0, 'poll_title' => '', 'poll_opt' => ['', ''], 'poll_started' => '', 'poll_ended' => '', 'poll_visibility' => '' ]; public function __construct() { self::$locale = fusion_get_locale("", POLLS_LOCALE); $_GET['action'] = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : ''; switch ($_GET['action']) { case 'delete': self::delete_poll($_GET['poll_id']); break; case 'poll_add': self::start_poll($_GET['poll_id']); break; case 'poll_lock': self::poll_lock($_GET['poll_id']); break; case 'poll_unlock': self::poll_unlock($_GET['poll_id']); break; default: break; } self::set_polldb(); if (defined('ADMIN_PANEL')) { add_to_title(self::$locale['POLL_001']); self::set_admin_polldb(); } } private function set_admin_polldb() { if (isset($_POST['save'])) { $poll_opt = []; $i = 0; while ($i < $_POST['opt_count']) { foreach ($_POST['poll_opt_'.$i] as $key => $value) { if ($value != '') { $poll_opt[$i][$key] = $value; } } $i++; } $poll_option = array_filter($poll_opt); $this->data = [ 'poll_id' => !empty($_GET['poll_id']) ? form_sanitizer($_GET['poll_id'], 0, 'poll_id') : 0, 'poll_title' => form_sanitizer($_POST['poll_title'], '', 'poll_title', TRUE), 'poll_opt' => serialize($poll_option), 'poll_visibility' => form_sanitizer($_POST['poll_visibility'], 0, 'poll_visibility'), 'poll_started' => form_sanitizer($_POST['poll_started'], 0, 'poll_started'), 'poll_ended' => (isset($_POST['poll_ended']) ? form_sanitizer($_POST['poll_ended'], 0, 'poll_ended') : 0) ]; if (\defender::safe()) { addNotice("success", $this->data['poll_id'] == 0 ? self::$locale['POLL_005'] : self::$locale['POLL_006']); dbquery_insert(DB_POLLS, $this->data, ($this->data['poll_id'] == 0 ? "save" : "update")); redirect(clean_request("", ["section=poll", "aid"], TRUE)); } } } public static function getInstance() { if (self::$instance === NULL) { self::$instance = new static(); } return self::$instance; } public function _selectFormPoll($id) { $result = dbquery("SELECT poll_id, poll_title, poll_opt, poll_started, poll_ended, poll_visibility FROM ".DB_POLLS." WHERE poll_id='".intval($id)."' "); $list = []; if (dbrows($result) > 0) { $list = dbarray($result); } return $list; } public function _selectPoll() { $result = dbquery("SELECT poll_id, poll_title, poll_opt, poll_started, poll_ended, poll_visibility FROM ".DB_POLLS." WHERE poll_id=COALESCE( ( SELECT poll_id FROM ".DB_POLLS." WHERE ".groupaccess('poll_visibility')." AND poll_started < ".time()." AND (poll_ended=0 OR poll_ended > ".time().") ORDER BY poll_started DESC LIMIT 1 ), ( SELECT poll_id FROM ".DB_POLLS." WHERE ".groupaccess('poll_visibility')." AND poll_started < ".time()." ORDER BY poll_started DESC LIMIT 1 ) ) "); if (dbrows($result)) { return dbarray($result); } else { return NULL; } } public function _selectVote($user, $pollid) { $whr = iMEMBER ? "vote_user='".$user."'" : "vote_user_ip='".USER_IP."'"; $result = dbquery("SELECT vote_id, vote_user, vote_opt, vote_user_ip, poll_id FROM ".DB_POLL_VOTES." WHERE poll_id='".$pollid."' AND ".$whr ); if (!dbrows($result)) { return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } public function _selectDB($rows) { $result = dbquery("SELECT poll_id, poll_title, poll_opt, poll_started, poll_ended, poll_visibility FROM ".DB_POLLS." WHERE ".groupaccess('poll_visibility')." ORDER BY poll_id DESC LIMIT ".intval($rows).", ".self::$limit ); return $result; } static function verify_poll($id) { if (isnum($id)) { return dbcount("(poll_id)", DB_POLLS, "poll_id='".intval($id)."'"); } return FALSE; } private static function delete_poll($id) { if (self::verify_poll($id)) { dbquery("DELETE FROM ".DB_POLLS." WHERE poll_id='".intval($id)."'"); addNotice('success', self::$locale['POLL_007']); redirect(clean_request("", ["section=poll", "aid"], TRUE)); } } private static function start_poll($id) { if (self::verify_poll($id)) { dbquery("UPDATE ".DB_POLLS." SET poll_started='".time()."' WHERE poll_id='".intval($id)."'"); addNotice('success', self::$locale['POLL_008']); redirect(clean_request("", ["section=poll", "aid"], TRUE)); } } private static function poll_lock($id) { if (self::verify_poll($id)) { dbquery("UPDATE ".DB_POLLS." SET poll_ended='".time()."' WHERE poll_id='".intval($id)."'"); addNotice('success', self::$locale['POLL_009']); redirect(clean_request("", ["section=poll", "aid"], TRUE)); } } private static function poll_unlock($id) { if (self::verify_poll($id)) { dbquery("UPDATE ".DB_POLLS." SET poll_ended='0' WHERE poll_id='".intval($id)."'"); addNotice('success', self::$locale['POLL_010']); redirect(clean_request("", ["section=poll", "aid"], TRUE)); } } public function _countVote($opt) { $poll_votes = dbcount("(vote_id)", DB_POLL_VOTES, $opt); return $poll_votes; } public function poll_listing() { $aidlink = fusion_get_aidlink(); $total_rows = dbcount("(poll_id)", DB_POLLS, groupaccess('poll_visibility')); $rowstart = isset($_GET['rowstart']) && ($_GET['rowstart'] <= $total_rows) ? $_GET['rowstart'] : 0; $result = $this->_selectDB($rowstart); $rows = dbrows($result); echo "
\n"; echo "".sprintf(self::$locale['POLL_011'], $rows, $total_rows)."\n"; echo "
\n"; echo ($total_rows > $rows) ? makepagenav($rowstart, self::$limit, $total_rows, self::$limit, clean_request("", ["aid", "section"], TRUE)."&") : ""; if ($rows > 0) { echo "
\n"; while ($data = dbarray($result)) { $title = unserialize($data['poll_title']); $poll_opt = unserialize($data['poll_opt']); echo "
\n"; echo "

".self::$locale['POLL_044']." ".getgroupname($data['poll_visibility'])."

\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; foreach ($title as $key => $info) { echo "

".(!empty($info) ? translate_lang_names($key).": ".$info : $info)."

\n"; } echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; $db_info = dbcount("(vote_opt)", DB_POLL_VOTES, "poll_id='".$data['poll_id']."'"); foreach ($poll_opt as $keys => $data1) { $text = ""; foreach ($data1 as $key => $inf) { $text .= "

".(!empty($inf) ? translate_lang_names($key).": ".$inf : $inf)."

\n"; } $num_votes = dbcount("(vote_opt)", DB_POLL_VOTES, "vote_opt='".$keys."' AND poll_id='".$data['poll_id']."'"); $opt_votes = ($num_votes ? number_format(($num_votes / $db_info) * 100, 0) : number_format(0 * 100, 0)); echo progress_bar($opt_votes, $text); echo "

".$opt_votes."% [".(format_word($num_votes, self::$locale['POLL_040']))."]

\n"; } echo "

".self::$locale['POLL_060'].' '.$db_info."

\n"; echo "

".self::$locale['POLL_048']." ".showdate("shortdate", $data['poll_started'])."

\n"; echo "

".self::$locale['POLL_064'].' '.($data['poll_started'] > time() ? self::$locale['POLL_065'] : (!empty($data['poll_ended']) && ($data['poll_ended'] < time()) ? self::$locale['POLL_024'] : self::$locale['POLL_067']))."

\n"; if (!empty($data['poll_ended']) && $data['poll_ended'] < time()) { echo "

".self::$locale['POLL_024'].": ".showdate("shortdate", $data['poll_ended'])."

\n"; } echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; // .col-xs-12 } echo "
\n"; } else { echo "
\n"; } } private function set_polldb() { if (isset($_POST['cast_vote']) && isset($_POST['poll_id']) && isset($_POST['check'])) { $result = dbquery("SELECT v.vote_user, v.vote_id, v.vote_user_ip, v.vote_user_ip_type, p.poll_id, p.poll_opt, p.poll_started, p.poll_ended FROM ".DB_POLLS." p LEFT JOIN ".DB_POLL_VOTES." v ON p.poll_id = v.poll_id WHERE ".groupaccess('poll_visibility')." AND p.poll_id='".intval($_POST['poll_id'])."' ORDER BY v.vote_id "); $data = []; while ($pdata = dbarray($result)) { $voters[] = iMEMBER ? $pdata['vote_user'] : $pdata['vote_user_ip']; $data = $pdata; } if ($data['poll_started'] < time() && (empty($data['poll_ended']) or ($data['poll_ended'] > time())) && (empty($voters) || !empty($data["poll_opt"]))) { $vote_save = [ 'vote_user' => iMEMBER ? fusion_get_userdata('user_id') : 0, 'vote_user_ip' => USER_IP, 'vote_user_ip_type' => USER_IP_TYPE, 'vote_opt' => form_sanitizer($_POST['check'], 0, 'check'), 'poll_id' => intval($_POST['poll_id']) ]; if (\defender::safe()) { dbquery_insert(DB_POLL_VOTES, $vote_save, "save"); addNotice('success', "".self::$locale['POLL_013']); } } else { addNotice('warning', "".self::$locale['POLL_014']); } redirect(clean_request()); } } public function poll_form() { fusion_confirm_exit(); $this->data['poll_started'] = time(); if ((isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == "edit") && (isset($_GET['poll_id']))) { if (self::verify_poll($_GET['poll_id'])) { $this->data = $this->_selectFormPoll(intval($_GET['poll_id'])); $this->data['poll_title'] = unserialize($this->data['poll_title']); $this->data['poll_opt'] = unserialize($this->data['poll_opt']); } } if (isset($_POST['addoption'])) { $this->data['poll_title'] = stripinput($_POST['poll_title']); $this->data['poll_visibility'] = stripinput($_POST['poll_visibility']); $i = 0; while ($i < $_POST['opt_count']) { $opt_field = "poll_opt_".$i; $this->data['poll_opt'][$i] = \defender::sanitize_array($_POST[$opt_field]); $i++; } // Add new selection $this->data['poll_opt'][$i] = ''; } $opt_count = count($this->data['poll_opt']); echo openform('addcat', 'post', FORM_REQUEST, ['class' => 'spacer-sm']); echo "
\n"; echo form_button('addoption', self::$locale['POLL_050'], self::$locale['POLL_050'], [ 'class' => 'btn-primary m-r-10', 'inline' => TRUE, 'icon' => 'fa fa-plus', 'input_id' => 'button_1' ]); echo form_button('save', self::$locale['POLL_052'], self::$locale['POLL_052'], [ 'class' => 'btn-success m-r-10', 'inline' => TRUE, 'icon' => 'fa fa-hdd-o', 'input_id' => 'button_2' ]); echo form_button('cancel', self::$locale['cancel'], self::$locale['cancel'], ['input_id' => 'button_3']); echo "
\n"; echo form_hidden('poll_id', '', $this->data['poll_id']); echo form_hidden('opt_count', '', $opt_count); echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo \PHPFusion\QuantumFields::quantum_multilocale_fields('poll_title', self::$locale['POLL_045'], $this->data['poll_title'], [ 'required' => TRUE, 'inline' => FALSE, 'placeholder' => self::$locale['POLL_069'], 'inner_width' => '100%']); echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; $i = 1; foreach ($this->data['poll_opt'] as $im1 => $data1) { $nam = "poll_opt_$im1"; echo \PHPFusion\QuantumFields::quantum_multilocale_fields($nam, self::$locale['POLL_046'].' '.$im1, $data1, [ 'required' => TRUE, 'inline' => TRUE, 'placeholder' => self::$locale['POLL_070'] ]); echo($i < $opt_count ? "
\n" : ''); $i++; } echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; openside(''); echo form_select('poll_visibility', self::$locale['POLL_044'], $this->data['poll_visibility'], [ "inline" => FALSE, 'width' => '100%', 'inner_width' => '100%', 'options' => fusion_get_groups() ]); echo form_datepicker('poll_started', self::$locale['POLL_048'], $this->data['poll_started'], ['inline' => FALSE, 'width' => '100%', 'inner_width' => '100%']); echo form_datepicker('poll_ended', self::$locale['POLL_049'], $this->data['poll_ended'], ['inline' => FALSE, 'width' => '100%', 'inner_width' => '100%']); closeside(); echo "
\n"; echo form_button('addoption', self::$locale['POLL_050'], self::$locale['POLL_050'], [ 'class' => 'btn-primary m-r-10', 'inline' => TRUE, 'icon' => 'fa fa-plus' ]); echo form_button('save', self::$locale['POLL_052'], self::$locale['POLL_052'], [ 'class' => 'btn-success m-r-10', 'inline' => TRUE, 'icon' => 'fa fa-hdd-o' ]); echo form_button('cancel', self::$locale['cancel'], self::$locale['cancel']); echo closeform(); } public function display_admin() { \PHPFusion\BreadCrumbs::getInstance()->addBreadCrumb(['link' => INFUSIONS.'member_poll_panel/poll_admin.php'.fusion_get_aidlink(), 'title' => self::$locale['POLL_001']]); if (isset($_POST['cancel'])) { redirect(clean_request('section=poll', ['aid'], TRUE)); } $allowed_section = ["poll", "poll_vote"]; $_GET['section'] = isset($_GET['section']) && in_array($_GET['section'], $allowed_section) ? $_GET['section'] : 'poll'; $edit = (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'edit') && isset($_GET['poll_id']) ? TRUE : FALSE; $_GET['poll_id'] = isset($_GET['poll_id']) && isnum($_GET['poll_id']) ? $_GET['poll_id'] : 0; if (isset($_GET['section']) && $_GET['section'] == 'poll_vote') { \PHPFusion\BreadCrumbs::getInstance()->addBreadCrumb(['link' => FUSION_REQUEST, 'title' => $edit ? self::$locale['POLL_042'] : self::$locale['POLL_043']]); } opentable(self::$locale['POLL_001']); $master_tab_title['title'][] = self::$locale['POLL_001']; $master_tab_title['id'][] = "poll"; $master_tab_title['icon'][] = "fa fa-bar-chart"; $master_tab_title['title'][] = $edit ? self::$locale['POLL_042'] : self::$locale['POLL_043']; $master_tab_title['id'][] = "poll_vote"; $master_tab_title['icon'][] = $edit ? 'fa fa-pencil' : 'fa fa-plus'; echo opentab($master_tab_title, $_GET['section'], "poll", TRUE); switch ($_GET['section']) { case "poll_vote": $this->poll_form(); break; default: $this->poll_listing(); break; } echo closetab(); closetable(); } public function DisplayPoll() { $res = $this->_selectPoll(); if (!$res) { return; } $poll_title = unserialize($res['poll_title']); $poll_opt = unserialize($res['poll_opt']); $data = [ 'poll_id' => $res['poll_id'], 'poll_title' => !empty($poll_title[LANGUAGE]) ? $poll_title[LANGUAGE] : "", 'poll_started' => $res['poll_started'], 'poll_ended' => $res['poll_ended'], 'poll_visibility' => $res['poll_visibility'], ]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($poll_opt); $i++) { $data['poll_option'][$i] = !empty($poll_opt[$i][LANGUAGE]) ? $poll_opt[$i][LANGUAGE] : ""; } $render = []; if (!empty($data)) { $data_user = checkgroup($data['poll_visibility']) && !empty($data['poll_title']) && ($data['poll_ended'] == 0 || $data['poll_ended'] > time()) ? $this->_selectVote(fusion_get_userdata((iMEMBER ? 'user_id' : 'user_ip')), $data['poll_id']) : TRUE; if ($data_user == FALSE) { $render['poll_table'][0]['max_vote'] = $this->_countVote("poll_id='".$data['poll_id']."'"); $render['poll_table'][0]['poll_title'] = $data['poll_title']; $form_action = clean_request(); $render['poll_table'][0]['poll_option'][] = openform('voteform', 'post', $form_action, ['enctype' => TRUE]); $render['poll_table'][0]['poll_option'][] = form_hidden('poll_id', '', $data['poll_id']); foreach ($data['poll_option'] as $im1 => $data1) { $render['poll_table'][0]['poll_option'][] = form_checkbox('check', $data1, '-1', ['reverse_label' => TRUE, 'type' => 'radio', 'value' => $im1, 'input_id' => 'check-'.$im1]); } $render['poll_table'][0]['poll_foot'][] = form_button("cast_vote", self::$locale['POLL_020'], self::$locale['POLL_020'], ['class' => 'btn-primary']); $render['poll_table'][0]['poll_foot'][] = closeform(); } else { if (!empty($data['poll_title']) && $data['poll_started'] < time()) { $render['poll_table'][0]['max_vote'] = $this->_countVote("poll_id='".$data['poll_id']."'"); $render['poll_table'][0]['poll_title'] = $data['poll_title']; foreach ($data['poll_option'] as $im1 => $data1) { $num_votes = $this->_countVote("vote_opt='".$im1."' AND poll_id='".$data['poll_id']."'"); $opt_votes = ($num_votes ? number_format(($num_votes / $render['poll_table'][0]['max_vote']) * 100, 0) : number_format(0 * 100, 0)); $render['poll_table'][0]['poll_option'][] = progress_bar($opt_votes, $data1); $render['poll_table'][0]['poll_option'][] = $opt_votes."% [".format_word($num_votes, self::$locale['POLL_040'])."]"; } $render['poll_table'][0]['poll_foot'][] = self::$locale['POLL_060']." ".$render['poll_table'][0]['max_vote']; $render['poll_table'][0]['poll_foot'][] = self::$locale['POLL_048']." ".showdate("shortdate", $data['poll_started']); if ($data['poll_started'] < time() && (!empty($data['poll_ended']) && ($data['poll_ended'] < time()))) { $render['poll_table'][0]['poll_foot'][] = self::$locale['POLL_049'].": ".showdate("shortdate", $data['poll_ended']); } } } $render['poll_tablename'] = self::$locale['POLL_001']; if (dbcount("(poll_id)", DB_POLLS, groupaccess('poll_visibility')) > 1) { $render['poll_arch'] = "".self::$locale['POLL_063'].""; } render_poll($render); } } public function PollArchive() { opentable(self::$locale['POLL_002']); $total_rows = dbcount("(poll_id)", DB_POLLS, groupaccess('poll_visibility')); $rowstart = isset($_GET['rowstart']) && ($_GET['rowstart'] <= $total_rows) ? $_GET['rowstart'] : 0; $result = $this->_selectDB($rowstart); $rows = dbrows($result); if ($rows > 0) { echo "
\n"; while ($data = dbarray($result)) { $title = unserialize($data['poll_title']); $poll_opt = unserialize($data['poll_opt']); echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; foreach ($title as $key => $info) { echo "

".(!empty($info) ? translate_lang_names($key).": ".$info : $info)."

\n"; } echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; $db_info = dbcount("(vote_opt)", DB_POLL_VOTES, "poll_id='".$data['poll_id']."'"); foreach ($poll_opt as $keys => $data1) { $text = ""; foreach ($data1 as $key => $inf) { $text .= (!empty($inf) ? translate_lang_names($key).": ".$inf : $inf); } $num_votes = dbcount("(vote_opt)", DB_POLL_VOTES, "vote_opt='".$keys."' AND poll_id='".$data['poll_id']."'"); $opt_votes = ($num_votes ? number_format(($num_votes / $db_info) * 100, 0) : number_format(0 * 100, 0)); echo progress_bar($opt_votes, $text); echo "

".$opt_votes."% [".format_word($num_votes, self::$locale['POLL_040'])."]

\n"; } echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; // .col-xs-12 } echo "
\n"; echo ($total_rows > $rows) ? '
'.makepagenav($rowstart, self::$limit, $total_rows, self::$limit, INFUSIONS."member_poll_panel/polls_archive.php?").'
' : ""; } else { echo "
\n"; } closetable(); } }