self::$table_cols) { if (db_exists(self::$connection['db_prefix'].self::$table_name)) { /* * Existing Installation */ $this->check_existing_table(); //where is the one that runs upgrade? } else { /* * New Installation */ $this->create_new_table(); } } } else { // failing to connect will result in an installer crash. exit('Illegal operations'); } } // end runtime null return ($key != NULL && isset(self::$runtime_results[$key]) ? self::$runtime_results[$key] : NULL); } /** * When table exists, need to be checked for data-types consistencies and column name consistencies */ private function check_existing_table() { if ($schema_check = $this->get_table_schema(self::$table_name)) { // Iterate checks on every column of the table for consistency foreach (self::$table_cols as $col_name => $col_attr) { if (!isset($last_column_name)) { $last_column_name = key(self::$table_cols); } /* * If column exist in table, compare with column * If column does not exist, add the column */ if (isset($schema_check[$col_name])) { // has column and proceed to compare $schema_compare[self::$table_name][$col_name] = array_diff($schema_check[$col_name], $col_attr); // There is a difference in column data-types structures if (!empty($schema_compare[self::$table_name][$col_name])) { // Register column primary_keys and keys - @todo: have a check on this as well if (isset($col_attr['key'])) { $keys[$col_attr['key']] = $col_name; } self::$runtime_results['alter_column'][self::$table_name][$col_name] = strtr(self::ALTER_COLUMN_STATEMENT, [ '{%table%}' => self::$connection['db_prefix'].self::$table_name, '{%table_attr%}' => $this->get_table_attr($col_name, $col_attr) ]); } } else { self::$runtime_results['add_column'][self::$table_name][$col_name] = strtr(self::ADD_COLUMN_STATEMENT, [ '{%table%}' => self::$connection['db_prefix'].self::$table_name, '{%table_attr%}' => $this->get_table_attr($col_name, $col_attr), '{%column_before%}' => $last_column_name ]); } $last_column_name = $col_name; } } } /** * Fetches Existing Database Table Schema for comparisons * * @param $table_name * * @return null */ private function get_table_schema($table_name) { if (empty(self::$schema_storage[$table_name])) { $schema_result = dbquery("DESC ".self::$connection['db_prefix'].$table_name); if (dbrows($schema_result)) { while ($schemaData = dbarray($schema_result)) { $schema = []; //resets // need to format the type and if (isset($schemaData['Type'])) { $schema_type = preg_split('/\s+/', $schemaData['Type']); // for unsigned // Get Auto Increments if ($schemaData['Extra'] == "auto_increment") { $schema['auto_increment'] = TRUE; } if (!empty($schema_type[1]) && $schema_type[1] == 'unsigned' && !isset($schema['auto_increment'])) { $schema['unsigned'] = TRUE; } $regex = "/([a-zA-Z\\s]*)\\((.*)\\)$/iu"; preg_match($regex, $schema_type[0], $matches); if (!empty($matches)) { if (isset($matches[1])) { $schema['type'] = strtoupper($matches[1]); } if (isset($matches[2])) { $schema['length'] = $matches[2]; } } else { // This field has no Length to extract $schema['type'] = strtoupper($schema_type[0]); } } // Get default if (!empty($schemaData['Default'])) { $schema['default'] = $schemaData['Default']; } // Get key if (!empty($schemaData['Key'])) { $schema['key'] = $schemaData['Key'] == "PRI" ? 1 : 2; } self::$schema_storage[$table_name][$schemaData['Field']] = $schema; } return self::$schema_storage[$table_name]; } } return NULL; } /** * Get table column data-type attributes * * @param $col_name * @param $col_attr * * @return string */ private function get_table_attr($col_name, $col_attr) { // Register column primary_keys and keys if (isset($col_attr['key'])) { $keys[$col_attr['key']] = $col_name; } // Default Attr $default_create = ''; if (isset($col_attr['default']) || isset(self::$required_default[$col_attr['type']]) && empty($col_attr['auto_increment'])) { $default_create = 'DEFAULT \'0\''; if (!empty($col_attr['default'])) { $default_create = 'DEFAULT \''.$col_attr['default'].'\''; } } $unsigned = ''; $auto_increment = ''; if (!empty($col_attr['unsigned']) || !empty($col_attr['auto_increment'])) { $unsigned = 'UNSIGNED '; if (!empty($col_attr['auto_increment'])) { $auto_increment = 'AUTO_INCREMENT'; } } // Generate lines return trim(strtr(self::TABLE_ATTR_STATEMENT, [ '{%col_name%}' => $col_name." ", '{%type%}' => $col_attr['type'], '{%length%}' => (isset($col_attr['length']) ? "(".$col_attr['length'].") " : ''), // TEXT dont have length '{%default%}' => $default_create." ", '{%null%}' => (isset($col_attr['null']) && $col_attr['null'] ? ' NULL ' : ' NOT NULL '), '{%unsigned%}' => $unsigned, '{%auto_increment%}' => $auto_increment, ])); } /** * Auto function - Table does not exist, and create new table and rows */ private function create_new_table() { self::$runtime_results['create'][self::$table_name] = $this->batch_create_table(); // Will only set and create on current locale only $batch_inserts = self::batch_insert_rows(self::$table_name, self::$localeset); if (!empty($batch_inserts)) { self::$runtime_results['insert'][self::$table_name] = $batch_inserts; } } /** * Create codes generation * * @return string */ private function batch_create_table() { // No table found, just create the table as new $line = []; $keys = []; $statement_type = self::TABLE_ATTR_STATEMENT; if (!empty(self::$table_cols)) { foreach (self::$table_cols as $col_name => $col_attr) { // Register column primary_keys and keys if (isset($col_attr['key'])) { $keys[$col_attr['key']] = $col_name; } // Register column full text if (!empty($col_attr['full_text'])) { $full_texts[] = $col_name; } // Default Attr $default_create = ''; if (isset($col_attr['default']) || isset(self::$required_default[$col_attr['type']]) && empty($col_attr['auto_increment'])) { $default_create = 'DEFAULT \'0\''; if (!empty($col_attr['default'])) { $default_create = 'DEFAULT \''.$col_attr['default'].'\''; } } $unsigned = ''; $auto_increment = ''; if (!empty($col_attr['unsigned']) || !empty($col_attr['auto_increment'])) { $unsigned = 'UNSIGNED '; if (!empty($col_attr['auto_increment'])) { $auto_increment = 'AUTO_INCREMENT'; } } // Generate lines $line[] = trim(strtr($statement_type, [ '{%col_name%}' => $col_name." ", '{%type%}' => $col_attr['type'], '{%length%}' => (isset($col_attr['length']) ? "(".$col_attr['length'].") " : ''), // TEXT dont have length '{%default%}' => $default_create." ", '{%null%}' => (isset($col_attr['null']) && $col_attr['null'] ? ' NULL ' : ' NOT NULL '), '{%unsigned%}' => $unsigned, '{%auto_increment%}' => $auto_increment, ])); } if (!empty($keys)) { foreach ($keys as $key_type => $key_col_name) { $line[] = $key_type > 1 ? "KEY $key_col_name ($key_col_name)" : "PRIMARY KEY ($key_col_name)"; } } if (!empty($full_texts)) { $line[] = "FULLTEXT(".implode(',', $full_texts).")"; } } return strtr(self::CREATE_TABLE_STATEMENT, [ '{%table%}' => self::$connection['db_prefix'].self::$table_name, '{%table_attr%}' => implode(', ', $line), '{%collation%}' => Batch_Core::FUSION_TABLE_COLLATION ]); } /** * Add default row records * * @param $table_name * @param $localeset * * @return null|string */ public static function batch_insert_rows($table_name, $localeset) { if ($table_rows = get_table_rows($table_name, $localeset)) { if (isset($table_rows['insert'])) { $values = []; // get column pattern $key = "`".implode("`, `", array_keys($table_rows['insert'][0]))."`"; foreach ($table_rows['insert'] as $count => $inserts) { $values[] = "('".implode("', '", array_values($inserts))."')"; } // return this return strtr(self::INSERT_STATEMENT, [ '{%table%}' => DB_PREFIX.$table_name, '{%key%}' => "($key)", '{%values%}' => implode(",\n", array_values($values)) ]); } } return NULL; } /** * Checks for Upgrade Files * @return array */ public function check_upgrades() { if (empty(self::$upgrade_runtime)) { if (version_compare(self::BUILD_VERSION, fusion_get_settings('version'), ">")) { // find the correct version to do $upgrade_folder_path = BASEDIR."upgrade/"; if (file_exists($upgrade_folder_path)) { $upgrade_files = makefilelist($upgrade_folder_path, ".|..|index.php", TRUE); if (!empty($upgrade_files) && is_array($upgrade_files)) { foreach ($upgrade_files as $upgrade_file) { $filename = rtrim($upgrade_file, ''); if (version_compare($filename, fusion_get_settings('version'), ">")) { /* * Use Infusions Core to load upgrade statements */ $upgrades = self::load_upgrade($upgrade_folder_path, $upgrade_folder_path.$upgrade_file); // Remove unnecessary APIs unset($upgrades['title']); unset($upgrades['name']); unset($upgrades['url']); unset($upgrades['description']); unset($upgrades['version']); unset($upgrades['developer']); unset($upgrades['email']); unset($upgrades['weburl']); unset($upgrades['folder']); unset($upgrades['image']); unset($upgrades['status']); self::$upgrade_runtime[$filename] = $upgrades; } } } } } } return self::$upgrade_runtime; } public function getProgress() { return end($this->js['jquery']); } public function ProgressHasError() { return (!empty($this->js['error'])) ? TRUE : FALSE; } }