration']); $this->less_var['link_hover_style'] = $this->parse_font_style($this->data['link_decoration']); $this->less_var['link_hover_decoration'] = $this->parse_font_decoration($this->data['link_decoration']); // code follow back $data. //quote decorations $this->less_var['quote_weight'] = $this->parse_font_weight($this->data['quote_decoration']); $this->less_var['quote_style'] = $this->parse_font_style($this->data['quote_decoration']); $this->less_var['quote_decoration'] = $this->parse_font_decoration($this->data['quote_decoration']); // max screen $this->less_var['container_sm'] = $this->parse_size($this->data['container_sm']); $this->less_var['container_md'] = $this->parse_size($this->data['container_md']); $this->less_var['container_lg'] = $this->parse_size($this->data['container_lg']); $this->less_var['btn_border'] = $this->parse_size($this->data['btn_border']); $this->less_var['btn_radius'] = $this->parse_size($this->data['btn_radius']); // global navbars $this->less_var['navbar_height'] = $this->parse_size($this->data['navbar_height']); $this->less_var['navbar_border'] = $this->parse_size($this->data['navbar_border']); $this->less_var['navbar_radius'] = $this->parse_size($this->data['navbar_radius']); $this->less_var['navbar_link_border'] = $this->parse_size($this->data['navbar_link_border']); $this->less_var['navbar_link_radius'] = $this->parse_size($this->data['navbar_link_radius']); $this->less_var['navbar_brand_weight'] = $this->parse_font_weight($this->data['navbar_brand_decoration']); $this->less_var['navbar_brand_style'] = $this->parse_font_style($this->data['navbar_brand_decoration']); $this->less_var['navbar_brand_decoration'] = $this->parse_font_decoration($this->data['navbar_brand_decoration']); $this->less_var['navbar_font_weight'] = $this->parse_font_weight($this->data['navbar_font_decoration']); $this->less_var['navbar_font_style'] = $this->parse_font_style($this->data['navbar_font_decoration']); $this->less_var['navbar_font_decoration'] = $this->parse_font_decoration($this->data['navbar_font_decoration']); $this->less_var['navbar_link_weight'] = $this->parse_font_weight($this->data['navbar_link_decoration']); $this->less_var['navbar_link_style'] = $this->parse_font_style($this->data['navbar_link_decoration']); $this->less_var['navbar_link_decoration'] = $this->parse_font_decoration($this->data['navbar_link_decoration']); $this->less_var['navbar_link_weight_hover'] = $this->parse_font_weight($this->data['navbar_link_decoration_hover']); $this->less_var['navbar_link_style_hover'] = $this->parse_font_style($this->data['navbar_link_decoration_hover']); $this->less_var['navbar_link_decoration_hover'] = $this->parse_font_decoration($this->data['navbar_link_decoration_hover']); $this->less_var['navbar_link_weight_active'] = $this->parse_font_weight($this->data['navbar_link_decoration_active']); $this->less_var['navbar_link_style_active'] = $this->parse_font_style($this->data['navbar_link_decoration_active']); $this->less_var['navbar_link_decoration_active'] = $this->parse_font_decoration($this->data['navbar_link_decoration_active']); } /* Administration Menus - Part I - Font Settings */ static function parse_fonts($font) { $_parsedFonts = []; if ($font) { $font = explode(',', $font); if (count($font)) { foreach ($font as $font_name) { $_parsedFonts[] = (preg_match('/\s/', $font_name)) ? '"'.$font_name.'"' : $font_name; } return implode(', ', $_parsedFonts); } else { return NULL; } } else { return NULL; } } /* Administration Menus - Part II - Components & Layout Settings */ static function parse_font_set($font) { $fonts_family_opts = [ '0' => '@font-family-sans-serif', '1' => '@font-family-monospace', '2' => '@font-family-serif' ]; return $fonts_family_opts[$font]; } /* Administration Menus - Part III - Navigation Settings */ static function parse_size($font) { return $font > 0 ? $font.'px' : 0; } /* Returns list of google_fonts */ /*@todo: allow return of jquery Google Font real-time parsing via Google API */ private function parse_font_weight($font) { if (!$font) { return $this->text_weight[0]; } else { return $this->text_weight[$font]; } } /* Returns list of common base fonts */ private function parse_font_style($font) { if (!$font) { return $this->text_style[0]; } else { return $this->text_style[$font]; } } /* add quotes for font name with whitespace */ private function parse_font_decoration($font) { if (!$font) { return $this->text_decoration[0]; } else { return $this->text_decoration[$font]; } } /* return the font sets */ private function font_admin() { $locale = fusion_get_locale(); $base_font = array_values(array_flip($this->base_font())); $web_font = array_values(array_flip($this->google_font())); $font_list = array_merge($base_font, $web_font); $color_options = ["placeholder" => $locale['theme_2009'], 'width' => '100%', "format" => "hex"]; $font_options = [ 'width' => '100%', 'placeholder' => $locale['theme_2010'], 'tags' => TRUE, 'multiple' => TRUE, 'max_select' => 6, 'inline' => TRUE, 'inner_width' => '100%' ]; $font_type_options = ['placeholder' => $locale['theme_2011'], 'width' => '280px', 'inline' => 1]; $font_size_options = [ 'placeholder' => '(px)', 'width' => '100%', 'number' => 1, 'class' => 'pull-left display-inline m-r-10' ]; $fonts_family_opts = [ '0' => $locale['theme_2012'], '1' => $locale['theme_2013'], '2' => $locale['theme_2014'], ]; echo form_hidden('theme', '', $this->theme_name); openside(''); $font_options['options'] = $font_list; $font_type_options['options'] = $fonts_family_opts; echo form_select("sans_serif_fonts", $locale['theme_2015'], $this->data['sans_serif_fonts'], $font_options); echo form_select("serif_fonts", $locale['theme_2016'], $this->data['serif_fonts'], $font_options); echo form_select("monospace_fonts", $locale['theme_2017'], $this->data['monospace_fonts'], $font_options); echo form_select("base_font", $locale['theme_2001'], $this->data['base_font'], $font_type_options); echo "
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"Aladin" => "Aladin", "Aldrich" => "Aldrich", "Alegreya" => "Alegreya", "Alegreya SC" => "Alegreya+SC", "Alex Brush" => "Alex+Brush", "Alfa Slab One" => "Alfa+Slab+One", "Alice" => "Alice", "Alike" => "Alike", "Alike Angular" => "Alike+Angular", "Allan" => "Allan", "Allerta" => "Allerta", "Allerta Stencil" => "Allerta+Stencil", "Allura" => "Allura", "Almendra" => "Almendra", "Almendra Display" => "Almendra+Display", "Almendra SC" => "Almendra+SC", "Amarante" => "Amarante", "Amaranth" => "Amaranth", "Amatic SC" => "Amatic+SC", "Amethysta" => "Amethysta", "Anaheim" => "Anaheim", "Andada" => "Andada", "Andika" => "Andika", "Angkor" => "Angkor", "Annie Use Your Telescope" => "Annie+Use+Your+Telescope", "Anonymous Pro" => "Anonymous+Pro", "Antic" => "Antic", "Antic Didone" => "Antic+Didone", "Antic Slab" => "Antic+Slab", "Anton" => "Anton", "Arapey" => "Arapey", "Arbutus" => "Arbutus", "Arbutus Slab" => "Arbutus+Slab", "Architects Daughter" => "Architects+Daughter", "Archivo Black" => "Archivo+Black", "Archivo Narrow" => "Archivo+Narrow", "Arimo" => "Arimo", "Arizonia" => "Arizonia", "Armata" => "Armata", "Artifika" => "Artifika", "Arvo" => "Arvo", "Asap" => "Asap", "Asset" => "Asset", "Astloch" => "Astloch", "Asul" => "Asul", "Atomic Age" => "Atomic+Age", "Aubrey" => "Aubrey", "Audiowide" => "Audiowide", "Autour One" => "Autour+One", "Average" => "Average", "Average Sans" => "Average+Sans", "Averia Gruesa Libre" => "Averia+Gruesa+Libre", "Averia Libre" => "Averia+Libre", "Averia Sans Libre" => "Averia+Sans+Libre", "Averia Serif Libre" => "Averia+Serif+Libre", "Bad Script" => "Bad+Script", "Balthazar" => "Balthazar", "Bangers" => "Bangers", "Basic" => "Basic", "Battambang" => "Battambang", "Baumans" => "Baumans", "Bayon" => "Bayon", "Belgrano" => "Belgrano", "Belleza" => "Belleza", "BenchNine" => "BenchNine", "Bentham" => "Bentham", "Berkshire Swash" => "Berkshire+Swash", "Bevan" => "Bevan", "Bigelow Rules" => "Bigelow+Rules", "Bigshot One" => "Bigshot+One", "Bilbo" => "Bilbo", "Bilbo Swash Caps" => "Bilbo+Swash+Caps", "Bitter" => "Bitter", "Black Ops One" => "Black+Ops+One", "Bokor" => "Bokor", "Bonbon" => "Bonbon", "Boogaloo" => "Boogaloo", "Bowlby One" => "Bowlby+One", "Bowlby One SC" => "Bowlby+One+SC", "Brawler" => "Brawler", "Bree Serif" => "Bree+Serif", "Bubblegum Sans" => "Bubblegum+Sans", "Bubbler One" => "Bubbler+One", "Buda" => "Buda", "Buenard" => "Buenard", "Butcherman" => "Butcherman", "Butterfly Kids" => "Butterfly+Kids", "Cabin" => "Cabin", "Cabin Condensed" => "Cabin+Condensed", "Cabin Sketch" => "Cabin+Sketch", "Caesar Dressing" => "Caesar+Dressing", "Cagliostro" => "Cagliostro", "Calligraffitti" => "Calligraffitti", "Cambo" => "Cambo", "Candal" => "Candal", "Cantarell" => "Cantarell", "Cantata One" => "Cantata+One", "Cantora One" => "Cantora+One", "Capriola" => "Capriola", "Cardo" => "Cardo", "Carme" => "Carme", "Carrois Gothic" => "Carrois+Gothic", "Carrois Gothic SC" => "Carrois+Gothic+SC", "Carter One" => "Carter+One", "Caudex" => "Caudex", "Cedarville Cursive" => "Cedarville+Cursive", "Ceviche One" => "Ceviche+One", "Changa One" => "Changa+One", "Chango" => "Chango", "Chau Philomene One" => "Chau+Philomene+One", "Chela One" => "Chela+One", "Chelsea Market" => "Chelsea+Market", "Chenla" => "Chenla", "Cherry Cream Soda" => "Cherry+Cream+Soda", "Cherry Swash" => "Cherry+Swash", "Chewy" => "Chewy", "Chicle" => "Chicle", "Chivo" => "Chivo", "Cinzel" => "Cinzel", "Cinzel Decorative" => "Cinzel+Decorative", "Clicker Script" => "Clicker+Script", "Coda" => "Coda", "Coda Caption" => "Coda+Caption", "Codystar" => "Codystar", "Combo" => "Combo", "Comfortaa" => "Comfortaa", "Coming Soon" => "Coming+Soon", "Concert One" => "Concert+One", "Condiment" => "Condiment", "Content" => "Content", "Contrail One" => "Contrail+One", "Convergence" => "Convergence", "Cookie" => "Cookie", "Copse" => "Copse", "Corben" => "Corben", "Courgette" => "Courgette", "Cousine" => "Cousine", "Coustard" => "Coustard", "Covered By Your Grace" => "Covered+By+Your+Grace", "Crafty Girls" => "Crafty+Girls", "Creepster" => "Creepster", "Crete Round" => "Crete+Round", "Crimson Text" => "Crimson+Text", "Croissant One" => "Croissant+One", "Crushed" => "Crushed", "Cuprum" => "Cuprum", "Cutive" => "Cutive", "Cutive Mono" => "Cutive+Mono", "Damion" => "Damion", "Dancing Script" => "Dancing+Script", "Dangrek" => "Dangrek", "Dawning of a New Day" => "Dawning+of+a+New+Day", "Days One" => "Days+One", "Delius" => "Delius", "Delius Swash Caps" => "Delius+Swash+Caps", "Delius Unicase" => "Delius+Unicase", "Della Respira" => "Della+Respira", "Denk One" => "Denk+One", "Devonshire" => "Devonshire", "Didact Gothic" => "Didact+Gothic", "Diplomata" => "Diplomata", "Diplomata SC" => "Diplomata+SC", "Domine" => "Domine", "Donegal One" => "Donegal+One", "Doppio One" => "Doppio+One", "Dorsa" => "Dorsa", "Dosis" => "Dosis", "Dr Sugiyama" => "Dr+Sugiyama", "Droid Sans" => "Droid+Sans", "Droid Sans Mono" => "Droid+Sans+Mono", "Droid Serif" => "Droid+Serif", "Duru Sans" => "Duru+Sans", "Dynalight" => "Dynalight", "EB Garamond" => "EB+Garamond", "Eagle Lake" => "Eagle+Lake", "Eater" => "Eater", "Economica" => "Economica", "Electrolize" => "Electrolize", "Elsie" => "Elsie", "Elsie Swash Caps" => "Elsie+Swash+Caps", "Emblema One" => "Emblema+One", "Emilys Candy" => "Emilys+Candy", "Engagement" => "Engagement", "Englebert" => "Englebert", "Enriqueta" => "Enriqueta", "Erica One" => "Erica+One", "Esteban" => "Esteban", "Euphoria Script" => "Euphoria+Script", "Ewert" => "Ewert", "Exo" => "Exo", "Expletus Sans" => "Expletus+Sans", "Fanwood Text" => "Fanwood+Text", "Fascinate" => "Fascinate", "Fascinate Inline" => "Fascinate+Inline", "Faster One" => "Faster+One", "Fasthand" => "Fasthand", "Federant" => "Federant", "Federo" => "Federo", "Felipa" => "Felipa", "Fenix" => "Fenix", "Finger Paint" => "Finger+Paint", "Fjalla One" => "Fjalla+One", "Fjord One" => "Fjord+One", "Flamenco" => "Flamenco", "Flavors" => "Flavors", "Fondamento" => "Fondamento", "Fontdiner Swanky" => "Fontdiner+Swanky", "Forum" => "Forum", "Francois One" => "Francois+One", "Freckle Face" => "Freckle+Face", "Fredericka the Great" => "Fredericka+the+Great", "Fredoka One" => "Fredoka+One", "Freehand" => "Freehand", "Fresca" => "Fresca", "Frijole" => "Frijole", "Fruktur" => "Fruktur", "Fugaz One" => "Fugaz+One", "GFS Didot" => "GFS+Didot", "GFS Neohellenic" => "GFS+Neohellenic", "Gabriela" => "Gabriela", "Gafata" => "Gafata", "Galdeano" => "Galdeano", "Galindo" => "Galindo", "Gentium Basic" => "Gentium+Basic", "Gentium Book Basic" => "Gentium+Book+Basic", "Geo" => "Geo", "Geostar" => "Geostar", "Geostar Fill" => "Geostar+Fill", "Germania One" => "Germania+One", "Gilda Display" => "Gilda+Display", "Give You Glory" => "Give+You+Glory", "Glass Antiqua" => "Glass+Antiqua", "Glegoo" => "Glegoo", "Gloria Hallelujah" => "Gloria+Hallelujah", "Goblin One" => "Goblin+One", "Gochi Hand" => "Gochi+Hand", "Gorditas" => "Gorditas", "Goudy Bookletter 1911" => "Goudy+Bookletter+1911", "Graduate" => "Graduate", "Grand Hotel" => "Grand+Hotel", "Gravitas One" => "Gravitas+One", "Great Vibes" => "Great+Vibes", "Griffy" => "Griffy", "Gruppo" => "Gruppo", "Gudea" => "Gudea", "Habibi" => "Habibi", "Hammersmith One" => "Hammersmith+One", "Hanalei" => "Hanalei", "Hanalei Fill" => "Hanalei+Fill", "Handlee" => "Handlee", "Hanuman" => "Hanuman", "Happy Monkey" => "Happy+Monkey", "Headland One" => "Headland+One", "Henny Penny" => "Henny+Penny", "Herr Von Muellerhoff" => "Herr+Von+Muellerhoff", "Holtwood One SC" => "Holtwood+One+SC", "Homemade Apple" => "Homemade+Apple", "Homenaje" => "Homenaje", "IM Fell DW Pica" => "IM+Fell+DW+Pica", "IM Fell DW Pica SC" => "IM+Fell+DW+Pica+SC", "IM Fell Double Pica" => "IM+Fell+Double+Pica", "IM Fell Double Pica SC" => "IM+Fell+Double+Pica+SC", "IM Fell English" => "IM+Fell+English", "IM Fell English SC" => "IM+Fell+English+SC", "IM Fell French Canon" => "IM+Fell+French+Canon", "IM Fell French Canon SC" => "IM+Fell+French+Canon+SC", "IM Fell Great Primer" => "IM+Fell+Great+Primer", "IM Fell Great Primer SC" => "IM+Fell+Great+Primer+SC", "Iceberg" => "Iceberg", "Iceland" => "Iceland", "Imprima" => "Imprima", "Inconsolata" => "Inconsolata", "Inder" => "Inder", "Indie Flower" => "Indie+Flower", "Inika" => "Inika", "Irish Grover" => "Irish+Grover", "Istok Web" => "Istok+Web", "Italiana" => "Italiana", "Italianno" => "Italianno", "Jacques Francois" => "Jacques+Francois", "Jacques Francois Shadow" => "Jacques+Francois+Shadow", "Jim Nightshade" => "Jim+Nightshade", "Jockey One" => "Jockey+One", "Jolly Lodger" => "Jolly+Lodger", "Josefin Sans" => "Josefin+Sans", "Josefin Slab" => "Josefin+Slab", "Joti One" => "Joti+One", "Judson" => "Judson", "Julee" => "Julee", "Julius Sans One" => "Julius+Sans+One", "Junge" => "Junge", "Jura" => "Jura", "Just Another Hand" => "Just+Another+Hand", "Just Me Again Down Here" => "Just+Me+Again+Down+Here", "Kameron" => "Kameron", "Karla" => "Karla", "Kaushan Script" => "Kaushan+Script", "Kavoon" => "Kavoon", "Keania One" => "Keania+One", "Kelly Slab" => "Kelly+Slab", "Kenia" => "Kenia", "Khmer" => "Khmer", "Kite One" => "Kite+One", "Knewave" => "Knewave", "Kotta One" => "Kotta+One", "Koulen" => "Koulen", "Kranky" => "Kranky", "Kreon" => "Kreon", "Kristi" => "Kristi", "Krona One" => "Krona+One", "La Belle Aurore" => "La+Belle+Aurore", "Lancelot" => "Lancelot", "Lato" => "Lato", "League Script" => "League+Script", "Leckerli One" => "Leckerli+One", "Ledger" => "Ledger", "Lekton" => "Lekton", "Lemon" => "Lemon", "Libre Baskerville" => "Libre+Baskerville", "Life Savers" => "Life+Savers", "Lilita One" => "Lilita+One", "Limelight" => "Limelight", "Linden Hill" => "Linden+Hill", "Lobster" => "Lobster", "Lobster Two" => "Lobster+Two", "Londrina Outline" => "Londrina+Outline", "Londrina Shadow" => "Londrina+Shadow", "Londrina Sketch" => "Londrina+Sketch", "Londrina Solid" => "Londrina+Solid", "Lora" => "Lora", "Love Ya Like A Sister" => "Love+Ya+Like+A+Sister", "Loved by the King" => "Loved+by+the+King", "Lovers Quarrel" => "Lovers+Quarrel", "Luckiest Guy" => "Luckiest+Guy", "Lusitana" => "Lusitana", "Lustria" => "Lustria", "Macondo" => "Macondo", "Macondo Swash Caps" => "Macondo+Swash+Caps", "Magra" => "Magra", "Maiden Orange" => "Maiden+Orange", "Mako" => "Mako", "Marcellus" => "Marcellus", "Marcellus SC" => "Marcellus+SC", "Marck Script" => "Marck+Script", "Margarine" => "Margarine", "Marko One" => "Marko+One", "Marmelad" => "Marmelad", "Marvel" => "Marvel", "Mate" => "Mate", "Mate SC" => "Mate+SC", "Maven Pro" => "Maven+Pro", "McLaren" => "McLaren", "Meddon" => "Meddon", "MedievalSharp" => "MedievalSharp", "Medula One" => "Medula+One", "Megrim" => "Megrim", "Meie Script" => "Meie+Script", "Merienda" => "Merienda", "Merienda One" => "Merienda+One", "Merriweather" => "Merriweather", "Merriweather Sans" => "Merriweather+Sans", "Metal" => "Metal", "Metal Mania" => "Metal+Mania", "Metamorphous" => "Metamorphous", "Metrophobic" => "Metrophobic", "Michroma" => "Michroma", "Milonga" => "Milonga", "Miltonian" => "Miltonian", "Miltonian Tattoo" => "Miltonian+Tattoo", "Miniver" => "Miniver", "Miss Fajardose" => "Miss+Fajardose", "Modern Antiqua" => "Modern+Antiqua", "Molengo" => "Molengo", "Molle" => "Molle", "Monda" => "Monda", "Monofett" => "Monofett", "Monoton" => "Monoton", "Monsieur La Doulaise" => "Monsieur+La+Doulaise", "Montaga" => "Montaga", "Montez" => "Montez", "Montserrat" => "Montserrat", "Montserrat Alternates" => "Montserrat+Alternates", "Montserrat Subrayada" => "Montserrat+Subrayada", "Moul" => "Moul", "Moulpali" => "Moulpali", "Mountains of Christmas" => "Mountains+of+Christmas", "Mouse Memoirs" => "Mouse+Memoirs", "Mr Bedfort" => "Mr+Bedfort", "Mr Dafoe" => "Mr+Dafoe", "Mr De Haviland" => "Mr+De+Haviland", "Mrs Saint Delafield" => "Mrs+Saint+Delafield", "Mrs Sheppards" => "Mrs+Sheppards", "Muli" => "Muli", "Mystery Quest" => "Mystery+Quest", "Neucha" => "Neucha", "Neuton" => "Neuton", "New Rocker" => "New+Rocker", "News Cycle" => "News+Cycle", "Niconne" => "Niconne", "Nixie One" => "Nixie+One", "Nobile" => "Nobile", "Nokora" => "Nokora", "Norican" => "Norican", "Nosifer" => "Nosifer", "Nothing You Could Do" => "Nothing+You+Could+Do", "Noticia Text" => "Noticia+Text", "Nova Cut" => "Nova+Cut", "Nova Flat" => "Nova+Flat", "Nova Mono" => "Nova+Mono", "Nova Oval" => "Nova+Oval", "Nova Round" => "Nova+Round", "Nova Script" => "Nova+Script", "Nova Slim" => "Nova+Slim", "Nova Square" => "Nova+Square", "Numans" => "Numans", "Nunito" => "Nunito", "Odor Mean Chey" => "Odor+Mean+Chey", "Offside" => "Offside", "Old Standard TT" => "Old+Standard+TT", "Oldenburg" => "Oldenburg", "Oleo Script" => "Oleo+Script", "Oleo Script Swash Caps" => "Oleo+Script+Swash+Caps", "Open Sans" => "Open+Sans", "Open Sans Condensed" => "Open+Sans+Condensed", "Oranienbaum" => "Oranienbaum", "Orbitron" => "Orbitron", "Oregano" => "Oregano", "Orienta" => "Orienta", "Original Surfer" => "Original+Surfer", "Oswald" => "Oswald", "Over the Rainbow" => "Over+the+Rainbow", "Overlock" => "Overlock", "Overlock SC" => "Overlock+SC", "Ovo" => "Ovo", "Oxygen" => "Oxygen", "Oxygen Mono" => "Oxygen+Mono", "PT Mono" => "PT+Mono", "PT Sans" => "PT+Sans", "PT Sans Caption" => "PT+Sans+Caption", "PT Sans Narrow" => "PT+Sans+Narrow", "PT Serif" => "PT+Serif", "PT Serif Caption" => "PT+Serif+Caption", "Pacifico" => "Pacifico", "Paprika" => "Paprika", "Parisienne" => "Parisienne", "Passero One" => "Passero+One", "Passion One" => "Passion+One", "Patrick Hand" => "Patrick+Hand", "Patrick Hand SC" => "Patrick+Hand+SC", "Patua One" => "Patua+One", "Paytone One" => "Paytone+One", "Peralta" => "Peralta", "Permanent Marker" => "Permanent+Marker", "Petit Formal Script" => "Petit+Formal+Script", "Petrona" => "Petrona", "Philosopher" => "Philosopher", "Piedra" => "Piedra", "Pinyon Script" => "Pinyon+Script", "Pirata One" => "Pirata+One", "Plaster" => "Plaster", "Play" => "Play", "Playball" => "Playball", "Playfair Display" => "Playfair+Display", "Playfair Display SC" => "Playfair+Display+SC", "Podkova" => "Podkova", "Poiret One" => "Poiret+One", "Poller One" => "Poller+One", "Poly" => "Poly", "Pompiere" => "Pompiere", "Pontano Sans" => "Pontano+Sans", "Port Lligat Sans" => "Port+Lligat+Sans", "Port Lligat Slab" => "Port+Lligat+Slab", "Prata" => "Prata", "Preahvihear" => "Preahvihear", "Press Start 2P" => "Press+Start+2P", "Princess Sofia" => "Princess+Sofia", "Prociono" => "Prociono", "Prosto One" => "Prosto+One", "Puritan" => "Puritan", "Purple Purse" => "Purple+Purse", "Quando" => "Quando", "Quantico" => "Quantico", "Quattrocento" => "Quattrocento", "Quattrocento Sans" => "Quattrocento+Sans", "Questrial" => "Questrial", "Quicksand" => "Quicksand", "Quintessential" => "Quintessential", "Qwigley" => "Qwigley", "Racing Sans One" => "Racing+Sans+One", "Radley" => "Radley", "Raleway" => "Raleway", "Raleway Dots" => "Raleway+Dots", "Rambla" => "Rambla", "Rammetto One" => "Rammetto+One", "Ranchers" => "Ranchers", "Rancho" => "Rancho", "Rationale" => "Rationale", "Redressed" => "Redressed", "Reenie Beanie" => "Reenie+Beanie", "Revalia" => "Revalia", "Ribeye" => "Ribeye", "Ribeye Marrow" => "Ribeye+Marrow", "Righteous" => "Righteous", "Risque" => "Risque", "Roboto" => "Roboto", "Roboto Condensed" => "Roboto+Condensed", "Rochester" => "Rochester", "Rock Salt" => "Rock+Salt", "Rokkitt" => "Rokkitt", "Romanesco" => "Romanesco", "Ropa Sans" => "Ropa+Sans", "Rosario" => "Rosario", "Rosarivo" => "Rosarivo", "Rouge Script" => "Rouge+Script", "Ruda" => "Ruda", "Rufina" => "Rufina", "Ruge Boogie" => "Ruge+Boogie", "Ruluko" => "Ruluko", "Rum Raisin" => "Rum+Raisin", "Ruslan Display" => "Ruslan+Display", "Russo One" => "Russo+One", "Ruthie" => "Ruthie", "Rye" => "Rye", "Sacramento" => "Sacramento", "Sail" => "Sail", "Salsa" => "Salsa", "Sanchez" => "Sanchez", "Sancreek" => "Sancreek", "Sansita One" => "Sansita+One", "Sarina" => "Sarina", "Satisfy" => "Satisfy", "Scada" => "Scada", "Schoolbell" => "Schoolbell", "Seaweed Script" => "Seaweed+Script", "Sevillana" => "Sevillana", "Seymour One" => "Seymour+One", "Shadows Into Light" => "Shadows+Into+Light", "Shadows Into Light Two" => "Shadows+Into+Light+Two", "Shanti" => "Shanti", "Share" => "Share", "Share Tech" => "Share+Tech", "Share Tech Mono" => "Share+Tech+Mono", "Shojumaru" => "Shojumaru", "Short Stack" => "Short+Stack", "Siemreap" => "Siemreap", "Sigmar One" => "Sigmar+One", "Signika" => "Signika", "Signika Negative" => "Signika+Negative", "Simonetta" => "Simonetta", "Sintony" => "Sintony", "Sirin Stencil" => "Sirin+Stencil", "Six Caps" => "Six+Caps", "Skranji" => "Skranji", "Slackey" => "Slackey", "Smokum" => "Smokum", "Smythe" => "Smythe", "Sniglet" => "Sniglet", "Snippet" => "Snippet", "Snowburst One" => "Snowburst+One", "Sofadi One" => "Sofadi+One", "Sofia" => "Sofia", "Sonsie One" => "Sonsie+One", "Sorts Mill Goudy" => "Sorts+Mill+Goudy", "Source Code Pro" => "Source+Code+Pro", "Source Sans Pro" => "Source+Sans+Pro", "Special Elite" => "Special+Elite", "Spicy Rice" => "Spicy+Rice", "Spinnaker" => "Spinnaker", "Spirax" => "Spirax", "Squada One" => "Squada+One", "Stalemate" => "Stalemate", "Stalinist One" => "Stalinist+One", "Stardos Stencil" => "Stardos+Stencil", "Stint Ultra Condensed" => "Stint+Ultra+Condensed", "Stint Ultra Expanded" => "Stint+Ultra+Expanded", "Stoke" => "Stoke", "Strait" => "Strait", "Sue Ellen Francisco" => "Sue+Ellen+Francisco", "Sunshiney" => "Sunshiney", "Supermercado One" => "Supermercado+One", "Suwannaphum" => "Suwannaphum", "Swanky and Moo Moo" => "Swanky+and+Moo+Moo", "Syncopate" => "Syncopate", "Tangerine" => "Tangerine", "Taprom" => "Taprom", "Tauri" => "Tauri", "Telex" => "Telex", "Tenor Sans" => "Tenor+Sans", "Text Me One" => "Text+Me+One", "The Girl Next Door" => "The+Girl+Next+Door", "Tienne" => "Tienne", "Tinos" => "Tinos", "Titan One" => "Titan+One", "Titillium Web" => "Titillium+Web", "Trade Winds" => "Trade+Winds", "Trocchi" => "Trocchi", "Trochut" => "Trochut", "Trykker" => "Trykker", "Tulpen One" => "Tulpen+One", "Ubuntu" => "Ubuntu", "Ubuntu Condensed" => "Ubuntu+Condensed", "Ubuntu Mono" => "Ubuntu+Mono", "Ultra" => "Ultra", "Uncial Antiqua" => "Uncial+Antiqua", "Underdog" => "Underdog", "Unica One" => "Unica+One", "UnifrakturCook" => "UnifrakturCook", "UnifrakturMaguntia" => "UnifrakturMaguntia", "Unkempt" => "Unkempt", "Unlock" => "Unlock", "Unna" => "Unna", "VT323" => "VT323", "Vampiro One" => "Vampiro+One", "Varela" => "Varela", "Varela Round" => "Varela+Round", "Vast Shadow" => "Vast+Shadow", "Vibur" => "Vibur", "Vidaloka" => "Vidaloka", "Viga" => "Viga", "Voces" => "Voces", "Volkhov" => "Volkhov", "Vollkorn" => "Vollkorn", "Voltaire" => "Voltaire", "Waiting for the Sunrise" => "Waiting+for+the+Sunrise", "Wallpoet" => "Wallpoet", "Walter Turncoat" => "Walter+Turncoat", "Warnes" => "Warnes", "Wellfleet" => "Wellfleet", "Wendy One" => "Wendy+One", "Wire One" => "Wire+One", "Yanone Kaffeesatz" => "Yanone+Kaffeesatz", "Yellowtail" => "Yellowtail", "Yeseva One" => "Yeseva+One", "Yesteryear" => "Yesteryear", "Zeyada" => "Zeyada" ]; //api at google : return $google_font; } /* parse text-decoration */ private function layout_admin() { $locale = fusion_get_locale(); $width_options = ["width" => "100%", 'placeholder' => 'px']; $color_options = ["placeholder" => $locale['theme_2009'], "width" => "100%", "format" => "hex"]; // max widths openside(''); echo "
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\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
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\n"; closeside(); } /* Outputs adjusted colors */ /*private function parse_background($hex, $fill_type) { // possible fill types in atom // darken or lighten functions via steps of 255 max. $hex_value = str_replace('#', '', $hex); $stop_hex = $this->adjustBrightness($hex_value, -20); switch ($fill_type) { case 0: // flat return $hex; break; case 1: // horizontal return " background: ".$hex."; background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, ".$hex." 0%, ".$stop_hex." 100%); background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, color-stop(0%, ".$hex."), color-stop(100%, ".$stop_hex.")); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, ".$hex." 0%,".$stop_hex." 100%); background: -o-linear-gradient(left, ".$hex." 0%,".$stop_hex." 100%); background: -ms-linear-gradient(left, ".$hex." 0%,".$stop_hex." 100%); background: linear-gradient(to right, ".$hex." 0%,".$stop_hex." 100%); filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='".$hex."', endColorstr='".$stop_hex."',GradientType=1 ); "; break; case 2: // vertical return " background: ".$hex."; background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, ".$hex." 0%, ".$stop_hex." 100%); background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,".$hex."), color-stop(100%,".$stop_hex.")); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, ".$hex." 0%,".$stop_hex." 100%); background: -o-linear-gradient(top, ".$hex." 0%,".$stop_hex." 100%); background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, ".$hex." 0%,".$stop_hex." 100%); background: linear-gradient(to bottom, ".$hex." 0%,".$stop_hex." 100%); filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='".$hex."', endColorstr='".$stop_hex."',GradientType=0 ); "; break; case 3: //radial return " background: ".$hex."; background: -moz-radial-gradient(center, ellipse cover, ".$hex." 0%, ".$stop_hex." 100%); background: -webkit-gradient(radial, center center, 0px, center center, 100%, color-stop(0%,".$hex."), color-stop(100%,".$stop_hex.")); background: -webkit-radial-gradient(center, ellipse cover, ".$hex." 0%,".$stop_hex." 100%); background: -o-radial-gradient(center, ellipse cover, ".$hex." 0%,".$stop_hex." 100%); background: -ms-radial-gradient(center, ellipse cover, ".$hex." 0%,".$stop_hex." 100%); background: radial-gradient(ellipse at center, ".$hex." 0%,".$stop_hex." 100%); filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='".$hex."', endColorstr='".$stop_hex."',GradientType=1 ); "; break; case 4: // diagonal return " background: ".$hex."; background: -moz-linear-gradient(-45deg, ".$hex." 0%, ".$stop_hex." 100%); background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right bottom, color-stop(0%,".$hex."), color-stop(100%,".$stop_hex.")); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(-45deg, ".$hex." 0%,".$stop_hex." 100%); background: -o-linear-gradient(-45deg, ".$hex." 0%,".$stop_hex." 100%); background: -ms-linear-gradient(-45deg, ".$hex." 0%,".$stop_hex." 100%); background: linear-gradient(135deg, ".$hex." 0%,".$stop_hex." 100%); filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='".$hex."', endColorstr='".$stop_hex."',GradientType=1); "; break; default: return $hex; } }*/ /* Background parser */ static function adjustBrightness($hex, $percent) { /* Function by Torkill Johnsen */ // Steps should be between -255 and 255. Negative = darker, positive = lighter //$steps = max(-255, min(255)); $steps = $percent > 0 ? 255 * ($percent / 100) : -255 * ($percent / 100); $steps = $steps >= 255 ? 255 : $steps; $steps = $steps <= 255 ? -255 : $steps; // Format the hex color string $hex = str_replace('#', '', $hex); if (strlen($hex) == 3) { $hex = str_repeat(substr($hex, 0, 1), 2).str_repeat(substr($hex, 1, 1), 2).str_repeat(substr($hex, 2, 1), 2); } // Get decimal values $r = hexdec(substr($hex, 0, 2)); $g = hexdec(substr($hex, 2, 2)); $b = hexdec(substr($hex, 4, 2)); // Adjust number of steps and keep it inside 0 to 255 $r = max(0, min(255, $r + $steps)); $g = max(0, min(255, $g + $steps)); $b = max(0, min(255, $b + $steps)); $r_hex = str_pad(dechex($r), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $g_hex = str_pad(dechex($g), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $b_hex = str_pad(dechex($b), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); return '#'.$r_hex.$g_hex.$b_hex; } }