$value) {
if ($value) {
$conditions[] = $value;
// reloop
$sql = "";
if (is_array($conditions)) {
foreach ($conditions as $arr => $value) {
if ($value) {
$sql .= ($arr == count($conditions) - 1) ? $value : "$value AND ";
if ($sql) {
$sql = "$statement $sql";
return $sql;
function filter_page_range() {
return ['5' => '5', '10' => '10', '15' => '15', '20' => '20', '25' => '25', '30' => '30', '50' => '50',
'100' => '100', '-' => 'All'];
function filter_show($row_start_key = FALSE, $items_per_page_key = FALSE) {
if (isset($_GET[$row_start_key]) || isset($_GET[$items_per_page_key])) {
$condition = '';
if ($_GET[$items_per_page_key]) { // WHEN show is available we set to rowstat, and show items.
$condition = " LIMIT ";
$condition .= (isset($_GET[$row_start_key]) && isnum($_GET[$row_start_key])) ? stripinput($_GET[$row_start_key]) : 0;
if (isset($_GET[$items_per_page_key]) && isnum($_GET[$items_per_page_key])) {
$condition .= ",".stripinput($_GET[$items_per_page_key]);
return $condition;
// Making Page Navigation
function makepagenav_filter($start, $count, $total, $range = 0, $link = "", $getname = "rowstart", $array = FALSE) {
if (!defined("PAGENAV")) {
define("PAGENAV", TRUE);
return makepagenav_js($start, $count, $total, $range = 0, $link = "", $getname = "rowstart", $showname = "show", $array = FALSE);
function makepagenav_nojs($start, $count, $total, $range = 0, $link = "", $getname = "rowstart", $array = FALSE) {
// start = 0, - is the get rowstart.
// count = item per page.
// total = total entries
// range = total buttons to show after 1
// link = append custom links
// getname = no need
// showname = no need
global $locale, $aidlink;
$fusion_query = ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ? str_replace("&", "&", $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) : "";
if ($link) {
$link = FUSION_SELF."?$fusion_query&";
if (!preg_match("#[0-9]+#", $count) || $count == 0)
return FALSE;
$getname = (empty($getname)) ? 'rowstart' : $getname;
$showname = (empty($showname)) ? 'show' : $showname;
$pg_cnt = ceil($total / $count);
if ($pg_cnt <= 1) {
return "";
$idx_back = $start - $count;
$idx_next = $start + $count;
$cur_page = ceil(($start + 1) / $count);
$res = "
".$locale['global_092']." ".$cur_page.$locale['global_093'].$pg_cnt.":
if ($idx_back >= 0) {
if ($cur_page > ($range + 1)) {
$res .= "1";
if ($cur_page != ($range + 2)) {
$res .= "...";
$idx_fst = max($cur_page - $range, 1);
$idx_lst = min($cur_page + $range, $pg_cnt);
if ($range == 0) {
$idx_fst = 1;
$idx_lst = $pg_cnt;
for ($i = $idx_fst; $i <= $idx_lst; $i++) {
$offset_page = ($i - 1) * $count;
if ($i == $cur_page) {
$res .= "".$i."";
} else {
$res .= "".$i."";
$resl = "";
if ($idx_next < $total) {
if ($cur_page < ($pg_cnt - $range)) {
if ($cur_page != ($pg_cnt - $range - 1)) {
$resl .= "...";
$res .= "$resl ".$pg_cnt."\n";
return "\n";
function makepagenav_js($start, $count, $total, $range = 0, $link = "", $getname = "rowstart", $array = FALSE) {
global $locale, $aidlink, $settings;
// start = 0, - is the get rowstart.
// count = item per page.
// total = total entries
// range = total buttons to show after 1
// link = append custom links
// getname = no need
if (!defined("PAGENAV")) {
define("PAGENAV", TRUE);
$fusion_query = ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ? str_replace("&", "&", $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) : "";
if (isset($_GET['rowstart'])) { // override old query string because this adds in.
$fusion_query = str_replace("&rowstart=".$_GET['rowstart']."", "", $fusion_query); // remove clean old base.
if ($link) {
$link = FUSION_SELF."?$fusion_query&";
$getname = (empty($getname)) ? 'rowstart' : $getname;
$pg_cnt = ceil($total / $count);
if ($pg_cnt <= 1) {
return "";
$number_of_pages = $total;
$cur_page = ceil(($start + 1) / $count);
if (!is_array($array)) {
$size = "small";
$alignment = "left";
$tooltip = 1;
} else {
$size = (array_key_exists("size", $array)) ? $array['size'] : "small";
$alignment = (array_key_exists("position", $array)) ? $array['position'] : "left";
$tooltip = (array_key_exists("tooltip", $array) && ($array['tooltip'] == 0)) ? "false" : "true";
$html = add_to_jquery("
var options = {
bootstrapMajorVersion: 3,
currentPage: $cur_page,
numberOfPages: $number_of_pages,
totalPages: $pg_cnt,
size: '$size',
alignment: '$alignment',
itemTexts: function (type, page, current) {
switch (type) {
case 'first':
return '';
case 'prev':
return '';
case 'next':
return '';
case 'last':
return '';
case 'page':
return page;
tooltipTitles: function (type, page, current) {
switch (type) {
case 'first':
return 'Start';
case 'prev':
return 'Previous';
case 'next':
return 'Next';
case 'last':
return 'Last';
itemContainerClass: function (type, page, current) {
return (page === current) ? 'active' : 'pointer-cursor';
pageUrl: function(type, page, current){
var offset_page = (page - 1) * $count;
return '".$link.$getname."='+offset_page;
onPageClicked: function(e,originalEvent,type,page){
// development debug only
//$('#alert-content').text('Page item clicked, type: '+type+' page: '+page);
$html .= "";
return $html;