\r\n Your account at [SITENAME] has been created.
\r\nYou can now login using the following details:
\r\n Username: [USER_NAME]
\r\nPassword: [PASSWORD]
\r\n[SITEUSERNAME]"; $locale['email_activate_subject'] = "Account activated at [SITENAME]"; $locale['email_activate_message'] = "Hello [USER_NAME],
\r\nYour account at [SITENAME] has been activated.
\r\n You can now login using your chosen username and password.
\r\n[SITEUSERNAME]"; $locale['email_deactivate_subject'] = "Account reactivation required at [SITENAME]"; $locale['email_deactivate_message'] = "Hello [USER_NAME],
\r\nIt has been [DEACTIVATION_PERIOD] day(s) since you last logged in at [SITENAME]. Your user has been marked as inactive but all your account details and content remains intact.
\r\n To reactivate your account simply click the following link: [REACTIVATION_LINK]
\r\n[SITEUSERNAME]"; $locale['email_ban_subject'] = "Your account on [SITENAME] has been banned"; $locale['email_ban_message'] = "Hello [USER_NAME],
\r\nYour account on [SITENAME] has been banned by [ADMIN_USERNAME] because of the following reason:
\r\n [REASON]
\r\nIf you want more information about this ban, please, contact the site administrator at [SITENAME].
\r\n[SITEUSERNAME]"; $locale['email_secban_subject'] = "Your account on [SITENAME] has been banned"; $locale['email_secban_message'] = "Hello [USER_NAME],
\r\nYour account on [SITENAME] has been banned by [ADMIN_USERNAME] because of some actions accredited to you or linked to your account were considered a security threat to the site.
\r\n If you want more information about this security ban, please, contact the site administrator at [SITENAME].
\r\n[SITEUSERNAME]"; $locale['email_suspend_subject'] = "Your account on [SITENAME] has been suspended"; $locale['email_suspend_message'] = "Hello [USER_NAME],
\r\n Your account on [SITENAME] has been suspended by [ADMIN_USERNAME] until [DATE] (site time) because of the following reason:
\r\n [REASON]
\r\nIf you want more information about this suspension, please, contact the site administrator at [SITENAME].
\r\n[SITEUSERNAME]"; $locale['email_resend_subject'] = "Re-sent activation link - [SITENAME]"; $locale['email_resend_message'] = "Hello [USER_NAME],
\r\n You received this email because you did not activate the email on our site - [SITENAME].
\r\nIf you do not activate an email within one day, your registration request will be canceled.
\r\n You have registered with the following information:
\r\nUsername: [USER_NAME]
\r\n You can activate account with the following link: