, | Co-Author: Frank Bültge +--------------------------------------------------------+ | This program is released as free software under the | Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or | modify it under the terms of this license which you | can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online | at www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html. Removal of this | copyright header is strictly prohibited without | written permission from the original author(s). +--------------------------------------------------------*/ namespace PHPFusion; class QuantumFields extends \SqlHandler { /** * Set the Quantum System Fields Page Title */ protected $system_title = ''; /** * Set the admin rights to Quantum Fields Admin * * @var string */ protected $admin_rights = ''; /** * Set the Database to install field structure records * Refer to v7.x User Fields Structrue * * @var string - category_db = DB_USER_FIELDS_CAT * @var string - field_db = DB_USER_FIELDS */ protected $category_db = ''; protected $field_db = ''; /** * Set system API folder paths * Refer to v7.x User Fields API * * @var string - plugin_locale_folder (LOCALE.LOCALESET."user_fields/") * @var string - plugin_folder (INCLUDES."user_fields/") */ protected $plugin_folder = NULL; protected $plugin_locale_folder = NULL; /** * Set as `display` to show array values output * Two methods - input or display * * @var string */ protected $method = 'input'; /** * feed $userData or $data here to append display_fields() values * use the setter function setCallbackData() * * @var array */ protected $callback_data = []; // callback on the structure - use getters protected $fields = []; // maybe can mix with enabled_fields. protected $cat_list = []; // debug mode protected $debug = FALSE; protected $module_debug = FALSE; protected $dom_debug = FALSE; // System Internals private $input_page = 1; private $max_rows = 0; private $locale = []; private $page_list = []; private $page = []; private $enabled_fields = []; private $get_available_modules = []; private $available_field_info = []; private $user_field_dbinfo = ''; /** Setters */ private $field_data = [ 'add_module' => '', 'field_type' => '', 'field_id' => 0, 'field_title' => '', 'field_name' => '', 'field_cat' => 0, 'field_options' => '', 'field_default' => '', 'field_error' => '', 'field_registration' => 0, 'field_log' => 0, 'field_required' => 0, 'field_order' => 0, ]; private $field_cat_data = [ 'field_cat_id' => 0, 'field_cat_name' => '', 'field_parent' => 0, 'field_cat_order' => 0, 'field_cat_db' => '', 'field_cat_index' => '', 'field_cat_class' => '', ]; private $output_fields = []; ### Setters ### public static function fusion_getlocale($data, $input_name) { $language_opts = fusion_get_enabled_languages(); if (isset($_POST[$input_name])) { return self::serialize_fields($input_name); } else { if (isset($data[$input_name])) { if (self::is_serialized($data[$input_name])) { return unserialize($data[$input_name]); } else { $value = ""; foreach ($language_opts as $lang) { $value[$lang] = $data[$input_name]; } return $value; } } else { return NULL; } } } /** * Short serialization function. * * @param $input_name * * @return bool|string */ public static function serialize_fields($input_name) { if (isset($_POST[$input_name])) { $field_var = []; foreach ($_POST[$input_name] as $language => $value) { $field_var[$language] = form_sanitizer($value, ''); } return serialize($field_var); } return FALSE; } /** * `input` renders field. * `display` renders data * * @param string $method ('input' or 'display') */ public function setMethod($method) { $this->method = $method; } /** * Set Quantum system locale * * @param $locale */ public function setLocale($locale) { $this->locale = $locale; } /** * If modules are used, specify fields module path * API follows Version 7.00's User Fields module. * * @param mixed $plugin_folder_path */ public function setPluginFolder($plugin_folder_path) { $this->plugin_folder = $plugin_folder_path; } /** * If modules are used, specify fields module locale libs folder path * API follows Version 7.00's User Fields Module. * * @param $locale_folder_path */ public function setPluginLocaleFolder($locale_folder_path) { $this->plugin_locale_folder = $locale_folder_path; } /** * Give your Quantum based system a name. Will add to breadcrumbs if available. * * @param string $system_title */ public function setSystemTitle($system_title) { $this->system_title = $system_title; } /** * Database Handler for Category Structuring * If it does not exist, quantum will automatically build a template onload. * * @param string $category_db */ public function setCategoryDb($category_db) { $this->category_db = $category_db; } /** * Database Handler for Field Structuring * If it does not exist, quantum will automatically build a template onload. * * @param string $field_db */ public function setFieldDb($field_db) { $this->field_db = $field_db; } ### Getters #### /** * Additional data-id referencing. * $userdata for instance. * * @param array $callback_data */ public function setCallbackData($callback_data) { $this->callback_data = $callback_data; } /** * The internal admin rights by a user to use this system. * if specified, to lock down to certain user rights. * * @param string $admin_rights */ public function setAdminRights($admin_rights) { $this->admin_rights = $admin_rights; } /** * @return array */ public function getCatList() { return $this->cat_list; } /** * Get results from running load_structure * * @param null $key * * @return array */ public function getFields($key = NULL) { return (isset($this->fields[$key])) ? (array)$this->fields[$key] : (array)$this->fields; } ### Loaders #### /* Read into serialized field label and returns the value */ public function displayQuantumAdmin() { pageAccess($this->admin_rights); define('IN_QUANTUM', TRUE); if ($this->system_title) { BreadCrumbs::getInstance()->addBreadCrumb(['link' => FUSION_REQUEST, 'title' => $this->system_title]); add_to_title($this->system_title.' | '); } if ($this->method == 'input') { $this->load_fields(); // return fields $this->load_field_cats(); // return cat $this->_move_fields(); $this->_delete_category(); $this->_delete_fields(); $this->get_available_modules(); } $this->view(); } public function load_fields() { $this->page = dbquery_tree_full( $this->category_db, "field_cat_id", "field_parent", "ORDER BY field_cat_order ASC" ); $result = dbquery(" SELECT field.*, cat.field_cat_id, cat.field_cat_name, cat.field_parent, cat.field_cat_class, root.field_cat_id AS page_id, root.field_cat_name AS page_name, root.field_cat_db, root.field_cat_index FROM ".$this->field_db." field LEFT JOIN ".$this->category_db." cat ON (cat.field_cat_id = field.field_cat) LEFT JOIN ".$this->category_db." root ON (root.field_cat_id = cat.field_parent) ORDER BY cat.field_cat_order ASC, field.field_order ASC "); $this->max_rows = dbrows($result); if ($this->max_rows > 0) { while ($data = dbarray($result)) { $this->fields[$data['field_cat']][$data['field_id']] = $data; } } } ### Validators ### /* Move Fields Order - Up and Down */ /** * Returns $this->page_list and $this->cat_list */ public function load_field_cats() { // Load Field Cats if (empty($this->page_list) && empty($this->cat_list)) { $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$this->category_db." ORDER BY field_cat_order ASC"); if (dbrows($result) > 0) { while ($list_data = dbarray($result)) { if ($list_data['field_parent'] != '0') { $this->cat_list[$list_data['field_cat_id']] = $list_data['field_cat_name']; } else { $this->page_list[$list_data['field_cat_id']] = self::parse_label($list_data['field_cat_name']); } } } } if (empty($this->field_cat_index)) { $this->field_cat_index = dbquery_tree($this->category_db, 'field_cat_id', 'field_parent'); } } private $field_cat_index = []; /* Execution of delete fields */ /** * Parse the correct label language. Requires serialized $value. * * @param $value - Serialized * * @return string * NOTE: If your field does not parse properly, check your column length. Set it to TEXT NOT NULL. */ public static function parse_label($value) { if (self::is_serialized($value)) { $value = @unserialize($value); // if anyone can give me a @unserialize($value) withotu E_NOTICE. I'll drop is_serialized function. return (string)(isset($value[LANGUAGE])) ? $value[LANGUAGE] : ''; } else { return (string)$value; } } public static function is_serialized($value, &$result = NULL) { // Bit of a give away this one if (!is_string($value)) { return FALSE; } // Serialized FALSE, return TRUE. unserialize() returns FALSE on an // invalid string or it could return FALSE if the string is serialized // FALSE, eliminate that possibility. if ('b:0;' === $value) { $result = FALSE; return TRUE; } $length = strlen($value); $end = ''; if (isset($value[0])) { switch ($value[0]) { case 's': if ('"' !== $value[$length - 2]) { return FALSE; } case 'b': case 'i': case 'd': // This looks odd but it is quicker than isset()ing $end .= ';'; case 'a': case 'O': $end .= '}'; if (':' !== $value[1]) { return FALSE; } switch ($value[2]) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: break; default: return FALSE; } case 'N': $end .= ';'; if ($value[$length - 1] !== $end[0]) { return FALSE; } break; default: return FALSE; } } if (($result = @unserialize($value)) === FALSE) { $result = NULL; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } private function _move_fields() { $aidlink = fusion_get_aidlink(); $this->locale = fusion_get_locale(); if (isset($_GET['action']) && isset($_GET['order']) && isnum($_GET['order']) && isset($_GET['parent_id']) && isnum($_GET['parent_id'])) { if (isset($_GET['cat_id']) && isnum($_GET['cat_id']) && ($_GET['action'] == 'cmu' or $_GET['action'] == 'cmd')) { $data = []; $result = dbquery("SELECT field_cat_id FROM ".$this->category_db." WHERE field_parent='".intval($_GET['parent_id'])."' AND field_cat_order='".intval($_GET['order'])."'"); // more than 1. if (dbrows($result) > 0) { $data = dbarray($result); } if ($_GET['action'] == 'cmu') { // category move up. if (!$this->debug && !empty($data['field_cat_id'])) { dbquery("UPDATE ".$this->category_db." SET field_cat_order=field_cat_order+1 WHERE field_cat_id='".$data['field_cat_id']."'"); } if (!$this->debug) { // sync the whole order dbquery("UPDATE ".$this->category_db." SET field_cat_order=field_cat_order-1 WHERE field_cat_id='".$_GET['cat_id']."'"); } } else if ($_GET['action'] == 'cmd') { if (!$this->debug && !empty($data['field_cat_id'])) { dbquery("UPDATE ".$this->category_db." SET field_cat_order=field_cat_order-1 WHERE field_cat_id='".$data['field_cat_id']."'"); } if (!$this->debug) { dbquery("UPDATE ".$this->category_db." SET field_cat_order=field_cat_order+1 WHERE field_cat_id='".$_GET['cat_id']."'"); } } if (!$this->debug) { $res = dbquery("SELECT field_cat_id FROM ".$this->category_db." WHERE field_parent=:id ORDER BY field_cat_order ASC", [':id' => intval($_GET['parent_id'])]); if (dbrows($res)) { $i = 1; while ($rows = dbarray($res)) { dbquery("UPDATE ".$this->category_db." SET field_cat_order=:order WHERE field_cat_id=:id", [ ':order' => $i, ':id' => intval($rows['field_cat_id']) ]); $i++; } } redirect(FUSION_SELF.$aidlink); } } else if (isset($_GET['field_id']) && isnum($_GET['field_id']) && ($_GET['action'] == 'fmu' or $_GET['action'] == 'fmd')) { $data = []; $result = dbquery("SELECT field_id FROM ".$this->field_db." WHERE field_cat='".intval($_GET['parent_id'])."' AND field_order='".intval($_GET['order'])."'"); if (dbrows($result) > 0) { $data = dbarray($result); } if ($_GET['action'] == 'fmu') { // field move up. if (!$this->debug) { if (!empty($data['field_id'])) { dbquery("UPDATE ".DB_USER_FIELDS." SET field_order=field_order+1 WHERE field_id='".$data['field_id']."'"); } dbquery("UPDATE ".$this->field_db." SET field_order=field_order-1 WHERE field_id='".$_GET['field_id']."'"); } else { print_p($this->locale['fields_0650'].$_GET['field_id'].str_replace('[FIELD_ID]', $data['field_id'], $this->locale['fields_0651'])); } } else if ($_GET['action'] == 'fmd') { if (!$this->debug) { if (!empty($data['field_id'])) { dbquery("UPDATE ".$this->field_db." SET field_order=field_order-1 WHERE field_id='".$data['field_id']."'"); } dbquery("UPDATE ".$this->field_db." SET field_order=field_order+1 WHERE field_id='".$_GET['field_id']."'"); } else { print_p($this->locale['fields_0650'].$_GET['field_id'].str_replace('[FIELD_ID]', $data['field_id'], $this->locale['fields_0652'])); } } if (!$this->debug) { $res = dbquery("SELECT field_id, field_order FROM ".$this->field_db." WHERE field_cat=:parent_id ORDER BY field_order ASC", [':parent_id' => ($_GET['parent_id'])]); if (dbrows($res)) { $i = 1; while ($rows = dbarray($res)) { print_p($rows); dbquery("UPDATE ".$this->field_db." SET field_order=:order WHERE field_id=:id", [ ':order' => $i, ':id' => intval($rows['field_id']) ]); $i++; } } redirect(FUSION_SELF.$aidlink); } } } } /* Outputs Quantum Admin Button Sets */ private function _delete_category() { $aidlink = fusion_get_aidlink(); $this->locale = fusion_get_locale(); $this->debug = FALSE; $data = []; if (isset($_POST['cancel'])) { redirect(FUSION_SELF.$aidlink); } if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'cat_delete' && isset($_GET['cat_id']) && self::validate_fieldCat($_GET['cat_id'])) { // do action of the interior form if (isset($_POST['delete_cat'])) { // get root node $target_database = ''; $field_list = []; if (isset($_POST['delete_subcat']) or isset($_POST['delete_field'])) { if (in_array($_GET['cat_id'], $this->page_list)) { // this is root. $result = dbquery(" SELECT field_cat_id, field_parent, field_cat_db FROM ".$this->category_db." WHERE field_cat_id='".intval($_GET['cat_id'])."' "); } else { // is is not a root. $result = dbquery(" SELECT uf.field_cat_id, root.field_cat_db FROM ".$this->category_db." uf LEFT JOIN ".$this->category_db." root ON uf.field_parent = root.field_cat_id WHERE uf.field_cat_id='".intval($_GET['cat_id'])."' "); } if ($result == NULL) { die($this->locale['fields_0653']); } if (dbrows($result) > 0) { $data += dbarray($result); $target_database = $data['field_cat_db'] ? DB_PREFIX.$data['field_cat_db'] : DB_USERS; $field_list = fieldgenerator($target_database); } if ($this->debug) { print_p($field_list); print_p($target_database); } } if (isset($_POST['delete_subcat'])) { // When deletion of a master page and involving all subcategories if ($this->debug) { print_p($this->page[$_GET['cat_id']]); } // execute removal on child fields and cats foreach ($this->page[$_GET['cat_id']] as $arr => $field_category) { $result = dbquery(" SELECT field_id, field_name FROM ".$this->field_db." WHERE field_cat='".$field_category['field_cat_id']."' "); // find all child > 1 if (dbrows($result) > 0) { while ($data = dbarray($result)) { // remove column from db , and fields if (in_array($data['field_name'], $field_list)) { // verify table integrity if ($this->debug) { print_p("DROP ".$data['field_name']." FROM ".$target_database); print_p("DELETE ".$data['field_id']." FROM ".$this->field_db); } else { dbquery("DELETE FROM ".$this->field_db." WHERE field_id='".$data['field_id']."'"); if (!empty($target_database) && !empty($data['field_name'])) { self::drop_column($target_database, $data['field_name']); } } } // remove category. if ($this->debug) { print_p("DELETE ".$field_category['field_cat_id']." FROM ".$this->category_db); } else { dbquery("DELETE FROM ".$this->category_db." WHERE field_cat_id='".$field_category['field_cat_id']."'"); } } // end while } } } else if (isset($_POST['move_subcat']) && $_POST['move_subcat'] > 0) { // When deletion to move subcategory foreach ($this->page[$_GET['cat_id']] as $arr => $field_category) { $new_parent = form_sanitizer($_POST['move_subcat'], 0, 'move_subcat'); if ($this->debug) { print_p("MOVED ".$field_category['field_cat_id']." TO category ".$new_parent); print_p("DELETE ".$_GET['cat_id']." FROM ".$this->category_db); } else { dbquery("UPDATE ".$this->category_db." SET field_parent='".$new_parent."' WHERE field_cat_id='".$field_category['field_cat_id']."'"); } } } else if (isset($_POST['delete_field']) && isset($_GET['cat_id']) && isnum($_GET['cat_id'])) { // Delete fields $this->debug = FALSE; if ($this->debug) { print_p($this->locale['fields_0655']); } // Delete Fields - Bug with Isset errors $result = dbquery("SELECT field_id, field_name FROM ".$this->field_db." WHERE field_cat='".intval($_GET['cat_id'])."'"); if (dbrows($result) > 0) { while ($data = dbarray($result)) { if (in_array($data['field_name'], $field_list)) { // verify table integrity if ($this->debug) { print_p("DROP ".$data['field_name']." FROM ".$target_database); print_p("DELETE ".$data['field_id']." FROM ".$this->field_db); } else { $field_del_sql = "DELETE FROM ".$this->field_db." WHERE field_id='".$data['field_id']."'"; $field_count = $this->validate_field($data['field_id']); if ($field_count) { dbquery($field_del_sql); } // drop a column if (!empty($target_database)) { self::drop_column($target_database, $data['field_name']); } } } } addNotice('success', $this->locale['field_0200']); redirect(FUSION_SELF.$aidlink); } } // category deletion path 2 else if (!isset($_POST['delete_field']) && isset($_POST['move_field']) && $_POST['move_field'] > 0) { $rows = dbcount("(field_id)", $this->field_db, "field_cat='".intval($_GET['cat_id'])."'"); if ($rows) { $new_parent = form_sanitizer($_POST['move_field'], 0, 'move_field'); dbquery("UPDATE ".$this->field_db." SET field_cat='".intval($new_parent)."' WHERE field_cat='".intval($_GET['cat_id'])."'"); } } // Delete the current category $delete_cat_sql = "DELETE FROM ".$this->category_db." WHERE field_cat_id='".intval($_GET['cat_id'])."'"; if ($this->debug) { print_p($delete_cat_sql); } else { dbquery($delete_cat_sql); addNotice('success', $this->locale['field_0200']); redirect(FUSION_SELF.$aidlink); } } else { // show interior form $field_list = []; $form_action = FUSION_SELF.$aidlink."&action=cat_delete&cat_id=".$_GET['cat_id']; $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$this->category_db." WHERE field_cat_id='".$_GET['cat_id']."' OR field_cat_id='".get_hkey($this->category_db, "field_cat_id", "field_parent", $_GET['cat_id'])."'"); if (dbrows($result) > 0) { $data += dbarray($result); // get field list - populate child fields of a category. $result = dbquery("SELECT field_id, field_name, field_cat FROM ".$this->field_db." WHERE field_cat='".intval($_GET['cat_id'])."'"); if (dbrows($result) > 0) { // get field list. while ($data = dbarray($result)) { $field_list[$data['field_cat']][$data['field_id']] = $data['field_name']; } } if (isset($this->page[$data['field_parent']]) or !empty($field_list) && $field_list[$_GET['cat_id']] > 0) { ob_start(); echo openmodal("delete", $this->locale['fields_0313'], [ 'class' => 'modal-lg modal-center', 'static' => TRUE ]); echo openform('delete_cat_form', 'post', $form_action); if (isset($this->page[$_GET['cat_id']])) { echo "
\n"; echo "
\n".sprintf($this->locale['fields_0600'], count($this->page[$_GET['cat_id']]))."
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
    \n"; foreach ($this->page[$_GET['cat_id']] as $arr => $field_category) { echo "
  1. ".self::parse_label($field_category['field_cat_name'])."
  2. \n"; } echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; $page_list = $this->page_list; unset($page_list[$_GET['cat_id']]); if (count($page_list) > 0) { echo form_select('move_subcat', $this->locale['fields_0314'], '', ["options" => $page_list]); } echo form_checkbox('delete_subcat', $this->locale['fields_0315'], count($page_list) < 1 ? TRUE : FALSE); echo "
"; } if (isset($field_list[$_GET['cat_id']])) { echo "
\n"; echo "
\n".sprintf($this->locale['fields_0601'], count($field_list[$_GET['cat_id']]))."
\n"; echo "
\n"; foreach ($field_list[$_GET['cat_id']] as $arr => $field) { echo "- ".$field."
\n"; } echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; $exclude_list[] = $_GET['cat_id']; foreach ($this->page_list as $page_id => $page_name) { $exclude_list[] = $page_id; } echo form_select_tree('move_field', $this->locale['fields_0316'], '', [ 'no_root' => 1, 'disable_opts' => $exclude_list ], $this->category_db, 'field_cat_name', 'field_cat_id', 'field_parent'); echo form_checkbox('delete_field', $this->locale['fields_0317'], ''); echo "
"; } echo form_button('delete_cat', $this->locale['fields_0313'], $this->locale['fields_0313'], ['class' => 'btn-danger btn-sm']); echo form_button('cancel', $this->locale['cancel'], $this->locale['cancel'], ['class' => 'btn-default m-l-10 btn-sm']); echo closeform(); echo closemodal(); add_to_footer(ob_get_contents()); ob_end_clean(); } } else { if ($this->debug) { addNotice('info', $this->locale['fields_0655'].'
'.$this->locale['fields_0656']); } else { redirect(FUSION_SELF.$aidlink); } } } } } ### Formatters ### private function validate_fieldCat($field_cat_id) { if (isnum($field_cat_id)) { return dbcount("(field_cat_id)", $this->category_db, "field_cat_id='".intval($field_cat_id)."'"); } return FALSE; } private function validate_field($field_id) { if (isnum($field_id)) { return dbcount("(field_id)", $this->field_db, "field_id='".intval($field_id)."'"); } return FALSE; } /* The Current Stable PHP-Fusion Dynamics Module */ private function _delete_fields() { $aidlink = fusion_get_aidlink(); if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'field_delete' && isset($_GET['field_id']) && self::validate_field($_GET['field_id'])) { $result = dbquery("SELECT field.field_id, field.field_cat, field.field_order, field.field_name, u.field_cat_id, u.field_parent, root.field_cat_db FROM ".$this->field_db." field LEFT JOIN ".$this->category_db." u ON (field.field_cat=u.field_cat_id) LEFT JOIN ".$this->category_db." root ON (u.field_parent = root.field_cat_id) WHERE field_id='".intval($_GET['field_id'])."' "); if (dbrows($result) > 0) { $data = dbarray($result); $target_database = $data['field_cat_db'] ? DB_PREFIX.$data['field_cat_db'] : DB_USERS; $field_list = fieldgenerator($target_database); if (in_array($data['field_name'], $field_list)) { // drop database if (!$this->debug && !empty($target_database)) { dbquery("ALTER TABLE ".$target_database." DROP ".$data['field_name']); // reorder the rest of the same cat minus 1 dbquery("UPDATE ".$this->field_db." SET field_order=field_order-1 WHERE field_order > '".$data['field_order']."' AND field_cat='".$data['field_cat']."'"); dbquery("DELETE FROM ".$this->field_db." WHERE field_id='".$data['field_id']."'"); } } else { // just delete the field if (!$this->debug) { dbquery("DELETE FROM ".$this->field_db." WHERE field_id='".$data['field_id']."'"); } else { print_p("DELETE ".$data['field_id']." FROM ".$this->field_db); } } if (!$this->debug) { addNotice('success', $this->locale['field_0201']); redirect(FUSION_SELF.$aidlink); } } else { if (!$this->debug) { addNotice('warning', $this->locale['field_0202']); redirect(FUSION_SELF.$aidlink); } else { print_p($this->locale['field_0202']); } } } } /** * Get the field title from filename * * @param $filename * * @return string */ private function filename_to_title($filename) { $field_name = explode("_", $filename); $field_title = ""; for ($i = 0; $i <= count($field_name) - 3; $i++) { $field_title .= ($field_title) ? "_" : ""; $field_title .= $field_name[$i]; } return (string)$field_title; } private function get_available_modules() { $this->locale = fusion_get_locale(); $result = dbquery("SELECT field_id, field_name, field_cat, field_required, field_log, field_registration, field_order, field_cat_name FROM ".$this->field_db." tuf INNER JOIN ".$this->category_db." tufc ON (tuf.field_cat = tufc.field_cat_id) WHERE field_type = 'file' ORDER BY field_cat_order ASC, field_order ASC"); if (dbrows($result)) { while ($data = dbarray($result)) { $this->enabled_fields[] = $data['field_name']; } } $user_field_name = ''; $user_field_desc = ''; $plugin_folder = $this->plugin_folder; if (is_array($plugin_folder)) { foreach ($plugin_folder as $folder_name) { // dont use opendir $files = makefilelist($folder_name, '.|..|index.php', TRUE, 'files'); if (!empty($files)) { foreach ($files as $file) { if (preg_match("/_var.php/i", $file)) { $field_title = $this->filename_to_title($file); if (!in_array($field_title, $this->enabled_fields)) { if ($this->module_debug) { print_p($field_title.$this->locale['fields_0657']); } if (file_exists($this->plugin_locale_folder.$field_title.".php")) { include $this->plugin_locale_folder.$field_title.".php"; include $folder_name.$field_title."_include_var.php"; $this->available_field_info[$field_title] = [ 'title' => $user_field_name, 'description' => $user_field_desc ]; $this->get_available_modules[$field_title] = $user_field_name; if ($this->module_debug) { print_p($field_title.$this->locale['fields_0658']); } } else { addNotice('warning', $field_title.$this->locale['fields_0659']); } } unset($field_name); } } } else { $folders = makefilelist($folder_name, '.|..|index.php', TRUE, 'folders'); // there is afolders here if (!empty($folders)) { foreach ($folders as $folder) { $locale_path = $folder_name.$folder.'/locale/'.LANGUAGE.'/'; $plugin_path = $folder_name.$folder.'/user_fields/'; if (is_dir($plugin_path)) { $files = makefilelist($plugin_path, '.|..|index.php', TRUE, 'files'); foreach ($files as $file) { if (preg_match("/_var.php/i", $file)) { $field_title = $this->filename_to_title($file); if (!in_array($field_title, $this->enabled_fields)) { if ($this->module_debug) { print_p($field_title.$this->locale['fields_0657']); } if (file_exists($locale_path.$field_title.".php")) { include($locale_path.$field_title.".php"); include($plugin_path.$field_title."_include_var.php"); $this->available_field_info[$field_title] = [ 'title' => $user_field_name, 'description' => $user_field_desc ]; $this->get_available_modules[$field_title] = $user_field_name; if ($this->module_debug) { print_p($field_title.$this->locale['fields_0658']); } } else { addNotice('warning', $field_title.$this->locale['fields_0659']); } } unset($field_name); } } } } } } } } else { if ($temp = opendir($plugin_folder)) { while (FALSE !== ($file = readdir($temp))) { if (!in_array($file, ["..", ".", "index.php"]) && !is_dir($this->plugin_folder.$file)) { if (preg_match("/_var.php/i", $file)) { $field_title = $this->filename_to_title($file); if (!in_array($field_title, $this->enabled_fields)) { if ($this->module_debug) { print_p($field_title.$this->locale['fields_0657']); } if (file_exists($this->plugin_locale_folder.$field_title.".php")) { include $this->plugin_locale_folder.$field_title.".php"; include $this->plugin_folder.$field_title."_include_var.php"; $this->available_field_info[$field_title] = [ 'title' => $user_field_name, 'description' => $user_field_desc ]; $this->get_available_modules[$field_title] = $user_field_name; if ($this->module_debug) { print_p($field_title.$this->locale['fields_0658']); } } else { addNotice('warning', $field_title.$this->locale['fields_0659']); } } unset($field_name); } } } closedir($temp); } } } public function view() { $aidlink = fusion_get_aidlink(); $active = ''; if ($this->debug) { print_p($_POST); } opentable($this->system_title); echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; openside(''); if (!empty($this->page[0])) { $tab_title = []; foreach ($this->page[0] as $page_id => $page_data) { $tab_title['title'][$page_id] = self::parse_label($page_data['field_cat_name']); $tab_title['id'][$page_id] = $page_id; $tab_title['icon'][$page_id] = $page_data['field_cat_class']; $active = (isset($_GET['cat_id']) && $page_id == $_GET['cat_id']) ? $page_id : ''; } if (isset($_GET['field_id']) && isnum($_GET['field_id']) || isset($_GET['module_id']) && isnum($_GET['module_id'])) { $_fields = flatten_array($this->fields); foreach ($_fields as $fData) { if (isset($_GET['field_id'])) { if ($fData['field_id'] == $_GET['field_id']) { $fieldCat = $fData['field_cat']; $active = isset($_GET['field_id']) ? get_root($this->field_cat_index, $fieldCat) : 0; break; } } else if (isset($_GET['module_id'])) { if ($fData['field_id'] == $_GET['module_id']) { $fieldCat = $fData['field_cat']; $active = isset($_GET['module_id']) ? get_root($this->field_cat_index, $fieldCat) : 0; break; } } } } reset($tab_title['title']); $default_active = key($tab_title['title']); // Tab $tab_active = \FusionTabs::tab_active($tab_title, $active ?: $default_active); $tabs = new \FusionTabs(); $tabs->set_remember(TRUE); echo $tabs->opentab($tab_title, $tab_active, 'uftab', FALSE, FALSE, '', []); foreach ($this->page[0] as $page_id => $page_details) { echo $tabs->opentabbody($tab_title['id'][$page_id], $tab_active); // load all categories here. if ($this->debug) { echo "
\n"; if ($page_id == 1) { echo sprintf($this->locale['fields_0100'], DB_USERS); } else { echo sprintf($this->locale['fields_0101'], $page_details['field_cat_db'], $page_details['field_cat_index']); } echo "
\n"; } // Edit/Delete Category Administration echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; if (isset($this->page[$page_id])) { echo "
\n"; $i = 0; $counter = count($this->page[$page_id]) - 1; foreach ($this->page[$page_id] as $cat_id => $field_cat) { // field category information if ($this->debug) { print_p($field_cat); } echo "
\n"; echo "


"; //echo form_para(self::parse_label($field_cat['field_cat_name']), $cat_id.'-'.self::parse_label($field_cat['field_cat_name']), 'profile_category_name display-inline-block m-r-15 pull-left'); echo "
\n"; if ($i != 0) { echo "".$this->locale['move_up']." · "; } else { echo "".$this->locale['move_up']." · "; } if ($i !== $counter) { echo "".$this->locale['move_down']." · "; } else { echo "".$this->locale['move_down']." · "; } echo "".$this->locale['edit']." · "; echo "".$this->locale['delete'].""; echo "
\n"; if (isset($this->fields[$cat_id])) { $k = 0; $item_counter = count($this->fields[$cat_id]) - 1; foreach ($this->fields[$cat_id] as $arr => $field_data) { $start_edit = ''; $end_edit = ''; if ($this->debug) { print_p($field_data); } //Fields - Move down/Move Up - Edit - Delete if (isset($_GET['module_id']) || isset($_GET['feed_id'])) { $item_id = isset($_GET['module_id']) ? $_GET['module_id'] : 0; if (!$item_id) { $item_id = isset($_GET['field_id']) ? $_GET['field_id'] : 0; } if ($item_id == $field_data['field_id']) { $start_edit = "
\n"; $end_edit = "
\n"; } } echo $start_edit; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; if ($k != 0) { echo "".$this->locale['move_up']." · "; } else { echo "".$this->locale['move_up']." · "; } if ($k !== $item_counter) { echo "".$this->locale['move_down']." · "; } else { echo "".$this->locale['move_down']." · "; } if ($field_data['field_type'] == 'file') { echo "".$this->locale['edit']." · "; } else { echo "".$this->locale['edit']." · "; } echo "".$this->locale['delete'].""; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; $options = ['inline' => 1, 'show_title' => 1, 'hide_value' => 1]; if ($field_data['field_type'] == 'file') { $options += [ 'plugin_folder' => $this->plugin_folder, 'plugin_locale_folder' => $this->plugin_locale_folder, ]; } echo $this->display_fields($field_data, $this->callback_data, $this->method, $options); echo $end_edit; $k++; } } $i++; echo "
\n"; } echo "
\n"; } else { // display no category echo "
\n"; } echo $tabs->closetabbody(); } echo $tabs->closetab(); } else { echo "
\n"; } closeside(); echo "
"; echo "
\n"; openside(''); $this->quantum_admin_buttons(); closeside(); echo "
\n"; closetable(); } /** * Display fields for each fieldDB record entry * * @param array $data The array of the user field. * @param $callback_data * @param string $method input or display. In case of any other value * the method return FALSE. See the description of return for more details. * @param array $options * * * @return array|bool|string * */ public function display_fields(array $data, $callback_data, $method = 'input', array $options = []) { unset($callback_data['user_algo']); unset($callback_data['user_salt']); unset($callback_data['user_password']); unset($callback_data['user_admin_algo']); unset($callback_data['user_admin_salt']); unset($callback_data['user_admin_password']); $data += [ 'field_required' => TRUE, 'field_error' => '', 'field_default' => '' ]; $default_options = [ 'hide_value' => FALSE, 'encrypt' => FALSE, 'show_title' => $method == "input" ? TRUE : FALSE, 'deactivate' => FALSE, 'inline' => FALSE, 'error_text' => $data['field_error'], 'required' => (bool)$data['field_required'], 'placeholder' => $data['field_default'], 'plugin_folder' => $this->plugin_folder, 'plugin_locale_folder' => $this->plugin_locale_folder, 'debug' => FALSE ]; $options += $default_options; if (!$options['plugin_folder']) { $options['plugin_folder'] = $default_options['plugin_folder']; } if (!$options['plugin_locale_folder']) { $options['plugin_locale_folder'] = $default_options['plugin_locale_folder']; } $options['plugin_locale_folder'] = rtrim($options['plugin_locale_folder'], '/').'/'; if (is_array($options['plugin_folder']) && !empty($options['plugin_folder'])) { $p_folder = $options['plugin_folder']; unset($options['plugin_folder']); foreach ($p_folder as $plugin_folder) { $plugin_folder = rtrim($plugin_folder, '/').'/'; // Identify the correct folder for the current module. if (is_file($plugin_folder.$data['field_name'].'_include.php')) { $options['plugin_folder'] = $plugin_folder; } else { $folder_list = makefilelist($plugin_folder, '.|..|index.php', TRUE, 'folders'); if (!empty($folder_list)) { // attempt to search. foreach ($folder_list as $folder) { if (is_file($plugin_folder.$folder.'/user_fields/'.$data['field_name'].'_include.php')) { $options['plugin_folder'] = $plugin_folder.$folder.'/user_fields/'; $options['plugin_locale_folder'] = $plugin_folder.$folder.'/locale/'.LANGUAGE.'/'; } } } } } } else { $options['plugin_folder'] = rtrim($options['plugin_folder'], '/').'/'; } // Sets callback data automatically. $option_list = $data['field_options'] ? explode(',', $data['field_options']) : []; // Format Callback Data $field_value = isset($callback_data[$data['field_name']]) ? $callback_data[$data['field_name']] : ''; if (isset($_POST[$data['field_name']]) && !$options['hide_value']) { $field_value = form_sanitizer($_POST[$data['field_name']], '', $data['field_name']); } else if ($options['hide_value']) { $field_value = ''; } $field_label = $options['show_title'] ? self::parse_label($data['field_title']) : ''; switch ($data['field_type']) { case 'file': $user_data = $callback_data; $profile_method = $method; //print_p($options['plugin_locale_folder']); $locale = fusion_get_locale('', $options['plugin_locale_folder'].$data['field_name'].'.php'); include($options['plugin_folder'].$data['field_name']."_include.php"); if ($method == 'input') { if (isset($user_fields)) { return $user_fields; } } else if ($method == 'display' && !empty($user_fields['value'])) { return $user_fields; } unset($user_data); unset($profile_method); unset($locale); break; case 'textbox': if ($method == 'input') { return form_text($data['field_name'], $field_label, $field_value, $options); } else if ($method == 'display' && $field_value) { return [ 'title' => self::parse_label($data['field_title']), 'value' => $field_value, ]; } break; case 'number': if ($method == 'input') { $options += ['type' => 'number']; return form_text($data['field_name'], $field_label, $field_value, $options); } else if ($method == 'display' && $field_value) { return [ 'title' => self::parse_label($data['field_title']), 'value' => $field_value, ]; } break; case 'url': if ($method == 'input') { $options += ['type' => 'url']; return form_text($data['field_name'], $field_label, $field_value, $options); } else if ($method == 'display' && $field_value) { return [ 'title' => self::parse_label($data['field_title']), 'value' => $field_value ]; } break; case 'email': if ($method == 'input') { $options += ['type' => 'email']; return form_text($data['field_name'], $field_label, $field_value, $options); } else if ($method == 'display' && $field_value) { return [ 'title' => self::parse_label($data['field_title']), 'value' => $field_value ]; } break; case 'select': if ($method == 'input') { $options += ['options' => $option_list]; $options['keyflip'] = TRUE; return form_select($data['field_name'], self::parse_label($data['field_title']), $field_value, $options); } else if ($method == 'display' && $field_value) { $options_value = explode(",", $data['field_options']); return [ 'title' => self::parse_label($data['field_title']), 'value' => !empty($options_value[$field_value]) ? $options_value[$field_value] : $field_value, ]; } break; case 'tags': if ($method == 'input') { $options += ['options' => $option_list, 'tags' => TRUE, 'multiple' => TRUE, 'width' => '100%', 'inner_width' => '100%']; return form_select($data['field_name'], $options['show_title'] ? self::parse_label($data['field_title']) : '', $field_value, $options); } else if ($method == 'display' && $field_value) { return [ 'title' => self::parse_label($data['field_title']), 'value' => $field_value, ]; } break; case 'location': if ($method == 'input') { $options += ['width' => '100%']; return form_location($data['field_name'], $field_label, $field_value, $options); } else if ($method == 'display' && $field_value) { return [ 'title' => self::parse_label($data['field_title']), 'value' => $field_value, ]; } break; case 'textarea': if ($method == 'input') { return form_textarea($data['field_name'], $field_label, $field_value, $options); } else if ($method == 'display' && $field_value) { return [ 'title' => self::parse_label($data['field_title']), 'value' => $field_value ]; } break; case 'checkbox': if ($method == 'input') { return form_checkbox($data['field_name'], $field_label, $field_value, $options); } else if ($method == 'display' && $field_value) { return [ 'title' => self::parse_label($data['field_title']), 'value' => $field_value, ]; } break; case 'datepicker': if ($method == 'input') { return form_datepicker($data['field_name'], $field_label, $field_value, $options); } else if ($method == 'display' && $field_value) { return [ 'title' => self::parse_label($data['field_title']), 'value' => showdate('shortdate', $field_value) ]; } break; case 'colorpicker': if ($method == 'input') { return form_colorpicker($data['field_name'], $field_label, $field_value, $options); } else if ($method == 'display' && $field_value) { return [ 'title' => self::parse_label($data['field_title']), 'value' => $field_value, ]; } break; case 'upload': if ($method == 'input') { return form_fileinput($data['field_name'], $field_label, $field_value, $options); } else if ($method == 'display' && $field_value) { return [ 'title' => self::parse_label($data['field_title']), 'value' => $field_value ]; } break; case 'hidden': if ($method == 'input') { return form_hidden($data['field_name'], self::parse_label($data['field_title']), $field_value, $options); } else if ($method == 'display' && $field_value) { return [ 'title' => self::parse_label($data['field_title']), 'value' => $field_value ]; } break; case 'address': if ($method == 'input') { return form_geo($data['field_name'], $field_label, $options); } else if ($method == 'display' && $field_value) { return [ 'title' => self::parse_label($data['field_title']), 'value' => implode('|', $field_value) ]; } break; case 'toggle': $options['toggle'] = 1; $options['toggle_text'] = [$this->locale['off'], $this->locale['on']]; if ($method == 'input') { return form_checkbox($data['field_name'], $field_label, $field_value, $options); } else if ($method == 'display' && $field_value) { return [ 'title' => self::parse_label($data['field_title']), 'value' => $field_value, ]; } break; } return FALSE; } public function quantum_admin_buttons() { $aidlink = fusion_get_aidlink(); $this->locale = fusion_get_locale(); $tab_title['title'][] = $this->locale['fields_0300']; $tab_title['id'][] = 'dyn'; $tab_title['icon'][] = ''; if (!empty($this->cat_list)) { $tab_title['title'][] = $this->locale['fields_0301']; $tab_title['id'][] = 'mod'; $tab_title['icon'][] = ''; } // Extended Tabs // add category $tab_active = tab_active($tab_title, 0); if (isset($_POST['add_cat'])) { $tab_title['title'][] = $this->locale['fields_0305']; $tab_title['id'][] = 'add'; $tab_title['icon'][] = ''; $tab_active = (!empty($this->cat_list)) ? tab_active($tab_title, 2) : tab_active($tab_title, 1); } // add field else if (isset($_POST['add_field']) && in_array($_POST['add_field'], array_flip($this->get_dynamics_type()))) { $tab_title['title'][] = $this->locale['fields_0306']; $tab_title['id'][] = 'add'; $tab_title['icon'][] = ''; $tab_active = tab_active($tab_title, 2); } else if (isset($_POST['add_module']) && in_array($_POST['add_module'], array_flip($this->get_available_modules))) { $tab_title['title'][] = $this->locale['fields_0307']; $tab_title['id'][] = 'add'; $tab_title['icon'][] = ''; $tab_active = tab_active($tab_title, 2); } else if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'cat_edit' && isset($_GET['cat_id']) && isnum($_GET['cat_id'])) { $tab_title['title'][] = $this->locale['fields_0308']; $tab_title['id'][] = 'edit'; $tab_title['icon'][] = ''; $tab_active = (!empty($this->cat_list)) ? tab_active($tab_title, 2) : tab_active($tab_title, 1); } else if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'field_edit' && isset($_GET['field_id']) && isnum($_GET['field_id'])) { $tab_title['title'][] = $this->locale['fields_0309']; $tab_title['id'][] = 'edit'; $tab_title['icon'][] = ''; $tab_active = tab_active($tab_title, 2); } else if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'module_edit' && isset($_GET['module_id']) && isnum($_GET['module_id'])) { $tab_title['title'][] = $this->locale['fields_0310']; $tab_title['id'][] = 'edit'; $tab_title['icon'][] = ''; $tab_active = tab_active($tab_title, 2); } $tabs = new \FusionTabs(); echo $tabs->opentab($tab_title, $tab_active, 'amd', FALSE, FALSE, 'action', []); echo $tabs->opentabbody($tab_title['id'][0], $tab_active); echo openform('addfield', 'post', FUSION_SELF.$aidlink); echo form_button('add_cat', $this->locale['fields_0311'], 'add_cat', [ 'class' => 'm-t-20 m-b-20 btn-sm btn-primary btn-block', 'icon' => 'fa fa-plus-circle' ]); if (!empty($this->cat_list)) { echo "
\n"; $field_type = $this->get_dynamics_type(); unset($field_type['file']); foreach ($field_type as $type => $name) { echo "
".form_button('add_field', $name, $type, ['class' => 'btn-block btn-sm btn-default'])."
\n"; } echo "
\n"; } echo closeform(); echo $tabs->closetabbody(); if (!empty($this->cat_list)) { echo $tabs->opentabbody($tab_title['id'][1], $tab_active); // list down modules. echo openform('addfield', 'post', FUSION_SELF.$aidlink, ['notice' => 0, 'max_tokens' => 1]); echo "
\n"; if (!empty($this->available_field_info)) { foreach ($this->available_field_info as $title => $module_data) { echo "
"; echo form_button('add_module', $this->locale['fields_0312'], $title, ['class' => 'btn-sm btn-default pull-right m-l-10']); echo "
\n"; echo "".$module_data['title']."
\n"; echo "".$module_data['description']."\n
"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; } } else { echo "
\n"; } echo "
\n"; echo closeform(); echo $tabs->closetabbody(); } if (isset($_POST['add_cat']) or (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'cat_edit' && isset($_GET['cat_id']) && isnum($_GET['cat_id']))) { if (!empty($this->cat_list)) { echo $tabs->opentabbody($tab_title['id'][2], $tab_active); } else { echo $tabs->opentabbody($tab_title['id'][1], $tab_active); } echo "
\n"; echo $this->quantum_category_form(); echo "
\n"; echo $tabs->closetabbody(); } else if (isset($_POST['add_field']) && in_array($_POST['add_field'], array_flip($this->get_dynamics_type())) or (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'field_edit' && isset($_GET['field_id']) && isnum($_GET['field_id']))) { echo $tabs->opentabbody($tab_title['id'][2], $tab_active); echo $this->quantum_dynamics_form(); echo $tabs->closetabbody(); } else if (isset($_POST['add_module']) && in_array($_POST['add_module'], array_flip($this->get_available_modules)) or (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'module_edit' && isset($_GET['module_id']) && isnum($_GET['module_id']))) { echo $tabs->opentabbody($tab_title['id'][2], $tab_active); echo $this->display_module_form(); echo $tabs->closetabbody(); } echo $tabs->closetab(); } public function get_dynamics_type() { return [ 'file' => $this->locale['fields_0500'], 'textbox' => $this->locale['fields_0501'], 'select' => $this->locale['fields_0502'], 'textarea' => $this->locale['fields_0503'], 'checkbox' => $this->locale['fields_0504'], 'toggle' => $this->locale['fields_0505'], 'datepicker' => $this->locale['fields_0506'], 'colorpicker' => $this->locale['fields_0507'], 'upload' => $this->locale['fields_0508'], 'hidden' => $this->locale['fields_0509'], 'address' => $this->locale['fields_0510'], 'tags' => $this->locale['fields_0511'], 'location' => $this->locale['fields_0512'], 'number' => $this->locale['fields_0513'], 'email' => $this->locale['fields_0514'], 'url' => $this->locale['fields_0515'], ]; } public function quantum_category_form() { $aidlink = fusion_get_aidlink(); $this->locale = fusion_get_locale(); $this->debug = FALSE; add_to_jquery(" $('#field_parent').val() == '0' ? $('#page_settings').show() : $('#page_settings').hide() $('#field_parent').bind('change', function() { $(this).val() == '0' ? $('#page_settings').show() : $('#page_settings').hide() }); "); if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'cat_edit' && isset($_GET['cat_id']) && self::validate_fieldCat($_GET['cat_id'])) { $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$this->category_db." WHERE field_cat_id='".$_GET['cat_id']."'"); if (dbrows($result)) { $this->field_cat_data = dbarray($result); } else { addNotice('danger', $this->locale['field_0206']); redirect(FUSION_SELF.$aidlink); } } if (isset($_POST['save_cat'])) { $this->field_cat_data = [ 'field_cat_id' => form_sanitizer($_POST['field_cat_id'], '', 'field_cat_id'), 'field_cat_name' => form_sanitizer($_POST['field_cat_name'], '', 'field_cat_name', TRUE), 'field_parent' => form_sanitizer($_POST['field_parent'], '', 'field_parent'), 'field_cat_order' => form_sanitizer($_POST['field_cat_order'], '', 'field_cat_order'), 'field_cat_db' => '', 'field_cat_index' => '', 'field_cat_class' => '', ]; // only if root then need to sanitize $old_data = [ "field_cat_db" => "users" ]; $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$this->category_db." WHERE field_cat_id='".$this->field_cat_data['field_cat_id']."'"); if (dbrows($result) > 0) { $old_data = dbarray($result); } if ($this->field_cat_data['field_parent'] == 0) { $this->field_cat_data['field_cat_db'] = form_sanitizer($_POST['field_cat_db'], 'users', 'field_cat_db'); $this->field_cat_data['field_cat_index'] = form_sanitizer($_POST['field_cat_index'], '', 'field_cat_index'); $this->field_cat_data['field_cat_class'] = form_sanitizer($_POST['field_cat_class'], '', 'field_cat_class'); // Improvised to code jquery chained selector if (!column_exists($this->field_cat_data['field_cat_db'], $this->field_cat_data['field_cat_index'])) { \defender::stop(); addNotice("danger", "Your table must be a valid table. Your column must be a column of a user id in that table."); } } if ($this->field_cat_data['field_cat_order'] == 0) { $this->field_cat_data['field_cat_order'] = dbresult( dbquery("SELECT MAX(field_cat_order) FROM ".$this->category_db." WHERE field_parent='".$this->field_cat_data['field_parent']."'" ), 0) + 1; } // shuffle between save and update if (self::validate_fieldCat($this->field_cat_data['field_cat_id'])) { dbquery_order( $this->category_db, $this->field_cat_data['field_cat_order'], 'field_cat_order', $this->field_cat_data['field_cat_id'], 'field_cat_id', $this->field_cat_data['field_parent'], 'field_parent', FALSE, FALSE, 'update' ); if (!$this->debug) { if (\defender::safe()) { if (!empty($old_data['field_cat_db']) or $old_data['field_cat_db'] !== "users") { if (!empty($old_data['field_cat_db']) && !empty($old_data['field_cat_index'])) { // CONDITION: HAVE A PREVIOUS TABLE SET if (!empty($this->field_cat_data['field_cat_db'])) { // new demands a table insertion, checks if same or not.. if different. if ($this->field_cat_data['field_cat_db'] !== $old_data['field_cat_db']) { // But the current table is different than the previous one // - build the new one, move the column, drop the old one. self::build_table($this->field_cat_data['field_cat_db'], $this->field_cat_data['field_cat_index']); self::transfer_table($old_data['field_cat_db'], $this->field_cat_data['field_cat_db']); self::drop_table($old_data['field_cat_db']); } else { if ($old_data['field_cat_index'] !== $this->field_cat_data['field_cat_index']) { self::rename_column($this->field_cat_data['field_cat_db'], $old_data['field_cat_index'], $this->field_cat_data['field_cat_index'], "MEDIUMINT(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'"); } } } else if (empty($this->field_cat_data['field_cat_db'])) { self::drop_table($this->field_cat_data['field_cat_db']); } } else if (!empty($this->field_cat_data['field_cat_index']) && !empty($this->field_cat_data['field_cat_db'])) { self::build_table($this->field_cat_data['field_cat_db'], $this->field_cat_data['field_cat_index']); } dbquery_insert($this->category_db, $this->field_cat_data, 'update'); addNotice('success', $this->locale['field_0207']); } redirect(FUSION_SELF.$aidlink); } } else { print_p($this->locale['fields_0661']); print_p($this->field_cat_data); } } else { dbquery_order( $this->category_db, $this->field_cat_data['field_cat_order'], 'field_cat_order', $this->field_cat_data['field_cat_id'], 'field_cat_id', $this->field_cat_data['field_parent'], 'field_parent', TRUE, 'field_cat_name', 'save' ); if (!$this->debug && \defender::safe()) { if (!empty($this->field_cat_data['field_cat_index']) && !empty($this->field_cat_data['field_cat_db']) && $this->field_cat_data['field_cat_db'] !== 'users' ) { self::build_table($this->field_cat_data['field_cat_db'], $this->field_cat_data['field_cat_index']); } dbquery_insert($this->category_db, $this->field_cat_data, 'save'); addNotice('success', $this->locale['field_0208']); redirect(FUSION_SELF.$aidlink); } else { if ($this->debug) { print_p($this->locale['fields_0662']); print_p($this->field_cat_data); } } } } // exclusion list - unselectable $html = openform('cat_form', 'post', FUSION_REQUEST); $html .= form_button('save_cat', $this->locale['fields_0318'], 'save_cat', [ 'input_id' => 'save_cat2', 'class' => 'm-b-20 btn-primary' ]); $html .= self::quantum_multilocale_fields('field_cat_name', $this->locale['fields_0430'], $this->field_cat_data['field_cat_name'], ['required' => 1]); // cannot move if there are siblings if (isset($_GET['cat_id']) && isset($this->field_cat_index[$_GET['cat_id']])) { $html .= form_hidden('field_parent', '', $this->field_cat_data['field_parent']); } else { $cat_list[] = isset($_GET['cat_id']) ? $_GET['cat_id'] : ''; if (!empty($this->cat_list)) { foreach ($this->cat_list as $id => $value) { $cat_list[] = $id; } } $html .= form_select_tree('field_parent', $this->locale['fields_0431'], $this->field_cat_data['field_parent'], [ 'parent_value' => $this->locale['fields_0432'], 'disable_opts' => $cat_list ], $this->category_db, 'field_cat_name', 'field_cat_id', 'field_parent'); } $html .= form_text('field_cat_order', $this->locale['fields_0433'], $this->field_cat_data['field_cat_order'], ['number' => 1]); $html .= form_hidden('field_cat_id', '', $this->field_cat_data['field_cat_id'], ['number' => 1]); $html .= form_hidden('add_cat', '', 'add_cat'); // root settings $html .= "
\n"; global $db_name; $tableList = []; $show_tables = dbquery("SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE' AND TABLE_SCHEMA='".$db_name."'"); if (dbrows($show_tables) > 0) { while ($schData = dbarray($show_tables)) { $table_name = str_replace(strtolower(DB_PREFIX), '', $schData['TABLE_NAME']); $tableList[$table_name] = $table_name; } } $html .= form_select('field_cat_db', sprintf($this->locale['fields_0434'], " db_prefix_ "), $this->field_cat_data['field_cat_db'], [ 'placeholder' => $this->locale['fields_0663'], "required" => TRUE, "inline" => FALSE, "deactivate" => FALSE, //$this->field_cat_data['field_cat_db'] ? TRUE : FALSE, "ext_tip" => $this->locale['fields_0111'], "options" => $tableList ]); $html .= "
\n"; $html .= form_text('field_cat_index', $this->locale['fields_0435'], $this->field_cat_data['field_cat_index'], [ 'placeholder' => 'user_id', "required" => TRUE, "inline" => FALSE ]); $html .= "
\n"; $html .= form_text('field_cat_class', $this->locale['fields_0436'], $this->field_cat_data['field_cat_class'], [ 'placeholder' => $this->locale['fields_0437'], "inline" => FALSE ]); $html .= form_hidden('add_cat', '', 'add_cat'); $html .= "
\n"; $html .= form_button('save_cat', $this->locale['fields_0318'], 'save_cat', ['class' => 'm-t-20 btn-primary']); $html .= closeform(); return $html; } /** * Multiple locale fields input * * @param $input_name * @param $title * @param $input_value * @param array $options * * @return string */ public static function quantum_multilocale_fields($input_name, $title, $input_value, array $options = []) { $locale = fusion_get_locale(); $html = ''; $language_opts = fusion_get_enabled_languages(); $input_value = self::is_serialized($input_value) ? unserialize($input_value) : $input_value; $options += [ 'function' => !empty($options['textarea']) && $options['textarea'] == 1 ? 'form_textarea' : 'form_text', // only 2 fields type need a multiple locale logically 'required' => !empty($options['required']) && $options['required'] == 1 ? '1' : '0', 'placeholder' => !empty($options['placeholder']) ? $options['placeholder'] : '', 'deactivate' => !empty($options['deactivate']) && $options['deactivate'] == 1 ? '1' : '0', 'width' => !empty($options['width']) ? $options['width'] : '100%', 'class' => !empty($options['class']) ? $options['class'] : '', 'inline' => !empty($options['inline']) ? $options['inline'] : '', 'max_length' => !empty($options['max_length']) ? $options['max_length'] : '200', 'error_text' => !empty($options['error_text']) ? $options['error_text'] : '', 'safemode' => !empty($options['safemode']) && $options['safemode'] == 1 ? '1' : '0', 'icon' => !empty($options['icon']) ? $options['icon'] : '', 'input_id' => !empty($options['input_id']) ? $options['input_id'] : $input_name, ]; $required = $options['required']; $html .= "
\n"; $html .= ($title) ? "\n" : ''; $html .= ($options['inline']) ? "
\n" : "
\n"; $main_html = ''; $sub_html = ''; foreach ($language_opts as $lang => $langNames) { $options['field_title'] = $title." (".$langNames.")"; $options['input_id'] = $input_name."-".$lang; if ($lang == LANGUAGE) { $options['required'] = $required; $options['prepend_value'] = $langNames; // Fix this $main_html .= $options['function']($input_name."[$lang]", "", isset($input_value[$lang]) ? $input_value[$lang] : $input_value, $options); } else { $options['required'] = 0; $options['prepend_value'] = $langNames; $sub_html .= $options['function']($input_name."[$lang]", "", isset($input_value[$lang]) ? $input_value[$lang] : '', $options); } } $html .= $main_html.$sub_html; if (count($language_opts) > 1) { $html .= "\n"; if (!defined('QUANTUM_MULTILOCALE_FIELDS')) { define('QUANTUM_MULTILOCALE_FIELDS', TRUE); add_to_jquery(" $('.data-add').bind('click', function(e) { var lang = $(this).data('add'); var langNames = $(this).data('locale'); var inputName = $(this).data('input'); var dom = $('#'+ inputName +'-' + lang + '-field'); if ( dom.is(':visible') ) { dom.hide(); $(this).html(''+langNames); } else { dom.show(); $(this).html(''+langNames); } e.stopPropagation(); }); "); } } $html .= "
\n"; $html .= "
\n"; return $html; } /** The master form for Adding or Editing Dynamic Fields */ private function quantum_dynamics_form() { $aidlink = fusion_get_aidlink(); $this->field_data['field_config'] = [ 'field_max_b' => 1000000, 'field_upload_type' => 'file', 'field_upload_path' => IMAGES, 'field_valid_file_ext' => '.zip,.rar,.doc,.xls,.csv,.jpg,.gif,.png,.bmp', 'field_valid_image_ext' => '.jpg,.gif,.png,.bmp', 'field_image_max_w' => 1920, 'field_image_max_h' => 1080, 'field_thumbnail' => 0, 'field_thumbnail_2' => 0, 'field_thumb_upload_path' => 'thumbs/', 'field_thumb2_upload_path' => 'thumbs/', 'field_thumb_w' => 0, 'field_thumb_h' => 0, 'field_thumb2_h' => 1024, 'field_thumb2_w' => 768, 'field_delete_original' => 0 ]; $form_action = FUSION_SELF.$aidlink; if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'field_edit' && isset($_GET['field_id']) && self::validate_field($_GET['field_id'])) { $form_action .= "&action=".$_GET['action']."&field_id=".$_GET['field_id']; $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$this->field_db." WHERE field_id='".intval($_GET['field_id'])."'"); if (dbrows($result) > 0) { $this->field_data = dbarray($result); if ($this->field_data['field_type'] == 'upload') { $this->field_data['field_config'] = \defender::decode($this->field_data['field_config']); if ($this->debug) { print_p($this->field_data); } } } else { if (!$this->debug) { redirect(FUSION_SELF.$aidlink); } } } $this->field_data['field_type'] = isset($_POST['add_field']) ? form_sanitizer($_POST['add_field'], '') : $this->field_data['field_type']; if (isset($_POST['save_field'])) { $this->field_data = [ 'field_type' => isset($_POST['add_field']) ? form_sanitizer($_POST['add_field'], '') : $this->field_data['field_type'], 'field_id' => form_sanitizer($_POST['field_id'], '0', 'field_id'), 'field_title' => form_sanitizer($_POST['field_title'], '', 'field_title', 1), 'field_name' => form_sanitizer($_POST['field_name'], '', 'field_name'), 'field_cat' => form_sanitizer($_POST['field_cat'], '0', 'field_cat'), 'field_options' => isset($_POST['field_options']) ? form_sanitizer($_POST['field_options'], '', 'field_options') : $this->field_data['field_options'], 'field_default' => isset($_POST['field_default']) ? form_sanitizer($_POST['field_default'], '', 'field_default') : $this->field_data['field_default'], 'field_error' => form_sanitizer($_POST['field_error'], '', 'field_error'), 'field_required' => isset($_POST['field_required']) ? 1 : 0, 'field_log' => isset($_POST['field_log']) ? 1 : 0, 'field_registration' => isset($_POST['field_registration']) ? 1 : 0, 'field_order' => form_sanitizer($_POST['field_order'], '0', 'field_order') ]; $this->field_data['field_name'] = str_replace(' ', '_', $this->field_data['field_name']); // make sure no space. if ($this->field_data['field_type'] == 'upload') { $max_b = isset($_POST['field_max_b']) ? form_sanitizer($_POST['field_max_b'], '', 'field_max_b') : 150000; $calc = isset($_POST['field_calc']) ? form_sanitizer($_POST['field_calc'], '', 'field_calc') : 1; $this->field_data['field_upload_type'] = isset($_POST['field_upload_type']) ? form_sanitizer($_POST['field_upload_type'], '', 'field_upload_type') : ''; if (!in_array($this->field_data['field_upload_type'], ['file', 'image'])) { \defender::stop(); addNotice('danger', $this->locale['fields_0108']); } else { $this->field_data['field_config'] = [ 'field_upload_type' => $this->field_data['field_upload_type'], 'field_max_b' => isset($_POST['field_max_b']) && isset($_POST['field_calc']) ? $max_b * $calc : $this->field_data['field_max_b'], 'field_upload_path' => isset($_POST['field_upload_path']) ? form_sanitizer($_POST['field_upload_path'], '', 'field_upload_path') : '', 'field_valid_file_ext' => isset($_POST['field_valid_file_ext']) && $this->field_data['field_upload_type'] == 'file' ? form_sanitizer($_POST['field_valid_file_ext'], '', 'field_valid_file_ext') : '', 'field_valid_image_ext' => isset($_POST['field_valid_image_ext']) && $this->field_data['field_upload_type'] == 'image' ? form_sanitizer($_POST['field_valid_image_ext'], '', 'field_valid_image_ext') : '', 'field_image_max_w' => isset($_POST['field_image_max_w']) && $this->field_data['field_upload_type'] == 'image' ? form_sanitizer($_POST['field_image_max_w'], '', 'field_image_max_w') : '', 'field_image_max_h' => isset($_POST['field_image_max_h']) && $this->field_data['field_upload_type'] == 'image' ? form_sanitizer($_POST['field_image_max_h'], '', 'field_image_max_h') : '', 'field_thumbnail' => isset($_POST['field_thumbnail']) ? form_sanitizer($_POST['field_thumbnail'], 0, 'field_thumbnail') : '', 'field_thumb_upload_path' => isset($_POST['field_thumb_upload_path']) && $this->field_data['field_upload_type'] == 'image' && isset($this->field_data['field_thumbnail']) ? form_sanitizer($_POST['field_thumb_upload_path'], '', 'field_thumb_upload_path') : '', 'field_thumb_w' => isset($_POST['field_thumb_w']) && $this->field_data['field_upload_type'] == 'image' && isset($this->field_data['field_thumbnail']) ? form_sanitizer($_POST['field_thumb_w'], '', 'field_thumb_w') : '', 'field_thumb_h' => isset($_POST['field_thumb_h']) && $this->field_data['field_upload_type'] == 'image' && isset($this->field_data['field_thumbnail']) ? form_sanitizer($_POST['field_thumb_h'], '', 'field_thumb_h') : '', 'field_thumbnail_2' => (isset($_POST['field_thumbnail_2']) ? 1 : isset($_POST['field_id'])) ? 0 : $this->field_data['field_thumbnail_2'], 'field_thumb2_upload_path' => isset($_POST['field_thumb2_upload_path']) && $this->field_data['field_upload_type'] == 'image' && isset($this->field_data['field_thumbnail_2']) ? form_sanitizer($_POST['field_thumb2_upload_path'], '', 'field_thumb2_upload_path') : '', 'field_thumb2_w' => isset($_POST['field_thumb2_w']) && $this->field_data['field_upload_type'] == 'image' && isset($this->field_data['field_thumbnail_2']) ? form_sanitizer($_POST['field_thumb2_w'], '', 'field_thumb2_w') : '', 'field_thumb2_h' => isset($_POST['field_thumb2_h']) && $this->field_data['field_upload_type'] == 'image' && isset($this->field_data['field_thumbnail_2']) ? form_sanitizer($_POST['field_thumb2_h'], '', 'field_thumb2_h') : '', 'field_delete_original' => isset($_POST['field_delete_original']) && $this->field_data['field_upload_type'] == 'image' ? 1 : 0 ]; } } if (!$this->field_data['field_order']) { $this->field_data['field_order'] = dbresult(dbquery("SELECT MAX(field_order) FROM ".$this->field_db." WHERE field_cat=:cat_id", [':cat_id' => $this->field_data['field_cat']]), 0) + 1; } if (\defender::safe()) { if (!empty($this->field_data['field_config'])) { $this->field_data['field_config'] = \defender::encode($this->field_data['field_config']); } $this->create_fields($this->field_data, 'dynamics'); // will redirect and refresh config } } echo "
\n"; echo openform('fieldform', 'post', $form_action); echo form_button('save_field', $this->locale['fields_0488'], 'save', [ 'input_id' => "save_field2", 'class' => 'btn-primary m-b-20' ]); $disable_opts = []; foreach ($this->page_list as $index => $v) { $disable_opts[] = $index; } // ok the value generated needs to be parsed by quantum echo form_select_tree('field_cat', $this->locale['fields_0450'], $this->field_data['field_cat'], [ 'no_root' => TRUE, 'width' => '100%', 'disable_opts' => $disable_opts ], $this->category_db, 'field_cat_name', 'field_cat_id', 'field_parent'); echo self::quantum_multilocale_fields('field_title', $this->locale['fields_0451'], $this->field_data['field_title'], ['required' => 1]); echo form_text('field_name', $this->locale['fields_0453'], $this->field_data['field_name'], [ 'placeholder' => $this->locale['fields_0454'], 'required' => TRUE ] ); if ($this->field_data['field_type'] == 'select') { echo form_select('field_options', $this->locale['fields_0455'], $this->field_data['field_options'], [ 'required' => TRUE, 'tags' => TRUE, 'multiple' => TRUE, 'width' => '100%', 'inner_width' => '100%' ] ); } if ($this->field_data['field_type'] == 'upload') { require_once(INCLUDES.'mimetypes_include.php'); $file_type_list = []; $file_image_list = []; foreach (mimeTypes() as $file_ext => $occ) { if (!in_array($file_ext, array_flip(img_mimeTypes()))) { $file_type_list[] = '.'.$file_ext; } } foreach (img_mimeTypes() as $file_ext => $occ) { $file_image_list[] = '.'.$file_ext; } $calc_opts = [ 1 => $this->locale['fields_0490'], 1024 => $this->locale['fields_0491'], 1048576 => $this->locale['fields_0492'] ]; $calc_c = calculate_byte($this->field_data['field_config']['field_max_b']); $calc_b = $this->field_data['field_config']['field_max_b'] / $calc_c; $file_upload_type = [ 'file' => $this->locale['fields_0456'], 'image' => $this->locale['fields_0489'] ]; echo form_select('field_upload_type', $this->locale['fields_0457'], $this->field_data['field_config']['field_upload_type'], ["options" => $file_upload_type]); echo form_text('field_upload_path', $this->locale['fields_0458'], $this->field_data['field_config']['field_upload_path'], [ 'placeholder' => $this->locale['fields_0459'], 'required' => TRUE ] ); echo "\n
"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo form_text('field_max_b', '', $calc_b, [ 'class' => 'm-b-0', 'type' => 'number', 'required' => TRUE ]); echo "
\n"; echo form_select('field_calc', '', $calc_c, ['options' => $calc_opts, 'width' => '100%']); echo "
\n"; // File Type echo "
\n"; echo form_select('field_valid_file_ext', $this->locale['fields_0461'], $this->field_data['field_config']['field_valid_file_ext'], [ 'options' => $file_type_list, 'multiple' => TRUE, 'tags' => TRUE, 'required' => TRUE, 'width' => '100%', 'inner_width' => '100%' ]); echo "
\n"; // Image Type echo "
\n"; echo form_select('field_valid_image_ext', $this->locale['fields_0462'], $this->field_data['field_config']['field_valid_image_ext'], [ 'options' => $file_image_list, 'multiple' => TRUE, 'tags' => TRUE, 'required' => TRUE ]); echo "\n
"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo form_text('field_image_max_w', $this->locale['fields_0464'], $this->field_data['field_config']['field_image_max_w'], [ 'number' => 1, 'placeholder' => $this->locale['fields_0466'], 'required' => 1 ]); echo "
\n"; echo form_text('field_image_max_h', $this->locale['fields_0465'], $this->field_data['field_config']['field_image_max_h'], [ 'number' => 1, 'placeholder' => $this->locale['fields_0466'], 'required' => 1 ]); echo "
\n"; echo form_checkbox('field_thumbnail', $this->locale['fields_0467'], $this->field_data['field_config']['field_thumbnail'], ['reverse_label' => TRUE]); echo "
\n"; echo form_text('field_thumb_upload_path', $this->locale['fields_0468'], $this->field_data['field_config']['field_thumb_upload_path'], [ 'placeholder' => $this->locale['fields_0469'], 'required' => 1 ]); echo "\n
"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo form_text('field_thumb_w', $this->locale['fields_0471'], $this->field_data['field_config']['field_thumb_w'], [ 'number' => 1, 'placeholder' => $this->locale['fields_0466'], 'required' => 1 ]); echo "
\n"; echo form_text('field_thumb_h', $this->locale['fields_0472'], $this->field_data['field_config']['field_thumb_h'], [ 'number' => 1, 'placeholder' => $this->locale['fields_0466'], 'required' => 1 ]); echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo form_checkbox('field_thumbnail_2', $this->locale['fields_0473'], $this->field_data['field_config']['field_thumbnail_2'], ['reverse_label' => TRUE]); echo "
\n"; echo form_text('field_thumb2_upload_path', $this->locale['fields_0474'], $this->field_data['field_config']['field_thumb2_upload_path'], [ 'placeholder' => $this->locale['fields_0469'], 'required' => TRUE, ]); echo "\n
"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo form_text('field_thumb2_w', $this->locale['fields_0476'], $this->field_data['field_config']['field_thumb2_w'], [ 'type' => 'number', 'placeholder' => $this->locale['fields_0466'], 'required' => TRUE, ]); echo "
\n";/**/ echo form_text('field_thumb2_h', $this->locale['fields_0477'], $this->field_data['field_config']['field_thumb2_h'], [ 'type' => 'number', 'placeholder' => $this->locale['fields_0466'], 'required' => TRUE ]); echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo form_checkbox('field_delete_original', $this->locale['fields_0478'], $this->field_data['field_config']['field_delete_original'], ['reverse_label' => TRUE]); echo "
\n"; add_to_jquery(" if ($('#field_upload_type').select2().val() == 'image') { $('#image_type').show(); $('#file_type').hide(); } else { $('#image_type').hide(); $('#file_type').show(); } $('#field_upload_type').bind('change', function() { if ($(this).select2().val() == 'image') { $('#image_type').show(); $('#file_type').hide(); } else { $('#image_type').hide(); $('#file_type').show(); } }); // thumbnail $('#field_thumbnail').is(':checked') ? $('#field_t1').show() : $('#field_t1').hide(); $('#field_thumbnail').bind('click', function() { $(this).is(':checked') ? $('#field_t1').show() : $('#field_t1').hide(); }); // thumbnail 2 $('#field_thumbnail_2').is(':checked') ? $('#field_t2').show() : $('#field_t2').hide(); $('#field_thumbnail_2').bind('click', function() { $(this).is(':checked') ? $('#field_t2').show() : $('#field_t2').hide(); }); "); } else { // @todo add config for textarea if ($this->field_data['field_type'] !== 'textarea') { echo form_text('field_default', $this->locale['fields_0480'], $this->field_data['field_default']); } } echo form_text('field_error', $this->locale['fields_0481'], $this->field_data['field_error']); echo form_checkbox('field_required', $this->locale['fields_0482'], $this->field_data['field_required'], ['reverse_label' => TRUE]); echo form_checkbox('field_log', $this->locale['fields_0483'], $this->field_data['field_log'], ['reverse_label' => TRUE]); echo form_text('field_order', $this->locale['fields_0484'], $this->field_data['field_order'], ['type' => 'number', 'inner_width' => '120px']); echo form_checkbox('field_registration', $this->locale['fields_0485'], $this->field_data['field_registration'], ['reverse_label' => TRUE]); echo form_hidden('add_field', '', $this->field_data['field_type']); echo form_hidden('field_id', '', $this->field_data['field_id']); echo form_button('save_field', $this->locale['fields_0488'], 'save', ['class' => 'btn-sm btn-primary']); echo closeform(); echo "
\n"; } /** * Field creation * * @param $data * @param string $type */ private function create_fields($data, $type = 'dynamics') { $aidlink = fusion_get_aidlink(); // Build a field Attr $field_attr = ''; if ($type == 'dynamics') { $field_attr = $this->dynamics_fieldinfo($data['field_type'], $data['field_default']); } else if ($type == 'module') { $field_attr = $this->user_field_dbinfo; } $max_order = dbresult(dbquery("SELECT MAX(field_order) FROM ".$this->field_db." WHERE field_cat='".$data['field_cat']."'"), 0) + 1; if ($data['field_order'] == 0 or $data['field_order'] > $max_order) { $data['field_order'] = $max_order; } if (self::validate_field($data['field_id'])) { if ($this->debug) { print_p($this->locale['fields_0661']); } // update // Alter $this->field_db table - change and modify column. $field_query = "SELECT uf.*, cat.field_cat_id, cat.field_parent, cat.field_cat_order, root.field_cat_db, root.field_cat_index FROM ".$this->field_db." uf LEFT JOIN ".$this->category_db." cat ON (cat.field_cat_id = uf.field_cat) LEFT JOIN ".$this->category_db." root ON (cat.field_parent = root.field_cat_id) WHERE uf.field_id=:field_id"; $field_param = [':field_id' => $data['field_id']]; $old_record = dbquery($field_query, $field_param); // search old database. if (dbrows($old_record)) { // got old field cat $oldRows = dbarray($old_record); $old_table = $oldRows['field_cat_db'] ? DB_PREFIX.$oldRows['field_cat_db'] : DB_USERS; // this was old database $old_table_columns = fieldgenerator($old_table); // Get current updated field_cat - to compare new cat_db and old cat_db $new_result = dbquery(" SELECT cat.field_cat_id, cat.field_cat_name, cat.field_parent, cat.field_cat_order, root.field_cat_db, root.field_cat_index FROM ".$this->category_db." cat LEFT JOIN ".$this->category_db." root ON cat.field_parent = root.field_cat_id WHERE cat.field_cat_id='".intval($data['field_cat'])."' "); $newRows = []; if (dbrows($new_result) > 0) { $newRows = dbarray($new_result); $new_table = $newRows['field_cat_db'] ? DB_PREFIX.$newRows['field_cat_db'] : DB_USERS; } else { $new_table = DB_USERS; } if ($this->debug) { // Old Table Information print_p($this->locale['fields_0664']); print_p($oldRows); // New Table Information print_p($this->locale['fields_0665']); print_p($newRows); print_p($data['field_cat']); print_p($oldRows['field_cat']); } if ($data['field_cat'] != $oldRows['field_cat']) { // old and new mismatch - move to another category and possibly a new table. // Fork #1 - Update on new table if ($this->debug) print_p($this->locale['fields_0666']); /** * Drop column on old table and Create column on new table * * @todo: Improvements: need to move the whole column along with data instead of just dropping and creating new */ if ($new_table != $old_table) { $new_table_columns = fieldgenerator($new_table); if (!$this->debug) { if (!in_array($data['field_name'], $new_table_columns)) { // this is new database check, if not exist, then add the column //self::add_column($new_table, $data['field_name'], $field_attr); self::move_column($old_table, $new_table, $data['field_name']); self::drop_column($old_table, $oldRows['field_name']); if (\defender::safe()) { // sort the fields. if 2, greater than 2 all +1 on the new category dbquery("UPDATE ".$this->field_db." SET field_order=field_order+1 WHERE field_order >= '".$data['field_order']."' AND field_cat='".$data['field_cat']."'"); // since change table. fix all which is greater than link order. dbquery("UPDATE ".$this->field_db." SET field_order=field_order-1 WHERE field_order >= '".$oldRows['field_order']."' AND field_cat='".$oldRows['field_cat']."'"); } } else { \defender::stop(); addNotice("danger", str_replace('[OLD_TABLE]', $old_table, $this->locale['fields_0667']).$new_table); } } else { // DEBUG MODE if (!in_array($data['field_name'], $new_table_columns)) { print_p("Move ".$data['field_name']." from ".$old_table." to ".$new_table); print_p("Dropping column ".$oldRows['field_name']." on ".$old_table); print_p("UPDATE ".$this->field_db." SET field_order=field_order+1 WHERE field_order >= '".$data['field_order']."' AND field_cat='".$data['field_cat']."'"); // since change table. fix all which is greater than link order. print_p("UPDATE ".$this->field_db." SET field_order=field_order-1 WHERE field_order >= '".$oldRows['field_order']."' AND field_cat='".$oldRows['field_cat']."'"); } else { print_p(str_replace('[OLD_TABLE]', $old_table, $this->locale['fields_0667']).$new_table); } } } else { if (\defender::safe()) { dbquery("UPDATE ".$this->field_db." SET field_order=field_order+1 WHERE field_order >= '".$data['field_order']."' AND field_cat='".$data['field_cat']."'"); if (dbcount("(field_id)", $this->field_db)) { dbquery("UPDATE ".$this->field_db." SET field_order=field_order-1 WHERE field_order >= '".$oldRows['field_order']."' AND field_cat='".$oldRows['field_cat']."'"); } } } } else { // same table. // check if same title. // if not same, change column name. if ($this->debug) { print_p($this->locale['fields_0668']); } if ($data['field_name'] != $oldRows['field_name']) { // not same as old record on dbcolumn // Check for possible duplicates in the new field name if (!in_array($data['field_name'], $old_table_columns)) { if (!$this->debug) { self::rename_column($old_table, $oldRows['field_name'], $data['field_name'], $field_attr); } else { print_p(str_replace(['[FIELD_NAME]', '[OLD_TABLE]', '[FIELD_NAME_]'], [$oldRows['field_name'], $old_table, $data['field_name']], $this->locale['fields_0669']).$field_attr); } } else { \defender::stop(); addNotice('danger', sprintf($this->locale['fields_0104'], "($new_table)")); } } if (!$this->debug) { if (\defender::safe()) { // make ordering of the same table. if ($data['field_order'] > $oldRows['field_order']) { dbquery("UPDATE ".$this->field_db." SET field_order=field_order-1 WHERE field_order > ".$oldRows['field_order']." AND field_order <= '".$data['field_order']."' AND field_cat='".$data['field_cat']."'"); } else if ($data['field_order'] < $oldRows['field_order']) { dbquery("UPDATE ".$this->field_db." SET field_order=field_order+1 WHERE field_order < ".$oldRows['field_order']." AND field_order >= '".$data['field_order']."' AND field_cat='".$data['field_cat']."'"); } } } else { print_p("Old field order is ".$oldRows['field_order']); print_p("New field order is ".$data['field_order']); if ($data['field_order'] > $oldRows['field_order']) { print_p("UPDATE ".$this->field_db." SET field_order=field_order-1 WHERE field_order > '".$oldRows['field_order']."' AND field_order <= '".$data['field_order']."' AND field_cat='".$data['field_cat']."'"); } else { print_p("UPDATE ".$this->field_db." SET field_order=field_order+1 WHERE field_order < '".$oldRows['field_order']."' AND field_order >= '".$data['field_order']."' AND field_cat='".$data['field_cat']."'"); } } } if (!$this->debug) { if (\defender::safe()) { dbquery_insert($this->field_db, $data, 'update'); addNotice('success', $this->locale['field_0203']); redirect(FUSION_SELF.$aidlink); } } else { print_p($data); } } else { \defender::stop(); addNotice('danger', $this->locale['fields_0105']); } } else { if ($this->debug) { print_p('Save Mode'); } // Alter $this->field_db table - add column. $cresult = dbquery("SELECT cat.field_cat_id, cat.field_parent, cat.field_cat_order, root.field_cat_db, root.field_cat_index FROM ".$this->category_db." cat LEFT JOIN ".$this->category_db." root ON (cat.field_parent = root.field_cat_id) WHERE cat.field_cat_id='".$data['field_cat']."'"); if (dbrows($cresult) > 0) { $cat_data = dbarray($cresult); $new_table = $cat_data['field_cat_db'] ? DB_PREFIX.$cat_data['field_cat_db'] : DB_USERS; $field_arrays = fieldgenerator($new_table); if (!in_array($data['field_name'], $field_arrays)) { // safe to execute alter. if (!$this->debug && !empty($data['field_name'])) { self::add_column($new_table, $data['field_name'], $field_attr); } else { if ($this->debug) { print_p("ALTER TABLE ".$new_table." ADD ".$data['field_name']." ".$field_attr); } } } else { \defender::stop(); addNotice('danger', $this->locale['fields_0106']); } // ordering if (!$this->debug) { if (\defender::safe()) { dbquery("UPDATE ".$this->field_db." SET field_order=field_order+1 WHERE field_order > '".$data['field_order']."' AND field_cat='".$data['field_cat']."'"); dbquery_insert($this->field_db, $data, 'save'); addNotice('success', $this->locale['field_0204']); redirect(FUSION_SELF.$aidlink); } } else { print_p($data); } } else { \defender::stop(); addNotice('danger', $this->locale['fields_0107']); } } } /* Single array output match against $db - use get_structureData before to populate $fields */ private function dynamics_fieldinfo($type, $default_value) { $info = [ 'textbox' => "VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '".$default_value."'", 'select' => "VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '".$default_value."'", 'textarea' => "TEXT NOT NULL", 'tags' => "TEXT NOT NULL", 'checkbox' => "TINYINT(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '".(isnum($default_value) ? $default_value : 0)."'", 'toggle' => "TINYINT(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '".(isnum($default_value) ? $default_value : 0)."'", 'datepicker' => "INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '".(isnum($default_value) ? $default_value : 0)."'", 'location' => "VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '".$default_value."'", 'colorpicker' => "VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '".$default_value."'", 'upload' => "VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '".$default_value."'", 'hidden' => "VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '".$default_value."'", 'address' => "TEXT NOT NULL", 'number' => "INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '".(isnum($default_value) ? $default_value : 0)."'", 'email' => "VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '".$default_value."'", 'url' => "VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '".$default_value."'", ]; return $info[$type]; } /** Modules Form */ private function display_module_form() { $aidlink = fusion_get_aidlink(); $form_action = FUSION_SELF.$aidlink; $user_field_name = ''; $user_field_api_version = ''; $user_field_desc = ''; $user_field_dbname = ''; $user_field_dbinfo = ''; if ($this->module_debug == TRUE) { $this->debug = TRUE; } if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'module_edit' && isset($_GET['module_id']) && isnum($_GET['module_id'])) { $form_action .= "&action=".$_GET['action']."&module_id=".$_GET['module_id']; $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$this->field_db." WHERE field_id=:mid", [':mid' => intval($_GET['module_id'])]); if (dbrows($result) > 0) { $this->field_data = dbarray($result); if ($this->debug) { print_p($this->locale['fields_0670']); print_p($this->field_data); } } else { addNotice('info', $this->locale['field_0205']); redirect(FUSION_SELF.$aidlink); } } $this->field_data['add_module'] = isset($_POST['add_module']) ? stripinput($_POST['add_module']) : $this->field_data['field_name']; /* * Loads the relevant plugin files */ $plugin_file_found = FALSE; $plugin_folder = ''; $folder = ''; if (is_array($this->plugin_folder) && !empty($this->plugin_folder)) { $p_folder = $this->plugin_folder; foreach ($p_folder as $plugin_folder) { $plugin_folder = rtrim($plugin_folder, '/').'/'; $locale_folder = rtrim($this->plugin_locale_folder, '/').'/'; // Conventional if (file_exists($locale_folder.$this->field_data['add_module'].'.php') && file_exists($plugin_folder.$this->field_data['add_module'].'_include_var.php')) { include($locale_folder.$this->field_data['add_module'].'.php'); include($plugin_folder.$this->field_data['add_module'].'_include_var.php'); $this->user_field_dbinfo = $user_field_dbinfo; if (!isset($user_field_dbinfo)) { addNotice('info', $this->locale['fields_0602']); redirect(FUSION_REQUEST); } $plugin_file_found = TRUE; break; } else { // Infusions $folder_list = makefilelist($plugin_folder, '.|..|index.php', TRUE, 'folders'); if (!empty($folder_list)) { // attempt to search. foreach ($folder_list as $folder) { if (file_exists($plugin_folder.$folder.'/user_fields/'.$this->field_data['add_module'].'_include.php') && file_exists($plugin_folder.$folder.'/locale/'.LANGUAGE.'/'.$this->field_data['add_module'].'.php')) { include($plugin_folder.$folder.'/locale/'.LANGUAGE.'/'.$this->field_data['add_module'].'.php'); include($plugin_folder.$folder.'/user_fields/'.$this->field_data['add_module'].'_include_var.php'); $this->user_field_dbinfo = $user_field_dbinfo; if (!isset($user_field_dbinfo)) { addNotice('info', $this->locale['fields_0602']); redirect(FUSION_REQUEST); } $plugin_file_found = TRUE; break; } } } } } } else { // When global plugin folder is not an array. $current_plugin_folder = rtrim($this->plugin_folder, '/').'/'; $current_locale_folder = rtrim($this->plugin_locale_folder, '/').'/'; if (file_exists($plugin_folder.$folder.'/locale/'.LANGUAGE.'/'.$this->field_data['add_module'].'.php') && file_exists($plugin_folder.$folder.'/user_fields/'.$this->field_data['add_module'].'_include_var.php')) { include($plugin_folder.$folder.'/locale/'.LANGUAGE.'/'.$this->field_data['add_module'].'.php'); include($plugin_folder.$folder.'/user_fields/'.$this->field_data['add_module'].'_include_var.php'); $this->user_field_dbinfo = $user_field_dbinfo; if (!isset($user_field_dbinfo)) { addNotice('info', $this->locale['fields_0602']); redirect(FUSION_REQUEST); } $plugin_file_found = TRUE; } } if ($plugin_file_found === FALSE) { \defender::stop(); addNotice('danger', $this->locale['fields_0109']); redirect(FUSION_REQUEST); } /* if (file_exists($this->plugin_locale_folder.stripinput($this->field_data['add_module']).".php") && file_exists($this->plugin_folder.stripinput($this->field_data['add_module'])."_include_var.php")) { include $this->plugin_locale_folder.stripinput($this->field_data['add_module']).".php"; include $this->plugin_folder.stripinput($this->field_data['add_module'])."_include_var.php"; $this->user_field_dbinfo = $user_field_dbinfo; if (!isset($user_field_dbinfo)) { addNotice('info', $this->locale['fields_0602']); redirect(FUSION_REQUEST); } } else { \defender::stop(); addNotice('danger', $this->locale['fields_0109']); }*/ if (isset($_POST['enable'])) { $this->field_data = [ 'add_module' => isset($_POST['add_module']) ? form_sanitizer($_POST['add_module']) : $this->field_data['field_name'], 'field_type' => 'file', 'field_id' => (isset($_POST['field_id']) ? form_sanitizer($_POST['field_id'], '', 'field_id') : isset($_GET['module_id']) && isnum($_GET['module_id'])) ? $_GET['module_id'] : 0, 'field_title' => form_sanitizer($_POST['field_title'], '', 'field_title'), 'field_name' => form_sanitizer($_POST['field_name'], '', 'field_name'), 'field_cat' => form_sanitizer($_POST['field_cat'], '', 'field_cat'), 'field_default' => form_sanitizer($_POST['field_default'], '', 'field_default'), 'field_error' => form_sanitizer($_POST['field_error'], '', 'field_error'), 'field_required' => isset($_POST['field_required']) ? 1 : 0, 'field_registration' => isset($_POST['field_registration']) ? 1 : 0, 'field_log' => isset($_POST['field_log']) ? 1 : 0, 'field_order' => form_sanitizer($_POST['field_order'], '0', 'field_order') ]; $this->field_data['field_name'] = str_replace(' ', '_', $this->field_data['field_name']); // make sure no space. if (!$this->field_data['field_order']) { $this->field_data['field_order'] = dbresult(dbquery("SELECT MAX(field_order) FROM ".$this->field_db." WHERE field_cat=:cat_id", [':cat_id' => $this->field_data['field_cat']]), 0) + 1; } $this->create_fields($this->field_data, 'module'); } echo "
\n"; echo openform('fieldform', 'post', $form_action); echo "


\n"; if (!empty($user_field_desc)) { echo "


"; } echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "


\n"; echo "".$this->locale['fields_0401']." ".($user_field_api_version ? $user_field_api_version : $this->locale['fields_0402'])."
\n"; echo "".$this->locale['fields_0403']."".($user_field_dbname ? "
".$user_field_dbname : '
\n"; echo "".$this->locale['fields_0405']."".($user_field_dbinfo ? "
".$user_field_dbinfo : '
\n"; echo "".$this->locale['fields_0407']."".($user_field_desc ? "
".$user_field_desc : '')."
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo form_select_tree('field_cat', $this->locale['fields_0410'], $this->field_data['field_cat'], [ 'no_root' => 1, 'disable_opts' => array_keys($this->page_list), ], $this->category_db, 'field_cat_name', 'field_cat_id', 'field_parent'); echo form_text('field_order', $this->locale['fields_0414'], $this->field_data['field_order'], ['type' => 'number', 'inner_width' => '100px']); if (!empty($user_field_dbinfo)) { if (version_compare($user_field_api_version, "1.01.00", ">=")) { echo form_checkbox('field_required', $this->locale['fields_0411'], $this->field_data['field_required'], ['reverse_label' => TRUE]); } if (version_compare($user_field_api_version, "1.01.00", ">=")) { echo form_checkbox('field_log', $this->locale['fields_0412'], $this->field_data['field_log'], ['reverse_label' => TRUE]); } echo form_checkbox('field_registration', $this->locale['fields_0413'], $this->field_data['field_registration'], ['reverse_label' => TRUE]); } echo form_hidden('add_module', '', $this->field_data['add_module']); echo form_hidden('field_name', '', $user_field_dbname); echo form_hidden('field_title', '', $user_field_name); echo form_hidden('field_default', '', isset($user_field_default) ? $user_field_default : ''); echo form_hidden('field_options', '', isset($user_field_options) ? $user_field_options : ''); echo form_hidden('field_error', '', isset($user_field_error) ? $user_field_error : ''); echo form_hidden('field_config', '', isset($user_field_config) ? $user_field_config : ''); echo form_hidden('field_id', '', $this->field_data['field_id']); echo form_button('enable', ($this->field_data['field_id'] ? $this->locale['fields_0415'] : $this->locale['fields_0416']), ($this->field_data['field_id'] ? $this->locale['fields_0415'] : $this->locale['fields_0416']), ['class' => 'btn-primary']); echo closeform(); echo "
\n"; } public function quantum_insert(array $data = []) { $quantum_fields = []; $infinity_ref = []; // bug fix: to get only the relevant fields on specific page. $field_list = flatten_array($this->fields); // to generate $infinity_ref and $quantum_fields as reference and validate the $_POST input value. foreach ($field_list as $field_id => $field_data) { if ($field_data['field_parent'] == $this->input_page) { $target_database = $field_data['field_cat_db'] ? DB_PREFIX.$field_data['field_cat_db'] : DB_USERS; $target_index = $field_data['field_cat_index'] ? $field_data['field_cat_index'] : 'user_id'; $index_value = isset($_POST[$target_index]) ? form_sanitizer($_POST[$target_index], 0) : $data[$target_index]; // create reference array $infinity_ref[$target_database] = ['index' => $target_index, 'value' => $index_value]; if (isset($_POST[$field_data['field_name']])) { $quantum_fields[$target_database][$field_data['field_name']] = form_sanitizer($_POST[$field_data['field_name']], $field_data['field_default'], $field_data['field_name']); } else { $quantum_fields[$target_database][$field_data['field_name']] = isset($data['field_name']) ? $data[$field_data['field_name']] : ''; } } } if (!empty($quantum_fields)) { $temp_table = ''; foreach ($quantum_fields as $_dbname => $_field_values) { $merged_data = []; $merged_data += $_field_values; $merged_data += $data; // appends all other necessary values to fill up the entire table values. if ($temp_table !== $_dbname) { // if $temp_table is different. check if table exist. run once if pass $merged_data += [$infinity_ref[$_dbname]['index'] => $infinity_ref[$_dbname]['value']]; // Primary Key and Value. // ensure nothing is missing. this might be overkill. I would shut it down if not neccessary to lighten the load by 1-2 uncessary query. $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$_dbname." WHERE ".$infinity_ref[$_dbname]['index']." = '".$infinity_ref[$_dbname]['value']."'"); if (dbrows($result) > 0) { $merged_data += dbarray($result); } } dbquery_insert($_dbname, $merged_data, 'update'); } } } /** * Return sanitized post values of input fields * @param $db * @param $primary_key * @param bool $callback_data * * @return array * @throws \Exception */ public function return_fields_input($db, $primary_key, $callback_data = FALSE) { $output_fields = []; //print_P($this->field_cat_index); // default section id $indexes = array_reverse($this->field_cat_index[0]); $sec_id = array_pop($indexes); $cur_section = isset($_GET['section']) && in_array($_GET['section'], array_values($this->field_cat_index[0])) ? (int) $_GET['section'] : $sec_id; // get current section categories $cur_cid = array_values($this->field_cat_index[$cur_section]); $fields = []; foreach($cur_cid as $category_id) { if (isset($this->fields[$category_id])) { $fields[] = $this->fields[$category_id]; } } // print_P($fields); // selected fields to push $field = flatten_array($fields); if ($callback_data == TRUE) { $output_fields[$db] = $this->callback_data; } foreach ($field as $arr => $field_data) { $target_database = $field_data['field_cat_db'] ? DB_PREFIX.$field_data['field_cat_db'] : $db; $col_name = $field_data['field_cat_index'] ? $field_data['field_cat_index'] : $primary_key; // Find index primary key value $primaryKeyVal = isset($_POST[$col_name]) ? form_sanitizer($_POST[$col_name], $field_data['field_default'], $col_name) : ''; if (!isset($output_fields[$target_database][$col_name])) { $output_fields[$target_database][$col_name] = $primaryKeyVal; } $output_fields[$target_database][$field_data['field_name']] = $field_data['field_default']; // Set input as default if posted but blank if (isset($_POST[$field_data['field_name']])) { $output_fields[$target_database][$field_data['field_name']] = form_sanitizer( $_POST[$field_data['field_name']], $field_data['field_default'], $field_data['field_name'] ); } } $this->output_fields = $output_fields; return $this->output_fields; } /** * Logs the user actions * @param $db * @param $primary_key * * @throws \Exception */ public function log_user_action($db, $primary_key) { if (\defender::safe()) { $output_fields = []; $field = flatten_array($this->fields); $output_fields[$db] = $this->callback_data; foreach ($field as $arr => $field_data) { $target_db = $field_data['field_cat_db'] ? DB_PREFIX.$field_data['field_cat_db'] : $db; $col_name = $field_data['field_cat_index'] ? $field_data['field_cat_index'] : $primary_key; $index_value = isset($_POST[$col_name]) ? form_sanitizer($_POST[$col_name], 0) : ''; $old_cache = isset($this->callback_data[$field_data['field_name']]) ? $this->callback_data[$field_data['field_name']] : ''; $new_val = isset($this->output_fields[$target_db][$field_data['field_name']]) ? $this->output_fields[$target_db][$field_data['field_name']] : ''; if ($field_data['field_log'] && $new_val && $new_val != $old_cache) { save_user_log($index_value, $field_data['field_name'], $new_val, $old_cache); } } } } /** * Quantum Installer for 3rd party applications */ protected function install_quantum() { if (!db_exists($this->category_db)) { dbquery("CREATE TABLE ".$this->category_db." ( field_cat_id MEDIUMINT(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , field_cat_name VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL , field_parent MEDIUMINT(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', field_cat_db VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, field_cat_index VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL, field_cat_class VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, field_cat_order SMALLINT(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (field_cat_id) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci"); } if (!db_exists($this->field_db)) { dbquery("CREATE TABLE ".$this->field_db." ( field_id MEDIUMINT(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, field_title VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, field_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, field_cat MEDIUMINT(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', field_type VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, field_default TEXT NOT NULL, field_options TEXT NOT NULL, field_error VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, field_required TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', field_log TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', field_registration TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', field_order SMALLINT(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', field_config TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (field_id), KEY field_order (field_order) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci"); } } }