"ATS" => "EUR",
"BEF" => "EUR",
"CYP" => "EUR",
"DEM" => "EUR",
"EEK" => "EUR",
"ESP" => "EUR",
"FIM" => "EUR",
"FRF" => "EUR",
"GRD" => "EUR",
"IEP" => "EUR",
"ITL" => "EUR",
"KZT" => "EUR",
"LTL" => "EUR",
"LUF" => "EUR",
"LVL" => "EUR",
"MCF" => "EUR",
"MTL" => "EUR",
"NLG" => "EUR",
"PTE" => "EUR",
"RUB" => "EUR",
"SIT" => "EUR",
"SKK" => "EUR",
"SML" => "EUR",
"VAL" => "EUR",
"DDM" => "EUR",
"ESA" => "EUR",
"ESB" => "EUR",
foreach (array_keys($locale['currency']) as $country_iso) {
$c_iso = !empty($currency_exceptions[$country_iso]) ? $currency_exceptions[$country_iso] : $country_iso;
$c_symbol = (!empty($locale['currency_symbol'][$c_iso]) ? html_entity_decode($locale['currency_symbol'][$c_iso], ENT_QUOTES, $locale['charset']) : $c_iso);
$c_text = $locale['currency'][$c_iso];
$__currency[$country_iso] = $description ? $c_text." ($c_symbol)" : $c_symbol;
return $iso === NULL ? $__currency : (isset($currency_symbol[$iso]) ? $currency_symbol[$iso] : NULL);
* Check if a given theme exists and is valid
* @param string $theme
* @return boolean
* @global string[] $settings
function theme_exists($theme) {
if ($theme == "Default") {
$theme = fusion_get_settings('theme');
return is_string($theme) and preg_match("/^([a-z0-9_-]){2,50}$/i",
$theme) and file_exists(THEMES.$theme."/theme.php") and file_exists(THEMES.$theme."/styles.css");
* Set a valid theme
* @param string $theme
* @global array $locale
* @global string[] $settings
function set_theme($theme) {
$locale = fusion_get_locale();
if (defined("THEME")) {
if (theme_exists($theme)) {
define("THEME", THEMES.($theme == "Default" ? fusion_get_settings('theme') : $theme)."/");
foreach (new GlobIterator(THEMES.'*') as $dir) {
if ($dir->isDir() and theme_exists($dir->getBasename())) {
define("THEME", $dir->getPathname()."/");
// Don't stop if we are in admin panel since we use different themes now
$no_theme_message = str_replace("[SITE_EMAIL]", fusion_get_settings("siteemail"), $locale['global_301']);
if (preg_match("/\/administration\//i", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
addNotice('danger', "".$theme." - ".$locale['global_300'].".
} else {
echo "".$theme." - ".$locale['global_300'].".
echo $no_theme_message;
* Set the admin password when needed
* @param $password
* @return bool
function set_admin_pass($password) {
return Authenticate::setAdminCookie($password);
* Check if admin password matches userdata
* @param string $password
* @return boolean
function check_admin_pass($password) {
return Authenticate::validateAuthAdmin($password);
* Redirect browser using header or script function
* @param $location - Desintation URL
* @param bool|FALSE $delay - meta refresh delay
* @param bool|FALSE $script - true if you want to redirect via javascript
* @param int $code
* @define STOP_REDIRECT to prevent redirection
function redirect($location, $delay = FALSE, $script = FALSE, $code = 200) {
//define('STOP_REDIRECT', true);
//$location = fusion_get_settings('site_seo') && defined('IN_PERMALINK') ? FUSION_ROOT.$location : $location;
if (!defined('STOP_REDIRECT')) {
if (isnum($delay)) {
$ref = "";
} else {
if ($script == FALSE && !headers_sent()) {
header("Location: ".str_replace("&", "&", $location));
} else {
echo "\n";
} else {
echo "redirected to ".$location;
* Set HTTP status header
* @param int $code status header code
* @return bool whether header was sent
function set_status_header($code = 200) {
if (headers_sent()) {
return FALSE;
$protocol = $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'];
if ('HTTP/1.1' != $protocol && 'HTTP/1.0' != $protocol) {
$protocol = 'HTTP/1.0';
$desc = [
100 => 'Continue',
101 => 'Switching Protocols',
102 => 'Processing',
200 => 'OK',
201 => 'Created',
202 => 'Accepted',
203 => 'Non-Authoritative Information',
204 => 'No Content',
205 => 'Reset Content',
206 => 'Partial Content',
207 => 'Multi-Status',
226 => 'IM Used',
300 => 'Multiple Choices',
301 => 'Moved Permanently',
302 => 'Found',
303 => 'See Other',
304 => 'Not Modified',
305 => 'Use Proxy',
306 => 'Reserved',
307 => 'Temporary Redirect',
400 => 'Bad Request',
401 => 'Unauthorized',
402 => 'Payment Required',
403 => 'Forbidden',
404 => 'Not Found',
405 => 'Method Not Allowed',
406 => 'Not Acceptable',
407 => 'Proxy Authentication Required',
408 => 'Request Timeout',
409 => 'Conflict',
410 => 'Gone',
411 => 'Length Required',
412 => 'Precondition Failed',
413 => 'Request Entity Too Large',
414 => 'Request-URI Too Long',
415 => 'Unsupported Media Type',
416 => 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable',
417 => 'Expectation Failed',
422 => 'Unprocessable Entity',
423 => 'Locked',
424 => 'Failed Dependency',
426 => 'Upgrade Required',
500 => 'Internal Server Error',
501 => 'Not Implemented',
502 => 'Bad Gateway',
503 => 'Service Unavailable',
504 => 'Gateway Timeout',
505 => 'HTTP Version Not Supported',
506 => 'Variant Also Negotiates',
507 => 'Insufficient Storage',
510 => 'Not Extended'
$desc = isset($desc[$code]) ? $desc[$code] : '';
header("$protocol $code $desc");
return TRUE;
* Clean URL Function, prevents entities in server globals
* @param string $url
* @return string
function cleanurl($url) {
$bad_entities = ["&", "\"", "'", '\"', "\'", "<", ">", "", "", "*"];
$safe_entities = ["&", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""];
return str_replace($bad_entities, $safe_entities, $url);
* Strip Input Function, prevents HTML in unwanted places
* @param string|string[] $text
* @return string|string[]
function stripinput($text) {
if (!is_array($text)) {
return str_replace('\\', '\', htmlspecialchars(stripslash(trim($text)), ENT_QUOTES));
foreach ($text as $i => $item) {
$text[$i] = stripinput($item);
return $text;
* Strips all ";
return $res;
} else {
return $email;
* Format spaces and tabs in code bb tags
* @param string $text
* @return string
function formatcode($text) {
$text = str_replace(
[" ", " ", "\t"],
[" ", " ", " "],
$text = preg_replace("/^ {1}/m", " ", $text);
return $text;
* Highlights given words in subject
* @param array $word The highlighted word
* @param string $subject The source text
* @return string
function highlight_words($word, $subject) {
for ($i = 0, $l = count($word); $i < $l; $i++) {
$word[$i] = str_replace([
], "", $word[$i]);
if (!empty($word[$i])) {
$subject = preg_replace("#($word[$i])(?![^<]*>)#i",
return $subject;
* This function sanitize news & article submissions
* @param string $text
* @param boolean $striptags FALSE if you don't want to remove html tags. TRUE by default
* @return string
function descript($text, $striptags = TRUE) {
// Convert problematic ascii characters to their true values
$patterns = [
'#(&\#x)([0-9A-F]+);*#si' => '',
'#(<[^>]+[/\"\'\s])(onmouseover|onmousedown|onmouseup|onmouseout|onmousemove|onclick|ondblclick|onfocus|onload|xmlns)[^>]*>#iU' => '>',
'#([a-z]*)=([\`\'\"]*)script:#iU' => '$1=$2nojscript...',
'#([a-z]*)=([\`\'\"]*)javascript:#iU' => '$1=$2nojavascript...',
'#([a-z]*)=([\'\"]*)vbscript:#iU' => '$1=$2novbscript...',
'#(<[^>]+)style=([\`\'\"]*).*expression\([^>]*>#iU' => "$1>",
'#(<[^>]+)style=([\`\'\"]*).*behaviour\([^>]*>#iU' => "$1>"
foreach (array_merge(['(', ')', ':'], range('A', 'Z'), range('a', 'z')) as $chr) {
$patterns["#(&\#)(0*".ord($chr)."+);*#si"] = $chr;
if ($striptags) {
do {
$count = 0;
$text = preg_replace('#*(applet|meta|xml|blink|link|style|script|embed|object|iframe|frame|frameset|ilayer|layer|bgsound|title|base)[^>]*>#i',
"", $text, -1, $count);
} while ($count);
return preg_replace(array_keys($patterns), $patterns, $text);
* Scan image files for malicious code
* @param string $file
* @return boolean
function verify_image($file) {
$txt = file_get_contents($file);
$patterns = [
foreach ($patterns as $pattern) {
if (preg_match($pattern, $txt)) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* Replace offensive words with the defined replacement word
* @param string $text
* @return string
function censorwords($text) {
$settings['bad_words'] = trim(fusion_get_settings('bad_words'));
$settings['bad_words_enabled'] = (boolean)fusion_get_settings('bad_words_enabled');
$settings['bad_word_replace'] = fusion_get_settings('bad_word_replace');
if ($settings['bad_words_enabled'] && $settings['bad_words']) {
$words = preg_quote($settings['bad_words'], "/");
$words = preg_replace("/\\s+/", "|", $words);
$text = preg_replace("/".$words."/si", $settings['bad_word_replace'], $text);
return $text;
* Get a user level's name by the numeric code of level
* @param int $userlevel
* @return string
* @global array $locale
function getuserlevel($userlevel) {
$locale = fusion_get_locale();
$userlevels = [
USER_LEVEL_MEMBER => $locale['user1'],
USER_LEVEL_ADMIN => $locale['user2'],
USER_LEVEL_SUPER_ADMIN => $locale['user3']
return isset($userlevels[$userlevel]) ? $userlevels[$userlevel] : NULL;
* Get a user status by the numeric code of the status
* @param int $userstatus
* @return string|NULL NULL if the status does not exist
* @global array $locale
function getuserstatus($userstatus) {
$locale = fusion_get_locale();
return ($userstatus >= 0 and $userstatus <= 8) ? $locale['status'.$userstatus] : NULL;
* Check if Administrator has correct rights assigned
* @param string $right The code of the right
* @return boolean
function checkrights($right) {
if (iADMIN && in_array($right, explode(".", iUSER_RIGHTS))) {
return TRUE;
} else {
return FALSE;
* Function to redirect on invalid page access.
* @param $rights
* @param bool $debug
function pageAccess($rights, $debug = FALSE) {
$error = [];
if ($debug) {
print_p('Admin Panel mode');
if (!defined('iAUTH')) {
$error[] = 'iAuth error';
if (!isset($_GET['aid'])) {
$error[] = 'Aid link error';
if (iADMIN && !empty($_GET['aid'])) {
if ($_GET['aid'] != iAUTH) {
$error[] = 'Aidlink mismatch. '.iAUTH.' != '.$_GET['aid']."
$error[] .= USER_IP;
} else {
$error[] = "You are logged out while accessing admin panel";
if (!checkrights($rights)) {
$error[] = 'Checkrights Error';
if (!empty($error)) {
if ($debug) {
} else {
* Check if user is assigned to the specified user group
* @param int $group
* @return boolean
function checkgroup($group) {
return TRUE;
} else if (iADMIN && ($group == "0" || $group == USER_LEVEL_MEMBER || $group == USER_LEVEL_ADMIN)) {
return TRUE;
} else if (iMEMBER && ($group == "0" || $group == USER_LEVEL_MEMBER)) {
return TRUE;
} else if (iGUEST && $group == "0") {
return TRUE;
} else if (iMEMBER && $group && in_array($group, explode(".", iUSER_GROUPS))) {
return TRUE;
} else {
return FALSE;
* Check access given a user level and user group
* @param $group
* @param $user_level
* @param $user_groups
* @return bool
function checkusergroup($group, $user_level, $user_groups) {
if ($user_level == USER_LEVEL_SUPER_ADMIN) {
return TRUE;
} else if ($user_level == USER_LEVEL_ADMIN && ($group == 0 || $group == USER_LEVEL_MEMBER || $group == USER_LEVEL_ADMIN)) {
return TRUE;
} else if ($user_level == USER_LEVEL_MEMBER && ($group == 0 || $group == USER_LEVEL_MEMBER)) {
return TRUE;
} else if ($user_level == USER_LEVEL_PUBLIC && $group == 0) {
return TRUE;
} else if ($user_level == USER_LEVEL_MEMBER && $group && in_array($group, explode('.', $user_groups))) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Cache groups' data into an array
* @return array
function cache_groups() {
static $groups_cache = NULL;
if ($groups_cache === NULL) {
$groups_cache = [];
$result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_USER_GROUPS." ORDER BY group_id ASC");
while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
$groups_cache[] = $data;
return $groups_cache;
* Compile access levels & user group array
* @return array structure of elements: array($levelOrGroupid, $levelnameOrGroupname, $levelGroupDescription,
* $levelGroupIcon)
* @global array $locale
function getusergroups() {
$locale = fusion_get_locale();
$groups_array = [
[USER_LEVEL_PUBLIC, $locale['user0'], $locale['user0'], 'fa fa-user'],
[USER_LEVEL_MEMBER, $locale['user1'], $locale['user1'], 'fa fa-user'],
[USER_LEVEL_ADMIN, $locale['user2'], $locale['user2'], 'fa fa-user'],
[USER_LEVEL_SUPER_ADMIN, $locale['user3'], $locale['user3'], 'fa fa-user']
$groups_cache = cache_groups();
foreach ($groups_cache as $group) {
$group_icon = !empty($group['group_icon']) ? $group['group_icon'] : '';
array_push($groups_array, [$group['group_id'], $group['group_name'], $group['group_description'], $group_icon]);
return $groups_array;
* Get the name of the access level or user group
* @param int $group_id
* @param boolean $return_desc If TRUE, group_description will be returned instead of group_name
* @param boolean $return_icon If TRUE, group_icon will be returned instead of group_icon group_name
* @return bool
* @global array $locale
function getgroupname($group_id, $return_desc = FALSE, $return_icon = FALSE) {
foreach (getusergroups() as $group) {
if ($group_id == $group[0]) {
return ($return_desc ? ($group[2] ?: '-') : (!empty($group[3]) && $return_icon ? " " : "").$group[1]);
return FALSE;
* Get All Groups Arrays
* @return array
function fusion_get_groups() {
$visibility_opts = [];
foreach (getusergroups() as $groups) {
$visibility_opts[$groups[0]] = $groups[1];
return $visibility_opts;
* Getting the real users_group access.
* Return true or false. (BOOLEAN)
* @param $field
* @return bool
function users_groupaccess($field) {
if (preg_match("(^\.{$field}$|\.{$field}\.|\.{$field}$)", fusion_get_userdata('user_groups'))) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Getting the access levels used when asking the database for data
* @param string $field
* @return string The part of WHERE clause. Always returns a condition
function groupaccess($field) {
$res = '';
if (iGUEST) {
$res = $field." = ".USER_LEVEL_PUBLIC;
} else if (iSUPERADMIN) {
$res = "1 = 1";
} else if (iADMIN) {
$res = $field." in (".USER_LEVEL_PUBLIC.", ".USER_LEVEL_MEMBER.", ".USER_LEVEL_ADMIN.")";
} else if (iMEMBER) {
$res = $field." in (".USER_LEVEL_PUBLIC.", ".USER_LEVEL_MEMBER.")";
if (iUSER_GROUPS != "" && !iSUPERADMIN) {
$res = "(".$res." OR $field='".str_replace(".", "' OR $field='", iUSER_GROUPS)."')";
return $res;
* UF blacklist for SQL - same as groupaccess() but $field is the user_id column.
* @param string $field The name of the field
* @return string It can return an empty condition!
function blacklist($field) {
$userdata = fusion_get_userdata('user_id');
$blacklist = [];
if (in_array('user_blacklist', fieldgenerator(DB_USERS))) {
if (!empty($userdata['user_id'])) {
$result = dbquery("SELECT user_id, user_level FROM ".DB_USERS." WHERE user_blacklist REGEXP('^\\\.{$userdata['user_id']}$|\\\.{$userdata['user_id']}\\\.|\\\.{$userdata['user_id']}$')");
if (dbrows($result) > 0) {
while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
if ($data['user_level'] > USER_LEVEL_ADMIN) {
$blacklist[] = $data['user_id']; // all users to filter
$i = 0;
$sql = '';
foreach ($blacklist as $id) {
$sql .= ($i > 0) ? "AND $field !='$id'" : "($field !='$id'";
$sql .= $sql ? ")" : ' 1=1 ';
return "$sql";
} else {
return "";
* check if user was blacklisted by a member
* @param int $user_id
* @return boolean
* @global string[] $userdata
function user_blacklisted($user_id) {
return in_array('user_blacklist', fieldgenerator(DB_USERS)) and in_array($user_id, explode('.', fusion_get_userdata('user_blacklist')));
* Create a list of files or folders and store them in an array
* @param string $folder
* @param string $filter - The names of the filtered folder separated by "|", FALSE to use default filter
* @param boolean $sort - FALSE if you don't want to sort the result. TRUE by default
* @param string $type - possible values: 'files' to list files, 'folders' to list folders
* @param string $ext_filter - file extensions separated by "|". Only when $type is 'files'
* @return array
function makefilelist($folder, $filter = '', $sort = TRUE, $type = "files", $ext_filter = "") {
$res = [];
$default_filters = '.|..|.DS_Store';
if ($filter === FALSE) {
$filter = $default_filters;
$filter = explode("|", $filter);
if ($type == "files" && !empty($ext_filter)) {
$ext_filter = explode("|", strtolower($ext_filter));
if (file_exists($folder)) {
$temp = opendir($folder);
while ($file = readdir($temp)) {
if ($type == "files" && !in_array($file, $filter)) {
if (!empty($ext_filter)) {
if (!in_array(substr(strtolower(stristr($file, '.')), +1), $ext_filter) && !is_dir($folder.$file)) {
$res[] = $file;
} else {
if (is_file($folder.$file)) {
$res[] = $file;
} else if ($type == "folders" && !in_array($file, $filter)) {
if (is_dir($folder.$file)) {
$res[] = $file;
if ($sort) {
} else {
$error_log = debug_backtrace()[1];
$function = (isset($error_log['class']) ? $error_log['class'] : '').(isset($error_log['type']) ? $error_log['type'] : '').(isset($error_log['function']) ? $error_log['function'] : '');
$error_log = strtr(fusion_get_locale('err_103', LOCALE.LOCALESET.'errors.php'), [
'{%folder%}' => $folder,
'{%function%}' => (!empty($function) ? ''.$function.'
' : '')
setError(2, $error_log, debug_backtrace()[1]['file'], debug_backtrace()[1]['line'], '');
return $res;
* Create a selection list from an array created by makefilelist()
* @param string[] $files
* @param string $selected
* @return string
function makefileopts(array $files, $selected = "") {
$res = "";
foreach ($files as $file) {
$sel = ($selected == $file ? " selected='selected'" : "");
$res .= "\n";
return $res;
* Making Page Navigation
* @param int $start The number of the first listed item - $_GET['rowstart']
* @param int $count The number of displayed items - LIMIT on sql
* @param int $total The number of all items - a dbcount of total
* @param int $range The number of links before and after the current page
* @param string $link The base url before the appended part
* @param string $getname the variable name in the query string which stores
* the number of the current page
* @param boolean $button Displays as button
* @return boolean|string FALSE if $count is invalid
* @global array $locale
function makepagenav($start, $count, $total, $range = 0, $link = "", $getname = "rowstart", $button = FALSE) {
$locale = fusion_get_locale();
/* Bootstrap may be disabled in theme (see Gillette for example) without settings change in DB.
In such case this function will not work properly.
With this fix (used $settings instead fusion_get_settings) function will work.*/
if (fusion_get_settings("bootstrap") || defined('BOOTSTRAP')) {
$tpl_global = "\n";
$tpl_currpage = "%d\n";
$tpl_page = "%s\n";
$tpl_divider = "\n
"; $modal .= $debug; $modal .= "\n"; $modal .= closemodal(); PHPFusion\OutputHandler::addToFooter($modal); return FALSE; } if ($print == TRUE) { echo "
"; echo $debug; echo "\n"; } return $debug; } /** * Fetch the settings from the database * * @param string $key The key of one setting * * @return string[]|string Associative array of settings or one setting by key * if $key was given */ function fusion_get_settings($key = NULL) { // It is initialized only once because of 'static' static $settings = []; if (empty($settings) and defined('DB_SETTINGS') and dbconnection() && db_exists('settings')) { $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_SETTINGS); while ($data = dbarray($result)) { $settings[$data['settings_name']] = $data['settings_value']; } } return $key === NULL ? $settings : (isset($settings[$key]) ? $settings[$key] : NULL); } /** * Get Locale * Fetch a given locale key * * @param string $key - The key of one setting * @param string $include_file - The full path of the file which to be included, can be either string or array * * @return null */ function fusion_get_locale($key = NULL, $include_file = '') { $locale = \PHPFusion\Locale::getInstance('default'); if ($include_file) { $locale::setLocale($include_file); } return $locale->getLocale($key); } /** * Fetches username * * @param $user_id * * @return string */ function fusion_get_username($user_id) { $result = NULL; $result = (dbresult(dbquery("SELECT user_name FROM ".DB_USERS." WHERE user_id='".intval($user_id)."'"), 0)); return ($result !== NULL) ? $result : fusion_get_locale("na"); } /** * Get a user own data * * @param string $key - The column of one user information * * @return null */ function fusion_get_userdata($key = NULL) { global $userdata; if (empty($userdata)) { $userdata = ["user_level" => 0, "user_rights" => "", "user_groups" => "", "user_theme" => 'Default']; } $userdata = $userdata + [ "user_id" => 0, "user_name" => fusion_get_locale("user_guest"), "user_status" => 1, "user_level" => 0, "user_rights" => "", "user_groups" => "", "user_theme" => fusion_get_settings("theme"), ]; return $key === NULL ? $userdata : (isset($userdata[$key]) ? $userdata[$key] : NULL); } /** * Get any users data * * @param $user_id - the user id * @param null $key - the keys of your user id * * @return mixed */ function fusion_get_user($user_id, $key = NULL) { global $performance_test; static $user = []; if (!isset($user[$user_id]) && isnum($user_id)) { $user[$user_id] = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_USERS." WHERE user_id='".intval($user_id)."'")); // check how many times this query is made with the same user. $performance_test = $performance_test + 1; } if (!isset($user[$user_id])) { return NULL; } return $key === NULL ? $user[$user_id] : (isset($user[$user_id][$key]) ? $user[$user_id][$key] : NULL); } /** * Get Aidlink * * @return string */ function fusion_get_aidlink() { $aidlink = ''; if (defined('iADMIN') && iADMIN && defined('iAUTH')) { $aidlink = '?aid='.iAUTH; } return (string)$aidlink; } /** * Get form tokens * * @param $form_id * @param int $max_tokens * * @return string */ function fusion_get_token($form_id, $max_tokens = 5) { return \defender\Token::generate_token($form_id, $max_tokens); } /** * Fetch PM Settings * * @param $user_id * @param null $key - user_inbox, user_outbox, user_archive, user_pm_email_notify, user_pm_save_sent * * @return array|bool|null */ function user_pm_settings($user_id, $key = NULL) { return \PHPFusion\PrivateMessages::get_pm_settings($user_id, $key); } /** * Run the installer or halt the script */ function fusion_run_installer() { if (file_exists("install.php")) { redirect("install.php"); } else { die("No config.php or install.php files were found"); } } /*------------------------- * Language Handling +-------------------------/ /** * Define Site Language * @param $lang */ function define_site_language($lang) { if (valid_language($lang)) { define('LANGUAGE', $lang); define('LOCALESET', $lang.'/'); } } // Set the requested language function set_language($lang) { $userdata = fusion_get_userdata(); if (valid_language($lang)) { if (iMEMBER) { dbquery("UPDATE ".DB_USERS." SET user_language='".$lang."' WHERE user_id='".$userdata['user_id']."'"); } else { $rows = dbrows(dbquery("SELECT user_language FROM ".DB_LANGUAGE_SESSIONS." WHERE user_ip='".USER_IP."'")); if ($rows != 0) { dbquery("UPDATE ".DB_LANGUAGE_SESSIONS." SET user_language='".$lang."', user_datestamp='".time()."' WHERE user_ip='".USER_IP."'"); } else { dbquery("INSERT INTO ".DB_LANGUAGE_SESSIONS." (user_ip, user_language, user_datestamp) VALUES ('".USER_IP."', '".$lang."', '".TIME."');"); } // Sanitize guest sessions occasionally dbquery("DELETE FROM ".DB_LANGUAGE_SESSIONS." WHERE user_datestamp<'".(TIME - (86400 * 60))."'"); } } } /** * Check if a given language is valid or if exists * Checks whether a language can be found in enabled languages array * Can also be used to check whether a language actually exists * * @param string $lang * @param bool $file_check intended to be used when enabling languages in Admin Panel * * @return bool */ function valid_language($lang, $file_check = FALSE) { $enabled_languages = fusion_get_enabled_languages(); if (preg_match("/^([a-z0-9_-]){2,50}$/i", $lang) && ($file_check ? file_exists(LOCALE.$lang."/global.php") : isset($enabled_languages[$lang])) ) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } /** * Create a selection list of possible languages in list * * @param string $selected_language * * @return string * @todo rename it from get_available_languages_list to a more proper name * */ function get_available_languages_list($selected_language = "") { $enabled_languages = fusion_get_enabled_languages(); $res = ""; foreach ($enabled_languages as $language) { $sel = ($selected_language == $language ? " selected='selected'" : ""); $label = str_replace('_', ' ', $language); $res .= "\n"; } return $res; } /** * Get Language Switch Arrays * * @return array */ function fusion_get_language_switch() { static $language_switch = []; if (empty($language_link)) { $enabled_languages = fusion_get_enabled_languages(); foreach ($enabled_languages as $language => $language_name) { $link = clean_request('lang='.$language, ['lang'], FALSE); $language_switch[$language] = [ "language_name" => $language_name, "language_icon_s" => BASEDIR."locale/$language/$language-s.png", "language_icon" => BASEDIR."locale/$language/$language.png", "language_link" => $link, ]; } } return (array)$language_switch; } /** * Language switcher function * * @param bool|TRUE $icon */ function lang_switcher($icon = TRUE) { $locale = fusion_get_locale(); $enabled_languages = fusion_get_enabled_languages(); if (count($enabled_languages) <= 1) { return; } openside($locale['global_ML102']); echo "