step_form(); break; case self::STEP_DB_SETTINGS_SAVE: return $this->dispatch_tables(); default: return NULL; } } private function step_form() { // Back button prevention if (!empty(self::$connection)) { if (version_compare(self::BUILD_VERSION, fusion_get_settings('version'), "==")) { self::installer_step(self::STEP_INTRO); redirect(FUSION_REQUEST); } } self::set_empty_prefix(); if (!empty($_SESSION['db_config_connection'])) { self::$connection = $_SESSION['db_config_connection']; } $content = "



\n"; $content .= "
\n"; $content .= renderNotices(getNotices()); $content .= form_text('db_host', self::$locale['setup_1202'], self::$connection['db_host'], [ 'inline' => TRUE, 'required' => TRUE, 'placeholder' => self::$locale['setup_1225'] ]); $content .= form_text('db_port', self::$locale['setup_1202a'].'
'.self::$locale['setup_1202b'].'', self::$connection['db_port'], [ 'inline' => TRUE, 'placeholder' => 3306 ]); $content .= form_text('db_name', self::$locale['setup_1205'], self::$connection['db_name'], [ 'inline' => TRUE, 'required' => TRUE, 'placeholder' => self::$locale['setup_1220'] ]); $content .= form_text('db_user', self::$locale['setup_1203'], self::$connection['db_user'], [ 'inline' => TRUE, 'required' => TRUE, 'placeholder' => self::$locale['setup_1221'] ]); $content .= form_text('db_pass', self::$locale['setup_1204'], self::$connection['db_pass'], [ 'type' => 'password', 'inline' => TRUE, 'required' => FALSE, 'placeholder' => self::$locale['setup_1222'], 'autocomplete_off' => isset($_GET['upgrade']) ? FALSE : TRUE ]); $content .= "


"; $content .= form_text('db_prefix', self::$locale['setup_1206'], self::$connection['db_prefix'], [ 'inline' => TRUE, 'required' => TRUE, 'placeholder' => self::$locale['setup_1223'] ]); $content .= form_text('cookie_prefix', self::$locale['setup_1207'], self::$connection['cookie_prefix'], [ 'inline' => TRUE, 'required' => TRUE, 'placeholder' => self::$locale['setup_1224'] ]); $options['mysqli'] = 'MySQLi'; $value = 'mysqli'; if (defined('PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME')) { $options['pdo'] = 'PDO'; $value = 'pdo'; } $content .= form_select('db_driver', self::$locale['setup_1208'], $value, [ 'options' => $options, 'inline' => TRUE ]); self::$step = [ 1 => [ 'name' => 'step', 'label' => self::$locale['setup_0121'], 'value' => self::STEP_DB_SETTINGS_SAVE ] ]; return $content; } /** * Handle insertions of core settings table * * @return string * @throws \Exception */ private function dispatch_tables() { $debug_process = FALSE; $debug_batching = FALSE; $content = ''; if (isset($_POST['step'])) { self::$connection = [ 'db_host' => stripinput($_POST['db_host']), 'db_port' => stripinput($_POST['db_port']), 'db_user' => stripinput($_POST['db_user']), 'db_pass' => stripinput($_POST['db_pass']), 'db_name' => stripinput($_POST['db_name']), 'db_prefix' => stripinput($_POST['db_prefix']), 'cookie_prefix' => stripinput($_POST['cookie_prefix']), 'db_driver' => stripinput($_POST['db_driver']), 'localeset' => stripinput($_POST['localeset']), 'secret_key_salt' => self::createRandomPrefix(32), 'secret_key' => self::createRandomPrefix(32) ]; /* * Do not allow - */ foreach (self::$connection as $key => $value) { self::$connection[$key] = str_replace('-', '_', $value); } // Force underscore for these two values self::$connection['db_prefix'] = rtrim(self::$connection['db_prefix'], '_').'_'; self::$connection['cookie_prefix'] = rtrim(self::$connection['cookie_prefix'], '_').'_'; if (!defined('DB_PREFIX')) define('DB_PREFIX', self::$connection['db_prefix']); if (!defined('COOKIE_PREFIX')) define('COOKIE_PREFIX', self::$connection['cookie_prefix']); if (!defined('SECRET_KEY_SALT')) define('SECRET_KEY_SALT', self::createRandomPrefix(32)); if (!defined('SECRET_KEY')) define('SECRET_KEY', self::createRandomPrefix(32)); } else { $db_host = ''; $db_port = ''; $db_user = ''; $db_pass = ''; $db_name = ''; $db_driver = ''; include BASEDIR."config_temp.php"; self::$connection = [ 'db_host' => $db_host, 'db_port' => $db_port, 'db_user' => $db_user, 'db_pass' => $db_pass, 'db_name' => $db_name, 'db_prefix' => DB_PREFIX, 'cookie_prefix' => COOKIE_PREFIX, 'db_driver' => $db_driver, 'localeset' => LOCALESET ]; } $_SESSION['db_config_connection'] = self::$connection; if (\defender::safe()) { $validate = Requirements::get_system_validation(); if (isset($validate[4])) { require_once(INCLUDES.'multisite_include.php'); $to_create = Batch_Core::getInstance()->batch_runtime('create'); // this should just run once no matter how many times queried. $to_alter_column = Batch_Core::getInstance()->batch_runtime('alter_column'); $to_add_column = Batch_Core::getInstance()->batch_runtime('add_column'); $to_insert_rows = Batch_Core::getInstance()->batch_runtime('insert'); // must return array to insert with table. //$final_message = self::$locale['setup_1210']; // Go for point system differentiation $current_count = 0; if (Batch_Core::getInstance()->ProgressHasError() === FALSE) { //$final_message = self::$locale['setup_1211']; // Create missing new tables if (!empty($to_create) && $debug_batching === FALSE) { //$message = "".self::$locale['setup_1600']."...\n"; if (!$debug_process) { foreach ($to_create as $table_name => $table_create) { $current_count = $current_count + 1; $microtime = microtime(TRUE); if ($result = dbquery($table_create)) { $microtime = microtime(TRUE) - $microtime; } /*$message .= $table_name." created
\n";*/ //Batch_Core::getInstance()->Progress($current_count, $total_tests, $microtime, self::$locale['setup_1600'].$table_name.'...', $result); } //addNotice("success", $message); } else { print_p('Create:'); print_p($to_create); } } // Alterations of inconsistent columns - varchar(200) to text if (!empty($to_alter_column) && $debug_batching === FALSE) { //$message = "".self::$locale['setup_1600']."...\n"; if (!$debug_process) { foreach ($to_alter_column as $table_name => $table_processes) { $current_count = $current_count + 1; if (!empty($table_processes)) { foreach ($table_processes as $table_alter) { $microtime = microtime(TRUE); if ($result = dbquery($table_alter)) { $microtime = microtime(TRUE) - $microtime; } /*$message .= $table_name." altered
\n";*/ } } //addNotice("info", $message); } } else { print_p('Alter Column:'); print_p($to_alter_column); } } // Adding missing columns on a specific table if (!empty($to_add_column) && $debug_batching === FALSE) { //$message = "".self::$locale['setup_1602']."...\n"; if (!$debug_process) { foreach ($to_add_column as $table_name => $table_processes) { $current_count = $current_count + 1; if (!empty($table_processes)) { foreach ($table_processes as $table_add) { $microtime = microtime(TRUE); if ($result = dbquery($table_add)) { $microtime = microtime(TRUE) - $microtime; //$message .= $table_name." altered
\n";// } //Batch_Core::getInstance()->Progress($current_count, $total_tests, $microtime, self::$locale['setup_1602'].$table_name.'...', $result); } } } //addNotice("info", $message); } else { print_p('Add Column:'); print_p($to_add_column); } } // Insert default rows on all required tables if (!empty($to_insert_rows) && $debug_batching === FALSE) { // $message = "".self::$locale['setup_1603']."...\n"; if (!$debug_process) { foreach ($to_insert_rows as $table_name => $row_inserts) { $current_count = $current_count + 1; //$microtime = microtime(TRUE); if ($result = dbquery($row_inserts)) { //$microtime = microtime(TRUE) - $microtime; //$message .= $table_name." inserted
\n"; //Batch_Core::getInstance()->Progress($current_count, $total_tests, $microtime, self::$locale['setup_1603'].$table_name.'...', $result); } } //addNotice("info", $message); } else { print_p('Insert Rows:'); print_p($to_insert_rows); } } //Checking for upgrade if ($debug_batching === FALSE) { $to_upgrade = Batch_Core::getInstance()->check_upgrades(); // get upgrade queries if (!empty($to_upgrade) && $debug_batching === FALSE) { $error = FALSE; //$message = "Building version upgrades...\n"; if (!$debug_process) { $filename = ''; foreach ($to_upgrade as $filename => $file_upgrades) { $current_count = $current_count + 1; //$microtime = microtime(TRUE); if (!empty($file_upgrades)) { foreach ($file_upgrades as $callback_method => $upgrades) { if (!empty($upgrades)) { self::$allow_delete = TRUE; $method = $callback_method."_infuse"; if (method_exists($this, $method)) { //dynamically select object pairing dynamic assigned function on dynamic callback. $sql = [ $callback_method => $upgrades ]; $error = $this->$method($sql); } } } } //$microtime = microtime(TRUE) - $microtime; //$message .= "Building version upgrades -".$filename; //Batch_Core::getInstance()->Progress($current_count, $total_tests, $microtime, "Building version upgrades ".$filename.'...', (!$error ? 1 : 0)); } $error = 1; if (!$error) { //$message = "Updating your OS to latest version.\n"; dbquery("UPDATE ".DB_SETTINGS." SET settings_value=:version_value WHERE settings_name=:version_col", [ ':version_value' => $filename, ':version_col' => 'version' ]); //addNotice('warning', $message); } } else { print_p('To Upgrade:'); print_p($to_upgrade); } } } if ($debug_batching === TRUE) { if (!empty($to_create)) { print_p(array_values($to_create)); } if (!empty($to_alter_column)) { print_p(array_values($to_alter_column)); } if (!empty($to_add_column)) { print_p(array_values($to_add_column)); } if (!empty($to_insert_rows)) { print_p(array_values($to_insert_rows)); } if (!empty($to_upgrade)) { print_p(array_values($to_upgrade)); } // generate a SQL file. } } /* * Generate final message */ $errors = Batch_Core::getInstance()->ProgressHasError(); //print_p($errors); if (!$errors) { if ($debug_process === FALSE) { require_once(INCLUDES.'htaccess_include.php'); Installer\write_config(self::$connection); write_htaccess(); if (!empty($to_upgrade)) { self::installer_step(self::STEP_INFUSIONS); } else { self::installer_step(self::STEP_PRIMARY_ADMIN_FORM); } redirect(FUSION_REQUEST); } else { print_p('Debug print end.'); } } } else { foreach ($validate as $validate_result) { if (!$validate_result['result']) { addNotice('danger', $validate_result['description']); } } self::installer_step(self::STEP_DB_SETTINGS_FORM); redirect(FUSION_REQUEST); } return $content; } else { self::installer_step(self::STEP_DB_SETTINGS_FORM); redirect(FUSION_REQUEST); return NULL; } } }