[] ]; /** * Reply and send * SQL send pm */ private $data = [ 'chk_sendtoall' => 0, 'msg_group_send' => 0, 'to_group' => 0, 'to' => 0, 'msg_send' => 0, 'from' => 0, 'subject' => '', 'message' => '', 'smileys' => 'y', ]; public $locale = []; private static $instances = NULL; /** * @return array */ public function getInfo() { return $this->info; } protected static function validate_pm_user($user_id) { if (isnum($user_id) && dbcount("(user_id)", DB_USERS, "user_id=:userid AND user_status =:status", [':userid' => $user_id, ':status' => '0']) ) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Get the pm settings for users * * @param $user_id * @param null $key * * @return array|mixed|null */ public static function get_pm_settings($user_id, $key = NULL) { if (iMEMBER) { $userdata = fusion_get_userdata(); // make sure they have it when registering $settings = [ 'user_inbox' => fusion_get_settings('pm_inbox_limit'), 'user_outbox' => fusion_get_settings('pm_outbox_limit'), 'user_archive' => fusion_get_settings('pm_archive_limit'), 'user_pm_email_notify' => fusion_get_settings('pm_email_notify'), 'user_pm_save_sent' => fusion_get_settings('pm_save_sent'), ]; if ($user_id !== $userdata) { $result = dbquery(" SELECT user_inbox, user_outbox, user_archive, user_pm_email_notify, user_pm_save_sent FROM ".DB_USERS." WHERE user_id=:userid AND user_status=:status", [':userid' => $user_id, ':status' => '0'] ); if (dbrows($result)) { $data = dbarray($result); // What this does is that if any of the params is 0, we use default system values. $settings = [ 'user_inbox' => !empty($data['user_inbox']) ? intval($data['user_inbox']) : intval($settings['user_inbox']), 'user_outbox' => !empty($data['user_outbox']) ? intval($data['user_outbox']) : intval($settings['user_outbox']), 'user_archive' => !empty($data['user_archive']) ? intval($data['user_archive']) : intval($settings['user_archive']), 'user_pm_email_notify' => !empty($data['user_pm_email_notify']) ? intval($data['user_pm_email_notify']) : intval($settings['user_pm_email_notify']), 'user_pm_save_sent' => !empty($data['user_pm_save_sent']) ? intval($data['user_pm_save_sent']) : intval($settings['user_pm_save_sent']) ]; } } else { $settings = [ 'user_inbox' => $userdata['user_inbox'], 'user_outbox' => $userdata['user_outbox'], 'user_archive' => $userdata['user_archive'], 'user_pm_email_notify' => $userdata['user_pm_email_notify'], 'user_pm_save_sent' => $userdata['user_pm_save_sent'] ]; } if (iADMIN || iSUPERADMIN) { $settings['user_inbox'] = 0; $settings['user_outbox'] = 0; $settings['user_archive'] = 0; } return $key === NULL ? $settings : (isset($settings[$key]) ? $settings[$key] : NULL); } return NULL; } /** * Public API to send message using the message system * * @param $to * @param $from * @param $subject * @param $message * @param string $smileys * @param bool $to_group * @param bool $save_sent */ public static function send_pm($to, $from, $subject, $message, $smileys = 'y', $to_group = FALSE, $save_sent = TRUE) { require_once INCLUDES."sendmail_include.php"; require_once INCLUDES."flood_include.php"; $locale = fusion_get_locale('', LOCALE.LOCALESET.'messages.php'); $strict = FALSE; $group_name = getgroupname($to); $to = isnum($to) || !empty($group_name) ? $to : 0; $from = isnum($from) ? $from : 0; if (!$from) { $from = 1; // Always the super administrator } $smileys = preg_match("#(\[code\](.*?)\[/code\]|\[geshi=(.*?)\](.*?)\[/geshi\]|\[php\](.*?)\[/php\])#si", $message) ? "n" : $smileys; if (!$to_group) { // send to user $pmStatus = self::get_pm_settings($to); $myStatus = self::get_pm_settings($from); if (!flood_control("message_datestamp", DB_MESSAGES, "message_from='".intval($from)."'")) { // find receipient $result = dbquery("SELECT u.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_email, u.user_level, COUNT(m.message_id) 'message_count' FROM ".DB_USERS." u LEFT JOIN ".DB_MESSAGES." m ON m.message_user=u.user_id AND message_folder='0' WHERE u.user_id=:userid GROUP BY u.user_id", [':userid' => $to] ); if (dbrows($result)) { $data = dbarray($result); $result2 = dbquery("SELECT user_id, user_name FROM ".DB_USERS." WHERE user_id=:userid", [':userid' => $from]); if (dbrows($result2)) { $userdata = dbarray($result2); if ($to != $from) { if ($data['user_id'] == 1 // recepient is SA || $data['user_level'] < USER_LEVEL_MEMBER || //recepient is Admin !$pmStatus['user_inbox'] || // have unlimited inbox ($data['message_count'] + 1) <= $pmStatus['user_inbox'] // recepient inbox still within limit ) { $inputData = [ 'message_id' => 0, 'message_to' => $to, 'message_user' => $to, 'message_from' => $from, 'message_subject' => $subject, 'message_message' => $message, 'message_smileys' => $smileys, 'message_read' => 0, 'message_datestamp' => TIME, 'message_folder' => 0, ]; dbquery_insert(DB_MESSAGES, $inputData, 'save'); // this will flood the inbox when message is sent to group. -- fixed if ($myStatus['user_pm_save_sent'] == '2' && $save_sent == TRUE) { // user_outbox. $cdata = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT COUNT(message_id) AS outbox_count, MIN(message_id) AS last_message FROM ".DB_MESSAGES." WHERE message_to=:mto AND message_user=:muser AND message_folder=:mfolder GROUP BY message_to", [':mto' => $userdata['user_id'], ':muser' => $userdata['user_id'], ':mfolder' => '1'])); // check my outbox limit and if surpass, remove oldest message if ($myStatus['user_outbox'] != "0" && ($cdata['outbox_count'] + 1) > $myStatus['user_outbox']) { dbquery("DELETE FROM ".DB_MESSAGES." WHERE message_id=:mid AND message_to=:mto", [':mid' => $cdata['last_message'], ':mto' => $userdata['user_id']]); } $inputData['message_user'] = $userdata['user_id']; $inputData['message_folder'] = 1; $inputData['message_from'] = $to; $inputData['message_read'] = 1; $inputData['message_to'] = $userdata['user_id']; dbquery_insert(DB_MESSAGES, $inputData, 'save'); } $send_email = $pmStatus['user_pm_email_notify']; if ($send_email == "2") { $message_content = str_replace( ['[SUBJECT]', '[USER]', '[LINK]', '[/LINK]', '[SITENAME]'], [$subject, $userdata['user_name'], "", "", fusion_get_settings('sitename')], $locale['626'] ); $template_result = dbquery("SELECT template_key, template_active FROM ".DB_EMAIL_TEMPLATES." WHERE template_key='PM' LIMIT 1"); if (dbrows($template_result)) { $template_data = dbarray($template_result); if ($template_data['template_active'] == "1") { sendemail_template("PM", $subject, trimlink($message, 150), $userdata['user_name'], $data['user_name'], "", $data['user_email']); } else { sendemail($data['user_name'], $data['user_email'], fusion_get_settings("siteusername"), fusion_get_settings("siteemail"), $locale['625'], $data['user_name'].$message_content); } } else { sendemail($data['user_name'], $data['user_email'], fusion_get_settings("siteusername"), fusion_get_settings("siteemail"), $locale['625'], $data['user_name'].$message_content); } } } else { // Inbox is full if ($strict) { die($locale['700']); } \defender::stop(); addNotice('danger', $locale['628']); } } } else { // Sender does not exist in DB if ($strict) { die($locale['701']); } \defender::stop(); addNotice('danger', $locale['482']); } } else { \defender::stop(); if ($strict) { die($locale['702']); } addNotice('danger', $locale['482']); } } else { if ($strict) { die($locale['703']); } \defender::stop(); addNotice('danger', sprintf($locale['487'], fusion_get_settings('flood_interval'))); } } else { $result = NULL; if ($to <= USER_LEVEL_MEMBER && $to >= USER_LEVEL_SUPER_ADMIN) { // -101, -102, -103 only $result = dbquery("SELECT user_id FROM ".DB_USERS." WHERE user_level <=:level AND user_status=:status", [':level' => $to, ':status' => '0']); } else { $result = dbquery("SELECT user_id FROM ".DB_USERS." WHERE ".in_group("user_groups", $to)." AND user_status='0'"); } if (dbrows($result) > 0) { while ($data = dbarray($result)) { self::send_pm($data['user_id'], $from, $subject, $message, $smileys, FALSE, FALSE); } } else { \defender::stop(); addNotice('danger', $locale['492']); } } } /** * Get PM Instances * * @param string $key * * @return static */ public static function getInstance($key = 'default') { if (!isset(self::$instances[$key])) { self::$instances[$key] = new static(); } return self::$instances[$key]; } /** * Set Message Listing for inbox, outbox and archive* * @todo: expand to longpoll or implement node.js */ private function set_list_messages() { // list messages $query = [ 'inbox' => [$this->info['inbox_total'], "message_folder='0'"], 'outbox' => [$this->info['outbox_total'], "message_folder='1'"], 'archive' => [$this->info['archive_total'], "message_folder='2'"] ]; $totals = [ 'inbox' => $this->info['inbox_count'], 'outbox' => $this->info['outbox_count'], 'archive' => $this->info['archive_count'] ]; if ($totals[$_GET['folder']] > 0) { add_to_title($this->locale['global_201'].$this->info['folders'][$_GET['folder']]['title']); set_meta("description", $this->info['folders'][$_GET['folder']]['title']); $sql_table = DB_MESSAGES." m INNER JOIN ".DB_USERS." u ON (m.message_from=u.user_id)"; $sql_condition = "message_to=:uid AND ".$query[$_GET['folder']][1]; $sql_limit = ":rowstart, :limit"; // filter $sql_param = [':uid' => fusion_get_userdata('user_id')]; if ($this->info['max_rows'] = dbcount("(message_id)", $sql_table, $sql_condition, $sql_param)) { $sql_param += [ ':rowstart' => (isset($_GET['rowstart']) && isnum($_GET['rowstart']) && $_GET['rowstart'] <= $this->info['max_rows'] ? intval($_GET['rowstart']) : 0), ':limit' => 20 ]; $result = dbquery("SELECT m.*, u.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_status, u.user_avatar, u.user_level, MAX(m.message_id) AS last_message FROM $sql_table WHERE $sql_condition GROUP BY message_id ORDER BY m.message_datestamp DESC LIMIT $sql_limit", $sql_param ); $this->info['rows'] = dbrows($result); if ($this->info['max_rows'] > $this->info['rows']) { $url = ((array)parse_url(htmlspecialchars_decode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']))) + [ 'path' => '', 'query' => '' ]; if ($url['query']) { parse_str($url['query'], $fusion_query); // this is original. } $this->info['pagenav'] = makepagenav($sql_param[':rowstart'], $sql_param[':limit'], $this->info['max_rows'], 3, BASEDIR."messages.php?folder=".$_GET['folder']."&"); } while ($data = dbarray($result)) { $data['contact_user'] = [ 'user_id' => $data['user_id'], 'user_name' => $data['user_name'], 'user_status' => $data['user_status'], 'user_avatar' => $data['user_avatar'], 'user_level' => $data['user_level'] ]; $data['message'] = [ 'link' => BASEDIR."messages.php?folder=".$_GET['folder']."&msg_read=".$data['message_id'], 'name' => $data['message_subject'], 'message_header' => "".$this->locale['462'].": ".$data['message_subject'], 'message_text' => $data['message_smileys'] == "y" ? parseubb(parsesmileys($data['message_message'])) : parseubb($data['message_message']), ]; $this->info['items'][$data['message_id']] = $data; } } else { $this->info['no_item'] = $this->locale['471']; } } else { $this->info['no_item'] = $this->locale['471']; } } /** * Set Message Reader */ private function set_read_messages() { // list messages $query = [ 'inbox' => [$this->info['inbox_total'], "message_folder='0'"], 'outbox' => [$this->info['outbox_total'], "message_folder='1'"], 'archive' => [$this->info['archive_total'], "message_folder='2'"] ]; $sql_table = DB_MESSAGES." m INNER JOIN ".DB_USERS." u ON (m.message_from=u.user_id)"; $sql_condition = "message_to=:uid AND message_id=:mid AND ".$query[$_GET['folder']][1]; $sql_param = [':uid' => fusion_get_userdata('user_id'), ':mid' => intval($_GET['msg_read'])]; $result = dbquery("SELECT m.*, u.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_status, u.user_avatar, u.user_level FROM $sql_table WHERE $sql_condition GROUP BY message_id ORDER BY m.message_datestamp DESC", $sql_param ); if ($this->info['rows'] = dbrows($result)) { $data = dbarray($result); $data['contact_user'] = [ 'user_id' => $data['user_id'], 'user_name' => $data['user_name'], 'user_status' => $data['user_status'], 'user_avatar' => $data['user_avatar'], 'user_level' => $data['user_level'] ]; $data['message'] = [ 'link' => BASEDIR."messages.php?folder=".$_GET['folder']."&msg_read=".$data['message_id'], 'name' => $data['message_subject'], 'message_header' => "".$this->locale['462'].": ".$data['message_subject'], 'message_text' => $data['message_smileys'] == "y" ? parseubb(parsesmileys($data['message_message'])) : parseubb($data['message_message']) ]; $this->info['items'][$data['message_id']] = $data; // set read if (isset($this->info['items'][$_GET['msg_read']])) { dbquery("UPDATE ".DB_MESSAGES." SET message_read=1 WHERE message_id=:mrd", [':mrd' => intval($_GET['msg_read'])]); } $this->info['button'] += [ 'back' => ['link' => BASEDIR."messages.php?folder=".$_GET['folder'], 'title' => $this->locale['back']], ]; $this->set_reply_form(); } else { redirect(BASEDIR.'messages.php'); } } /** * Set Message Options Viewer */ private function set_message_options() { $userdata = fusion_get_userdata(); if (isset($_POST['save_options'])) { $data = [ 'user_id' => $userdata['user_id'], 'user_pm_email_notify' => form_sanitizer($_POST['pm_email_notify'], 0, 'pm_email_notify'), 'user_pm_save_sent' => form_sanitizer($_POST['pm_save_sent'], 0, 'pm_save_sent'), ]; dbquery_insert(DB_USERS, $data, 'update'); addNotice('success', $this->locale['445']); redirect(BASEDIR."messages.php?folder=options"); } $this->info['options_form'] = openform('pm_form', 'post', FUSION_REQUEST); $this->info['options_form'] .= form_select('pm_email_notify', $this->locale['621'], $userdata['user_pm_email_notify'], ['options' => [ '0' => $this->locale['520'], '1' => $this->locale['521'], '2' => $this->locale['522'], ]]); $this->info['options_form'] .= form_select('pm_save_sent', $this->locale['622'], $userdata['user_pm_save_sent'], ['options' => [ '0' => $this->locale['520'], '1' => $this->locale['523'], '2' => $this->locale['524'], ]]); $this->info['options_form'] .= form_button('save_options', $this->locale['623'], $this->locale['623'], ['class' => 'btn btn-primary']); $this->info['options_form'] .= closeform(); } /** * Actions buttons - archive, delete, mark all read, mark all unread, mark as read, mark as unread * @return string */ private function set_action_menu() { if (isset($_GET['msg_read'])) { // this is the read menu. $html = openform('actionform', 'post', FUSION_REQUEST); $html .= form_hidden('selectedPM', '', intval($_GET['msg_read'])); $html .= "
\n"; if ($_GET['folder'] == "archive") { $html .= form_button('unarchive_pm', $this->locale['413'], 'unarchive_pm', ['icon' => 'fa fa-unlock']); } else if ($_GET['folder'] == "inbox") { $html .= form_button('archive_pm', $this->locale['412'], 'archive_pm', ['icon' => 'fa fa-lock']); } $html .= form_button('delete_pm', $this->locale['416'], 'delete_pm', ['icon' => 'fa fa-trash-o', 'class' => 'btn-danger']); $html .= "
\n"; $html .= closeform(); } else { add_to_footer(""); $html = openform('actionform', 'post', FUSION_REQUEST); $html .= form_hidden('selectedPM', '', ''); $html .= ""; $html .= "
\n"; if ($_GET['folder'] == 'archive') { $html .= form_button('unarchive_pm', $this->locale['413'], 'unarchive_pm', ['class' => 'btn-sm btn-default', 'icon' => 'fa fa-unlock']); } else if ($_GET['folder'] !== 'outbox') { $html .= form_button('archive_pm', $this->locale['412'], 'archive_pm', ['class' => 'btn-sm btn-default', 'icon' => 'fa fa-lock']); } $html .= form_button('delete_pm', $this->locale['416'], 'delete_pm', ['class' => 'btn-sm btn-danger', 'icon' => 'fa fa-trash-o']); $html .= "
\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= closeform(); } $this->info['actions_form'] = $html; } /** * Private message server * @return $this */ public function Server() { if (!iMEMBER) { redirect(BASEDIR.'index.php'); } $userdata = fusion_get_userdata(); $this->locale = fusion_get_locale('', LOCALE.LOCALESET.'messages.php'); if (isset($_POST['cancel'])) { redirect(BASEDIR."messages.php"); } if (!isset($_GET['folder']) || !preg_check("/^(inbox|outbox|archive|options)$/", $_GET['folder'])) { $_GET['folder'] = 'inbox'; } if (isset($_POST['msg_send']) && isnum($_POST['msg_send']) && self::validate_pm_user($_POST['msg_send'])) { $_GET['msg_send'] = $_POST['msg_send']; } // prohibits send message to non-existing group $user_group = fusion_get_groups(); unset($user_group[0]); if (isset($_POST['msg_to_group']) && isnum($_POST['msg_to_group']) && isset($user_group[$_POST['msg_to_group']])) { $_GET['msg_to_group'] = $_POST['msg_to_group']; } $unread_inbox = dbcount("(message_id)", DB_MESSAGES, "message_user=:muser AND message_to=:mto AND message_read=0 AND message_folder=0", [':muser' => $userdata['user_id'], ':mto' => $userdata['user_id']]); $total_inbox = dbcount("(message_id)", DB_MESSAGES, "message_user=:muser AND message_to=:mto AND message_folder=0", [':muser' => $userdata['user_id'], ':mto' => $userdata['user_id']]); $unread_outbox = dbcount("(message_id)", DB_MESSAGES, "message_to=:mto AND message_folder=1 AND message_read=0", [':mto' => $userdata['user_id']]); $total_outbox = dbcount("(message_id)", DB_MESSAGES, "message_user=:muser AND message_to=:mto AND message_folder=1", [':muser' => $userdata['user_id'], ':mto' => $userdata['user_id']]); $unread_arc = dbcount("(message_id)", DB_MESSAGES, "message_user=:muser AND message_to=:mto AND message_folder=2 AND message_read=0", [':muser' => $userdata['user_id'], ':mto' => $userdata['user_id']]); $total_arc = dbcount("(message_id)", DB_MESSAGES, "message_user=:muser AND message_to=:mto AND message_folder=2", [':muser' => $userdata['user_id'], ':mto' => $userdata['user_id']]); /** * Defaults */ $this->info = [ 'folders' => [ 'inbox' => ['link' => BASEDIR."messages.php?folder=inbox", 'title' => $this->locale['402'], 'icon' => 'fa fa-inbox'], 'outbox' => ['link' => BASEDIR."messages.php?folder=outbox", 'title' => $this->locale['403'], 'icon' => 'fa fa-envelope-o'], 'archive' => ['link' => BASEDIR."messages.php?folder=archive", 'title' => $this->locale['404'], 'icon' => 'fa fa-archive'], 'options' => ['link' => BASEDIR."messages.php?folder=options", 'title' => $this->locale['425'], 'icon' => 'fa fa-cog'], ], 'inbox_count' => intval($total_inbox), 'outbox_count' => intval($total_outbox), 'archive_count' => intval($total_arc), 'inbox_total' => $unread_inbox."/".$total_inbox, 'outbox_total' => $unread_outbox."/".$total_outbox, 'archive_total' => $unread_arc."/".$total_arc, 'pagenav' => '', 'button' => [ 'new' => [ 'link' => BASEDIR."messages.php?msg_send=new", 'title' => $this->locale['401'] ], 'options' => ['link' => BASEDIR."messages.php?folder=options", 'name' => $this->locale['425']], ], 'actions_form' => '', ]; add_to_title($this->locale['global_200'].$this->locale['400']); add_to_meta("description", $this->locale['400']); return $this; } /** * Private message main viewer * @return string|void */ public function View() { if ($_GET['folder'] == "options") { $this->set_message_options(); } else { // Listener for Sending Messages $this->do_send(); if (isset($_GET['msg_send']) && (isnum($_GET['msg_send']) || $_GET['msg_send'] === 'new')) { // Form 1 $this->set_send_form(); } else { if (isset($_GET['msg_read']) && isnum($_GET['msg_read'])) { // Form 2 + Messages $this->set_read_messages(); } else { $this->set_list_messages(); } } // Message Actions if (!empty($_POST)) { if (isset($_POST['archive_pm'])) { $this->do_archive(); } else if (isset($_POST['unarchive_pm'])) { $this->do_unarchive(); } else if (isset($_POST['delete_pm'])) { $this->do_delete(); } else if (isset($_POST['mark'])) { $this->do_mark(); } } $this->set_action_menu(); } return display_inbox($this->info); } /** * Actions : archive messages */ private function do_archive() { $userdata = fusion_get_userdata(); $messages = !empty($_POST['selectedPM']) ? explode(",", rtrim(form_sanitizer($_POST['selectedPM'], "", "selectedPM"), ",")) : ''; if (!empty($messages)) { foreach ($messages as $message_id) { $ownership = isnum($message_id) && dbcount("(message_id)", DB_MESSAGES, "message_id=:messageid AND message_user=:messageuser", [':messageid' => $message_id, ':messageuser' => $userdata['user_id']]) ? TRUE : FALSE; $within_limit = self::get_pm_settings($userdata['user_id'], "user_archive") == "0" || (self::get_pm_settings($userdata['user_id'], "user_archive") > 0 && self::get_pm_settings($userdata['user_id'], "user_archive") - 1 > $this->info['archive_total']) ? TRUE : FALSE; if ($ownership && $within_limit && isset($this->info['items'][$message_id])) { $moveData = $this->info['items'][$message_id]; $moveData['message_folder'] = 2; dbquery_insert(DB_MESSAGES, $moveData, 'update'); } } addNotice('success', $this->locale['489']); redirect(clean_request('', ['folder'], TRUE)); } } /** * Actions: unarchive messages */ private function do_unarchive() { $userdata = fusion_get_userdata(); $messages = !empty($_POST['selectedPM']) ? explode(",", rtrim(form_sanitizer($_POST['selectedPM'], "", "selectedPM"), ",")) : ''; if (!empty($messages)) { foreach ($messages as $message_id) { $ownership = isnum($message_id) && dbcount("(message_id)", DB_MESSAGES, "message_id=:messageid AND message_user=:messageuser", [':messageid' => intval($message_id), ':messageuser' => intval($userdata['user_id'])]) ? TRUE : FALSE; $within_limit = self::get_pm_settings($userdata['user_id'], "user_inbox") == "0" || (self::get_pm_settings($userdata['user_id'], "user_inbox") > 0 && self::get_pm_settings($userdata['user_id'], "user_inbox") - 1 > $this->info['inbox_total']) ? TRUE : FALSE; if ($ownership && $within_limit && isset($this->info['items'][$message_id])) { $moveData = $this->info['items'][$message_id]; $moveData['message_folder'] = 0; dbquery_insert(DB_MESSAGES, $moveData, 'update'); } } addNotice('success', $this->locale['489b']); redirect(clean_request('', ['folder'], TRUE)); } } /** * Actions: delete messages */ private function do_delete() { $userdata = fusion_get_userdata(); $messages = !empty($_POST['selectedPM']) ? explode(",", rtrim(form_sanitizer($_POST['selectedPM'], "", "selectedPM"), ",")) : ''; if (!empty($messages)) { foreach ($messages as $message_id) { $ownership = isnum($message_id) && dbcount("(message_id)", DB_MESSAGES, "message_id=:messageid AND message_user=:messageuser", [':messageid' => intval($message_id), ':messageuser' => intval($userdata['user_id'])]) ? TRUE : FALSE; if ($ownership && isset($this->info['items'][$message_id])) { $moveData = $this->info['items'][$message_id]; dbquery_insert(DB_MESSAGES, $moveData, 'delete'); } } addNotice('success', $this->locale['490']); redirect(clean_request('', ['folder'], TRUE)); } } /** * Actions : marking messages */ private function do_mark() { $userdata = fusion_get_userdata(); switch (form_sanitizer($_POST['mark'], "")) { case "mark_all": // mark all as read if (!empty($this->info['items'])) { foreach ($this->info['items'] as $message_id => $array) { $ownership = isnum($message_id) && dbcount("(message_id)", DB_MESSAGES, "message_id=:messageid AND message_user=:messageuser", [':messageid' => intval($message_id), ':messageuser' => intval($userdata['user_id'])]) ? TRUE : FALSE; if ($ownership && isset($this->info['items'][$message_id])) { dbquery("UPDATE ".DB_MESSAGES." SET message_read='1' WHERE message_id='".intval($message_id)."'"); } } redirect(clean_request('', ['folder'], TRUE)); } break; case "unmark_all": // mark all as unread if (!empty($this->info['items'])) { foreach ($this->info['items'] as $message_id => $pmData) { $ownership = isnum($message_id) && dbcount("(message_id)", DB_MESSAGES, "message_id=:messageid AND message_user=:messageuser", [':messageid' => intval($message_id), ':messageuser' => intval($userdata['user_id'])]) ? TRUE : FALSE; if ($ownership && isset($this->info['items'][$message_id])) { dbquery("UPDATE ".DB_MESSAGES." SET message_read='0' WHERE message_id='".intval($message_id)."'"); } } redirect(clean_request('', ['folder'], TRUE)); } break; case "mark_read": $messages = !empty($_POST['selectedPM']) ? explode(",", rtrim(form_sanitizer($_POST['selectedPM'], "", "selectedPM"), ",")) : ''; if (!empty($messages)) { foreach ($messages as $message_id) { $ownership = isnum($message_id) && dbcount("(message_id)", DB_MESSAGES, "message_id=:messageid AND message_user=:messageuser", [':messageid' => $message_id, ':messageuser' => $userdata['user_id']]) ? TRUE : FALSE; if ($ownership && isset($this->info['items'][$message_id])) { dbquery("UPDATE ".DB_MESSAGES." SET message_read='1' WHERE message_id='".intval($message_id)."'"); } } } redirect(clean_request('', ['folder'], TRUE)); break; case "mark_unread": $messages = !empty($_POST['selectedPM']) ? explode(",", rtrim(form_sanitizer($_POST['selectedPM'], "", "selectedPM"), ",")) : ''; if (!empty($messages)) { foreach ($messages as $message_id) { $ownership = isnum($message_id) && dbcount("(message_id)", DB_MESSAGES, "message_id=:messageid AND message_user=:messageuser", [':messageid' => $message_id, ':messageuser' => $userdata['user_id']]) ? TRUE : FALSE; if ($ownership && isset($this->info['items'][$message_id])) { dbquery("UPDATE ".DB_MESSAGES." SET message_read='0' WHERE message_id='".intval($message_id)."'"); } } } redirect(clean_request('', ['folder'], TRUE)); } } /** * Actions: send messages */ private function do_send() { if (isset($_POST['send_pm']) || isset($_POST['send_message'])) { $userdata = fusion_get_userdata(); $this->data = [ 'msg_group_send' => 0, 'chk_sendtoall' => 0, 'to' => 0, 'from' => $userdata['user_id'], 'subject' => form_sanitizer($_POST['subject'], '', 'subject'), 'message' => form_sanitizer($_POST['message'], '', 'message'), 'smileys' => isset($_POST['chk_disablesmileys']) || preg_match("#(\[code\](.*?)\[/code\]|\[geshi=(.*?)\](.*?)\[/geshi\]|\[php\](.*?)\[/php\])#si", $_POST['message']) ? "n" : "y" ]; if (iADMIN && !empty($_POST['chk_sendtoall'])) { $this->data['chk_sendtoall'] = isset($_POST['chk_sendtoall']) ? 1 : 0; $this->data['msg_group_send'] = isset($_POST['msg_group_send']) ? form_sanitizer($_POST['msg_group_send'], 0, 'msg_group_send') : 0; } else { $this->data['to'] = form_sanitizer($_POST['msg_send'], 0, 'msg_send'); } if (\defender::safe()) { if (iADMIN && isset($_POST['chk_sendtoall']) && $this->data['msg_group_send']) { self::send_pm($this->data['msg_group_send'], $this->data['from'], $this->data['subject'], $this->data['message'], $this->data['smileys'], TRUE); } else { self::send_pm($this->data['to'], $this->data['from'], $this->data['subject'], $this->data['message'], $this->data['smileys'], FALSE); } addNotice('success', $this->locale['491']); redirect(BASEDIR."messages.php"); } } } /** * Private message forms * pm_form (Short form) * pm_mainForm (Full composing environment) */ private function set_reply_form() { $this->info['reply_form'] = openform('inputform', 'post', FUSION_REQUEST) .form_hidden('msg_send', '', $this->info['items'][$_GET['msg_read']]['message_from']) .form_hidden('subject', '', $this->info['items'][$_GET['msg_read']]['message_subject']) .form_textarea('message', '', '', [ 'required' => TRUE, 'placeholder' => $this->locale['422'], 'preview' => TRUE, 'height' => '300px', 'form_name' => 'inputform', 'bbcode' => TRUE ]).form_button('send_message', $this->locale['430'], $this->locale['430'], [ 'class' => 'btn btn-primary m-r-10' ]).form_button('cancel', $this->locale['cancel'], $this->locale['cancel'], ['class' => 'btn-link']).closeform(); } /** * New message form */ private function set_send_form() { $this->data['msg_send'] = isset($_GET['msg_send']) ? $_GET['msg_send'] : 0; if (iADMIN) { $input_header = "
"; $input_header .= form_user_select('msg_send', $this->locale['420a'], $this->data['msg_send'], [ 'required' => TRUE, 'inner_width' => '100%', 'width' => '100%', 'error_text' => $this->locale['error_input_username'], 'placeholder' => $this->locale['421'] ]); $input_header .= form_hidden('chk_sendtoall', '', $this->data['chk_sendtoall']); $input_header .= "\n"; // Toggle "Send to All" link add_to_jquery(" $('#mass_send').bind('click', function() { $('#msg_to_group-field').toggleClass('display-none'); $('#msg_send-field').toggleClass('display-none'); var invisible = $('#msg_to_group-field').hasClass('display-none'); if (invisible) { $('#chk_sendtoall').val(0); } else { $('#chk_sendtoall').val(1); } }); "); } else { $input_header = form_user_select('msg_send', $this->locale['420a'], $this->data['msg_send'], [ 'required' => TRUE, 'input_id' => 'msgsend2', 'inline' => TRUE, 'width' => '100%', 'inner_width' => '100%', 'error_text' => $this->locale['error_input_username'], 'placeholder' => $this->locale['421'] ]); } $this->info['reply_form'] = openform('inputform', 'post', FUSION_REQUEST).$input_header."
". form_text('subject', '', $this->data['subject'], [ 'placeholder' => $this->locale['405'], 'class' => 'form-group-lg display-block', 'inline' => FALSE, 'required' => TRUE, 'max_length' => 100, 'width' => '100%', 'error_text' => $this->locale['error_input_default'], ]).form_textarea('message', '', $this->data['message'], [ 'placeholder' => $this->locale['422'], 'required' => TRUE, 'autosize' => TRUE, 'no_resize' => 0, 'preview' => TRUE, 'form_name' => 'inputform', 'height' => '150px', 'error_text' => $this->locale['error_input_default'], 'bbcode' => TRUE ]).form_button('cancel', $this->locale['cancel'], $this->locale['cancel']).form_button('send_pm', $this->locale['430'], $this->locale['430'], [ 'class' => 'btn m-l-10 btn-primary' ]).closeform(); } /** * PrivateMessages constructor. */ private function __construct() {} }