Are you sure you want to Disable this Permalink?"; $locale['PL_415'] = "Permalink Rules will transform various site URLs to Search Engine Friendly URLs with options to customize the URL structure for your site.
You can turn on the Permalinks in the Settings Tab if your server supports mod_rewrite. You activate the various Permalinks found in the Disabled tab. You can edit the rules to further customize an URL to your preference directly in each Permalink module.

Please note that mod_rewrite or it's equivalent is required for Permalinks to work."; // Admin Messages $locale['PL_420'] = "An Error occurred."; $locale['PL_421'] = "Permalinks Updated successfully."; $locale['PL_422'] = "No Permalink patterns found for %s."; $locale['PL_423'] = "Permalink not found."; $locale['PL_424'] = "Enabled Permalinks for %s successfully."; $locale['PL_425'] = "Permalinks for %s are already enabled."; $locale['PL_426'] = "Disabled Permalinks for %s successfully."; $locale['PL_429'] = "Permalink Driver for %s"; // Other $locale['PL_427'] = "No Permalinks are enabled."; $locale['PL_428'] = "Permalinks"; $locale['seo_htc_warning'] = "Please note that if you change any of these settings the content of `.htaccess` will be overwritten and any changes previously done to this file will be lost."; $locale['rewrite_disabled'] = "It looks like `mod_rewrite` is not enabled on your host. Enabling SEF urls might break your website. Please contact your hosting provider about enabling `mod_rewrite` on your host.";